
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package sigma

    The following implicit values are used as type descriptors of all the predefined Sigma types.

    The following implicit values are used as type descriptors of all the predefined Sigma types.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    RType class

  • package ast
    Definition Classes
  • package crypto
    Definition Classes
  • package data

    Contains cores definitions which serves as a basis for sigma package implementations.

    Contains cores definitions which serves as a basis for sigma package implementations.

    Definition Classes
  • package eval
    Definition Classes
  • AvlTreeVerifier
  • CostDetails
  • ErgoTreeEvaluator
  • EvalSettings
  • Extensions
  • GivenCost
  • Profiler
  • TracedCost
  • package exceptions
    Definition Classes
  • package impl
    Definition Classes
  • package interpreter
    Definition Classes
  • package kiama

    Kiama is a Scala library for language processing.

    Kiama is a Scala library for language processing. It is a project of the Programming Languages Research Group at Macquarie University. For full project details see the web site

    Kiama's main components address tree decoration via attribute grammars (package attribution), tree transformation via strategic term rewriting (package rewriting), dynamic semantics (package machine) and pretty-printing (package output).

    The util package contains support modules for parsing, input/output, read-eval-print loops (REPLs) and pattern matching.

    The examples package (available as part of the Kiama tests) contains many examples of using Kiama to solve small to medium language processing problems.

    Definition Classes
  • package reflection

    Contains the Sigma Reflection API.

    Contains the Sigma Reflection API. Sigma reflection is a mechanism for obtaining metadata about classes, methods, fields, etc. at runtime. It is used by kiama to rewrite ErgoTree expressions. It is also used by the ErgoTree interpreter to implement MethodCall nodes.

    The Sigma Reflection API has two implementations: 1) based on the Java Reflection API 2) based on Sigma Reflection metadata declared in the StaticImpl.scala file

    Definition Classes
  • package serialization
    Definition Classes
  • package util
    Definition Classes
  • package utils
    Definition Classes
  • package validation
    Definition Classes
  • package wrappers
    Definition Classes

package eval

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. eval
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AvlTreeVerifier extends AnyRef

    Represents a verifier of authenticated AVL+ tree created from a proof.

    Represents a verifier of authenticated AVL+ tree created from a proof. The verifier holds the tree data parsed from the proof.

  2. abstract class CostDetails extends AnyRef

    Abstract representation of cost results obtained during evaluation.

  3. abstract class ErgoTreeEvaluator extends AnyRef
  4. case class EvalSettings(isMeasureOperationTime: Boolean, isMeasureScriptTime: Boolean, isDebug: Boolean = false, isLogEnabled: Boolean = false, costTracingEnabled: Boolean = false, profilerOpt: Option[Profiler] = None, isTestRun: Boolean = false, printTestVectors: Boolean = false, evaluationMode: Option[EvaluationMode] = None, scriptCostLimitInEvaluator: Int = 1000000) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration parameters of the evaluation run.

  5. case class GivenCost(cost: JitCost, actualTimeNano: Option[Long] = None) extends CostDetails with Product with Serializable

    Result of cost evaluation represented using simple given value.

    Result of cost evaluation represented using simple given value. Used to represent cost of AOT costing.


    the given value of the total cost


    measured time of execution (if some)

  6. abstract class Profiler extends AnyRef
  7. case class TracedCost(trace: Seq[CostItem], actualTimeNano: Option[Long] = None) extends CostDetails with Product with Serializable

    Detailed results of cost evaluation represented by trace.

    Detailed results of cost evaluation represented by trace. NOTE: the trace is obtained during execution of ErgoTree operations.


    accumulated trace of all cost items (empty for AOT costing)


    measured time of execution (if some)

Value Members

  1. val SigmaDsl: CSigmaDslBuilder.type

    The primary reference to Global instance of SigmaDsl.

    The primary reference to Global instance of SigmaDsl. Besides operations of SigmaDslBuilder class, this instance also contains methods, which are not available in Dsl code, and which are not in SigmaDslBuilder interface. For example methods like Box, toErgoBox are available here, but not available in Dsl.

    See also


  2. def ensureTypeCarringValue(v: Any, tT: RType[Any]): Any

    Encapsulate platform-specific logic of ensuring the value carries its precise type.

    Encapsulate platform-specific logic of ensuring the value carries its precise type. For JVM this is identity function. For JS it can transform to AnyValue, if the type is numeric

  3. object CostDetails
  4. object ErgoTreeEvaluator
  5. object EvalSettings extends Serializable
  6. object Extensions

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
