

package document

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class RichAttribute extends AnyVal with PimpedType[Attribute]

  2. final class RichAttributeUpdate extends AnyVal with PimpedType[AttributeUpdate]

  3. final class RichBatchGetItemOutcome extends AnyVal with PimpedType[BatchGetItemOutcome]

  4. final class RichBatchWriteItemOutcome extends AnyVal with PimpedType[BatchWriteItemOutcome]

  5. final class RichDeleteItemOutcome extends AnyVal with PimpedType[DeleteItemOutcome]

  6. final class RichDynamoDB extends AnyVal with PimpedType[DynamoDB]

  7. final class RichExpected extends AnyVal with PimpedType[Expected]

  8. final class RichFilter[T <: Filter[T]] extends AnyVal with PimpedType[Filter[T]]

  9. final class RichGetItemOutcome extends AnyVal with PimpedType[GetItemOutcome]

  10. final class RichIndex extends AnyVal with PimpedType[Index]

  11. final class RichItem extends AnyVal with PimpedType[Item]

  12. final class RichItemCollection[R] extends AnyVal with PimpedType[ItemCollection[R]]

  13. final class RichPage[A, B] extends AnyVal with PimpedType[Page[A, B]]

  14. final class RichPageBasedCollection[T, R] extends AnyVal with PimpedType[PageBasedCollection[T, R]]

  15. final class RichPrimaryKey extends AnyVal with PimpedType[PrimaryKey]

  16. final class RichPutItemOutcome extends AnyVal with PimpedType[PutItemOutcome]

  17. final class RichQueryOutcome extends AnyVal with PimpedType[QueryOutcome]

  18. final class RichRangeKeyCondition extends AnyVal with PimpedType[RangeKeyCondition]

  19. final class RichScanOutcome extends AnyVal with PimpedType[ScanOutcome]

  20. final class RichTable extends AnyVal with PimpedType[Table]

  21. final class RichTableKeysAndAttributes extends AnyVal with PimpedType[TableKeysAndAttributes]

  22. final class RichTableWriteItems extends AnyVal with PimpedType[TableWriteItems]

  23. final class RichUpdateItemOutcome extends AnyVal with PimpedType[UpdateItemOutcome]
