All Classes and Interfaces

Informs that port was successfully bound and got a specified connection id.
Information about a cookie that is affected by an inspector issue.
Information about the frame affected by an inspector issue.
Information about a request that is affected by an inspector issue.
Animation instance.
AnimationEffect instance
Detailed application cache information.
Detailed application cache resource information.
Error while paring app manifest.
Parsed app manifest properties.
Index of the string in the strings table.
Issued when attached to target because of auto-attach or `attachToTarget` command.
Fired when `Element`'s attribute is modified.
Fired when `Element`'s attribute is removed.
Protocol object for AudioListner
Notifies that a new AudioListener has been created.
Protocol object for AudioNode
Notifies that an existing AudioNode has been destroyed.
Protocol object for AudioParam
Notifies that an existing AudioParam has been destroyed.
Audits domain allows investigation of page violations and possible improvements.
Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407.
Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407.
Response to an AuthChallenge.
Response to an AuthChallenge.
Issued when the domain is enabled with handleAuthRequests set to true.
Enum of AudioParam::AutomationRate from the spec
A node in the accessibility tree.
Unique accessibility node identifier.
Values of AXProperty name: - from 'busy' to 'roledescription': states which apply to every AX node - from 'live' to 'root': attributes which apply to nodes in live regions - from 'autocomplete' to 'valuetext': attributes which apply to widgets - from 'checked' to 'selected': states which apply to widgets - from 'activedescendant' to 'owns' - relationships between elements other than parent/child/sibling.
A single computed AX property.
Enum of possible native property sources (as a subtype of a particular AXValueSourceType).
A single source for a computed AX property.
Enum of possible property sources.
Enum of possible property types.
Backend node with a friendly name.
Unique DOM node identifier used to reference a node that may not have been pushed to the front-end.
Defines events for background web platform features.
Protocol object for BaseAudioContext
Notification is issued every time when binding is called.
Details for a request that has been blocked with the BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE code.
Enum indicating the reason a response has been blocked.
A cookie with was not sent with a request with the corresponding reason.
The reason why request was blocked.
A cookie which was not stored from a response with the corresponding reason.
Browser window bounds information
Box model.
Breakpoint identifier.
Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.
The Browser domain defines methods and events for browser managing.
Chrome histogram bucket.
Cache identifier.
Information about the cached resource.
Cached response
type of HTTP response cached
Unique identifier of the Cache object.
A cache's contents have been modified.
Represents function call argument.
JavaScript call frame.
Stack entry for runtime errors and assertions.
Call frame identifier.
A domain for interacting with Cast, Presentation API, and Remote Playback API functionalities.
The action to take when a certificate error occurs.
An internal certificate ID value.
Details about the security state of the page certificate.
Whether the request complied with Certificate Transparency policy.
Enum of AudioNode::ChannelCountMode from the spec
Enum of AudioNode::ChannelInterpretation from the spec
Mirrors `DOMCharacterDataModified` event.
Fired when `Container`'s child node count has changed.
Mirrors `DOMNodeInserted` event.
Mirrors `DOMNodeRemoved` event.
Issued for every compilation cache generated.
A subset of the full ComputedStyle as defined by the request whitelist.
The underlying connection technology that the browser is supposedly using.
Issued when console API was called.
Console message.
Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.
Fields in AudioContext that change in real-time.
Enum of AudioContextState from the spec
Enum of BaseAudioContext types
Cookie object
Types of reasons why a cookie may not be sent with a request.
Cookie parameter object
Represents the cookie's 'Priority' status:
Represents the cookie's 'SameSite' status:
Collected counter information.
Coverage data for a source range.
This domain exposes CSS read/write operations.
CSS keyframe rule representation.
CSS keyframes rule representation.
CSS media rule descriptor.
CSS property declaration data.
CSS rule representation.
CSS style representation.
CSS stylesheet metainformation.
Database object.
Unique identifier of Database object.
Database with an array of object stores.
Data entry.
Data entry.
Fired when data chunk was received over the network.
Debugger domain exposes JavaScript debugging capabilities.
Debug symbols available for a wasm script.
Issued when detached from target for any reason (including `detachFromTarget` command).
Javascript dialog type.
Called when distrubution is changed.
Document snapshot.
This domain exposes DOM read/write operations.
Description of the protocol domain.
DOM breakpoint type.
DOM debugging allows setting breakpoints on particular DOM operations and events.
A Node in the DOM tree.
This domain facilitates obtaining document snapshots with DOM, layout, and style information.
Query and modify DOM storage.
Fired when download makes progress.
Fired when page is about to start a download.
This domain emulates different environments for the page.
Database error.
Network level fetch failure reason.
Object event listener.
A key-value pair for additional event information to pass along.
