All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class to work with fields in Page Objects.
An element locator that will wait for the specified number of seconds for an element to appear, rather than failing instantly if it's not present.
Mechanism used to locate elements within a document using a series of lookups.
Mechanism used to locate elements within a document using a series of other lookups.
Marker annotation to be applied to WebElements to indicate that it never changes (that is, that the same instance in the DOM will always be used)
The default element locator, which will lazily locate an element or an element list on a page.
Default decorator for use with PageFactory.
A factory for producing ElementLocators.
EventFiringDecorator<T extends org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver>
This decorator creates a wrapper around an arbitrary WebDriver instance that notifies registered listeners about events happening in this WebDriver and derived objects, such as WebElements and Alert.
Models a condition that might reasonably be expected to eventually evaluate to something that is neither null nor false.
Canned ExpectedConditions which are generally useful within webdriver tests.
Allows the PageFactory to decorate fields.
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of @FindBy tags It will then search for all elements that match any of the FindBy criteria.
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate an alternative mechanism for locating the element or a list of elements.
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of @FindBy tags in a chain as described in ByChained
An implementation of the Wait interface that may have its timeout and polling interval configured on the fly.
Created by evgeniyat on 13.05.16
Represents any abstraction of something that can be loaded.
Factory class to make using Page Objects simpler and easier.
Used for finding elements by their location on a page, rather than their position on the DOM.
Models a SELECT tag, providing helper methods to select and deselect options.
Abstraction around Thread.sleep(long) to permit better testability.
A LoadableComponent which might not have finished loading when load() returns.
Multithreaded client code should use this to assert that it accesses webdriver in a thread-safe manner.
A generic interface for waiting until a condition is true or not null.
Classes that implement this interface are intended to be used with EventFiringDecorator, read documentation for this class to find detailed usage description.
A specialization of FluentWait that uses WebDriver instances.