
package skinny

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ClassPathResource(stream: InputStream, lastModified: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Resource loaded from class path.

  2. case class I18n(locale: Locale = null) extends Product with Serializable

    i18n message provider.

  3. sealed trait ParamType extends AnyRef

    Strong parameter type definition.

  4. class PermittedStrongParameters extends AnyRef

    Permitted strong parameters.

  5. trait SkinnyModel[Id, Model] extends AnyRef

    Model interface for SkinnyResource.

  6. case class StrongParameters(params: Map[String, Any]) extends Product with Serializable

    Strong parameters which is inspired by Rails4's mass assignment protection.

Value Members

  1. object ClassPathResourceLoader

    Class path resource loader.

  2. object ParamType

    Strong parameter type definition.

  3. object SkinnyEnv

    Skinny Env value (key: "skinny.

  4. package exception

  5. package util