Fired when EventSource message is received.
Detailed information about exception (or error) that was thrown during script compilation or execution.
Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.
Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.
Description of an isolated world.
Id of an execution context.
A domain for letting clients substitute browser's network layer with client code.
Emitted only when `page.interceptFileChooser` is enabled.
Properties of a web font:
Generic font families collection.
Default font sizes.
Information about the Frame on the page.
Fired when frame has been attached to its parent.
Unique frame identifier.
Fired when a renderer-initiated navigation is requested.
Information about the Resource on the page.
Information about the Frame hierarchy along with their cached resources.
Information about the Frame hierarchy.
Frame identifier - manifest URL pair.
Coverage data for a JavaScript function.
Describes a single graphics processor (GPU).
Provides information about the GPU(s) on the system.
An unique ID for a graph object (AudioContext, AudioNode, AudioParam) in Web Audio API
Configuration data for the highlighting of Grid elements.
Response HTTP header entry
Request / response headers as keys / values of JSON object.
This domain provides experimental commands only supported in headless mode.
Heap snapshot object id.
Configuration data for the highlighting of page elements.
Configuration for dual screen hinge
Chrome histogram.
Describes a supported image decoding profile with its associated minimum and maximum resolutions and subsampling.
Image format of a given image.
The origin's IndexedDB object store has been modified.
Inherited CSS rule collection from ancestor node.
Information about the request initiator.
Details of post layout rendered text positions.
An inspector issue reported from the back-end.
A unique identifier for the type of issue.
This struct holds a list of optional fields with additional information specific to the kind of issue.
Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).
The installability error
Unique intercepted request identifier.
Stages of the interception to begin intercepting.
Object internal property descriptor.
Input/Output operations for streams produced by DevTools.
DOM Storage item.
Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) has been closed.
Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) is about to open.
Keyframes Rule
Keyframe Style
Key path.
Key range.
If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp.
Information about a compositing layer.
Unique Layer identifier.
Details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.
Table of details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.
Layout viewport position and dimensions.
Fired for top level page lifecycle events such as navigation, load, paint, etc.
Unique loader identifier.
Fired when HTTP request has failed to load.
Fired when HTTP request has finished loading.
Location in the source code.
Provides access to log entries.
Log entry.
This domain allows detailed inspection of media elements
Media query descriptor.
Media query expression descriptor.
Configuration for memory dump.
Run-time execution metric.
Current values of the metrics.
A description of mixed content (HTTP resources on HTTPS pages), as defined by
Executable module information
Monotonically increasing time in seconds since an arbitrary point in the past.
A name/value pair.
Fired when same-document navigation happens, e.g.
Navigation history entry.
Network domain allows tracking network activities of the page.
DOM interaction is implemented in terms of mirror objects that represent the actual DOM nodes.
Unique DOM node identifier.
Notifies that an AudioNode is connected to an AudioParam.
Notifies that an AudioNode is disconnected to an AudioParam.
Notifies that two AudioNodes are connected.
Notifies that AudioNodes are disconnected.
Table containing nodes.
Enum of AudioNode types
Object containing abbreviated remote object value.
Object store.
Object store index.
This domain provides various functionality related to drawing atop the inspected page.
Actions and events related to the inspected page belong to the page domain.
Array of timings, one per paint step.
Enum of AudioParam types
Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.
Definition of PermissionDescriptor defined in the Permissions API:
Serialized fragment of layer picture along with its offset within the layer.
Information about amount of glyphs that were rendered with given font.
Corresponds to kMediaError
Send a list of any errors that need to be delivered.
Corresponds to kMediaEventTriggered
Send events as a list, allowing them to be batched on the browser for less congestion.
Players will get an ID that is unique within the agent context.
Have one type per entry in MediaLogRecord::Type Corresponds to kMessage
Send a list of any messages that need to be delivered.
This can be called multiple times, and can be used to set / override / remove player properties.
Corresponds to kMediaPropertyChange
Specifies a number of samples attributed to a certain source position.
Reports coverage delta since the last poll (either from an event like this, or from `takePreciseCoverage` for the current isolate.
Memory pressure level.
Object private field descriptor.
Represents process info.
Profile node.
Object property descriptor.
Called when a pseudo element is added to an element.
CSS rule collection for a single pseudo style.
Called when a pseudo element is removed from an element.
Pseudo element type.
An array of quad vertices, x immediately followed by y for each point, points clock-wise.
Data that is only present on rare nodes.
Notifies about a new protocol message received from the session (as reported in `attachedToTarget` event).
Called when the recording state for the service has been updated.
The referring-policy used for the navigation.
Mirror object referencing original JavaScript object.
Unique object identifier.
HTTP request data.
Unique request identifier.
Unique request identifier.
