All Classes and Interfaces

A form of Config that is generated by looking at fields in the constructor arg that are annotated with ConfigValue.
A config value is read by an AnnotatedConfig to automatically allow a Config to be created.
Default matching implementation for slots, loosely based on the requirements for capability matching from the WebDriver spec.
Represents a configurable attribute of the Selenium Grid.
Responsible for being the central place where the Nodes on which Sessions run are determined.
Exposes environment variables as config settings by mapping "section.option" to "SECTION_OPTION".
Allows an implementation of something to be marked as startable and stoppable, allowing its lifecycle to be controlled.
An in-memory implementation of the list of new session requests.
A place where individual webdriver sessions are running.
A form of Config that is generated by looking at fields in the constructor arg that are annotated with ConfigValue.
Abstract class designed to do things like protocol conversion.
A simple router that is aware of the selenium-protocol.
Server<T extends Server>
Represents a running instance of a WebDriver session.
Provides a stable API for looking up where on the Grid a particular webdriver instance is running.
Used to determine how a Slot can match its stereotype to the capabilities sent in a particular New Session request.
Used to determine which Node to send a particular New Session request to.
An HttpHandler that obeys the contracted required by a Kubernetes health check, but which reads a selenium `/status` endpoint.
Custom java.util.logging formatter providing compact output.
An EventBus backed by ZeroMQ.