

package feature

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ActionDefinitionFeature extends ScalatraBase

    Action definitions for this controller.

  2. trait AngularJSONFeature extends JSONFeature with AngularJSONStringOps

    Angular application's server side API support.

  3. trait AngularXHRServerFeature extends AngularJSONFeature with JSONParamsAutoBinderFeature with AngularXSRFProtectionFeature

    Server side implementation for Angular apps.

  4. trait AngularXSRFCookieProviderFeature extends AnyRef


  5. trait AngularXSRFProtectionFeature extends AngularXSRFCookieProviderFeature


  6. trait BeforeAfterActionFeature extends ScalatraBase

    beforeAction/afterAction support.

  7. trait CSRFProtectionFeature extends CsrfTokenSupport

    Provides Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection.

  8. trait ChunkedResponseFeature extends AnyRef

    Chunked Response (Transfer-Encoding: chunked).

  9. trait EnvFeature extends ScalatraBase

    SkinnyEnv support.

  10. trait ExplicitRedirectFeature extends SkinnyScalatraBase

    Explicit redirect method support.

  11. trait FileUploadFeature extends FileUploadSupport

    File upload feature.

  12. trait FlashFeature extends FlashMapSupport

    Easy-to-use Flash support.

  13. trait FutureOpsFeature extends AnyRef

    Provides seamless Future operations within SkinnyController.

  14. trait JSONFeature extends JacksonJsonSupport with JSONStringOps

    JSON response support.

  15. trait JSONParamsAutoBinderFeature extends SkinnyScalatraBase with JSONFeature with logging.Logging

    Merging JSON request body into Scalatra params.

  16. trait LocaleFeature extends ScalatraBase

    Easy-to-use default/session-based Locale configuration.

  17. trait RequestScopeFeature extends ScalatraBase with SnakeCasedParamKeysFeature with LocaleFeature with logging.Logging

    Request scope support.

  18. trait RichRouteFeature extends ScalatraBase

    RichRoute support.

  19. trait ScalateTemplateEngineFeature extends TemplateEngineFeature with ScalateSupport

    Scalate implementation of TemplateEngineSupport.

  20. trait SensitiveParametersFeature extends AnyRef

    Filtering sensitive parameters.

  21. trait SnakeCasedParamKeysFeature extends ScalatraBase

    Supports snake_case'd keys for parameter names.

  22. trait TemplateEngineFeature extends SkinnyControllerBase with RequestScopeFeature with JSONFeature with logging.Logging

    TemplateEngine support for Skinny app.

  23. trait ThreadLocalRequestFeature extends AnyRef

  24. trait TimeLoggingFeature extends TimeLogging with SensitiveParametersFeature

    Enables time logging.

  25. trait ValidationFeature extends AnyRef

    Validation support for Skinny app.

Value Members

  1. object AngularJSSpecification

  2. object CSRFProtectionFeature

  3. object RequestScopeFeature extends logging.Logging