Request pattern for interception.
Issued when the domain is enabled and the request URL matches the specified filter.
Stages of the request to handle.
Fired when page is about to send HTTP request.
Fired when additional information about a requestWillBeSent event is available from the network stack.
Fired when resource loading priority is changed
Loading priority of a resource request.
Timing information for the request.
Resource type as it was perceived by the rendering engine.
HTTP response data.
Fired when HTTP response is available.
Fired when additional information about a responseReceived event is available from the network stack.
A structure holding an RGBA color.
Match data for a CSS rule.
CSS coverage information.
Runtime domain exposes JavaScript runtime by means of remote evaluation and mirror objects.
This information is currently necessary, as the front-end has a difficult time finding a specific cookie.
Sampling profile.
Sampling Heap Profile node.
A single sample from a sampling profile.
Array of heap profile samples.
Heap profile sample.
Scope description.
Compressed image data requested by the `startScreencast`.
Screencast frame metadata.
Screen orientation.
Encoding options for a screenshot.
Coverage data for a JavaScript script.
Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.
Unique script identifier.
Unique script identifier.
Enum of possible script languages.
Fired when virtual machine parses script.
Location in the source code.
Type profile data collected during runtime for a JavaScript script.
Rectangle where scrolling happens on the main thread.
Search match for resource.
Security details about a request.
The security level of a page or resource.
The security state of the page changed.
An explanation of an factor contributing to the security state.
Selector list data.
The Background Service that will be associated with the commands/events.
ServiceWorker error message.
ServiceWorker registration.
Source of serviceworker response.
ServiceWorker version.
Unique identifier of attached debugging session.
Fired when backend wants to provide client with the missing DOM structure.
Types of reasons why a cookie may not be stored from a response.
Called when shadow root is popped from the element.
Called when shadow root is pushed into the element.
Shadow root type.
CSS Shape Outside details.
Details of a signed certificate timestamp (SCT).
Information about a signed exchange response.
Field type for a signed exchange related error.
Information about a signed exchange header.
Information about a signed exchange response.
Fired when a signed exchange was received over the network
Information about a signed exchange signature.
Describes the width and height dimensions of an entity.
Unique snapshot identifier.
Text range within a resource.
Call frames for assertions or error messages.
If `debuggerId` is set stack trace comes from another debugger and can be resolved there.
Sticky position constraints.
DOM Storage identifier.
Enum of possible storage types.
Compression type to use for traces returned via streams.
Data format of a trace.
This is either obtained from another method or specifed as `blob:<uuid>` where `<uuid&gt` is an UUID of a Blob.
Index of the string in the strings table.
A descriptor of operation to mutate style declaration text.
Stylesheet type: "injected" for stylesheets injected via extension, "user-agent" for user-agent stylesheets, "inspector" for stylesheets created by the inspector (i.e.
YUV subsampling type of the pixels of a given image.
The SystemInfo domain defines methods and events for querying low-level system information.
Supports additional targets discovery and allows to attach to them.
Issued when a target has crashed.
The Tethering domain defines methods and events for browser port binding.
Table of details of the post layout rendered text positions.
Number of milliseconds.
UTC time in seconds, counted from January 1, 1970.
UTC time in seconds, counted from January 1, 1970.
Number of milliseconds since epoch.
Signals that tracing is stopped and there is no trace buffers pending flush, all data were delivered via dataCollected events.
Transition type.
Describes a type collected during runtime.
Source offset and types for a parameter or return value.
Unique identifier of current debugger.
Primitive value which cannot be JSON-stringified.
Usage for a storage type.
Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate.
Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate.
Data for a simple selector (these are delimited by commas in a selector list).
Describes a supported video decoding profile with its associated minimum and maximum resolutions.
Describes a supported video encoding profile with its associated maximum resolution and maximum framerate.
Viewport for capturing screenshot.
Violation configuration setting.
advance: If the scheduler runs out of immediate work, the virtual time base may fast forward to allow the next delayed task (if any) to run; pause: The virtual time base may not advance; pauseIfNetworkFetchesPending: The virtual time base may not advance if there are any pending resource fetches.
Security state information about the page.
Visual viewport position, dimensions, and scale.
This domain allows inspection of Web Audio API.
This domain allows configuring virtual authenticators to test the WebAuthn API.
Fired when WebSocket is closed.
Fired upon WebSocket creation.
WebSocket message data.
Fired when WebSocket message error occurs.
Fired when WebSocket message is received.
Fired when WebSocket message is sent.
Fired when WebSocket handshake response becomes available.
WebSocket request data.
WebSocket response data.
Fired when WebSocket is about to initiate handshake.
Fired when a new window is going to be opened, via, link click, form submission, etc.
The state of the browser window.