

package contrib

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AsyncCSRFTokenSupport extends AnyRef

    Provides cross-site request forgery protection.

  2. trait CORSSupport extends AnyRef

    CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) Support.

  3. trait CSRFTokenSupport extends AnyRef

    Provides cross-site request forgery protection.

  4. trait ChunkedResponseSupport extends AnyRef

    Chunked Response (Transfer-Encoding: chunked).

  5. trait ContentEncodingSupport extends Handler

    SkinnyMicro handler for gzipped responses.

  6. trait FileUploadSupport extends SkinnyMicroBase with HasMultipartConfig

    FileUploadSupport can be mixed into a skinny.micro.SkinnyMicroServlet to provide easy access to data submitted as part of a multipart HTTP request.

  7. trait FlashMapSupport extends Handler with ServletContextAccessor with SkinnyContextInitializer with UnstableAccessValidationConfig with ServletApiImplicits with SessionImplicits

    Allows an action to set key-value pairs in a transient state that is accessible only to the next action and is expired immediately after that.

  8. trait I18nSupport extends AnyRef

    i18n support.

  9. trait UnsecuredRequestRedirector extends Handler with ServletApiImplicits

    Redirects unsecured requests to the corresponding secure URL.

  10. class XContentTypeOptionsNosniffHeaderSupport extends AnyRef

    X-Content-Type-Options header support.

  11. trait XFrameOptionsHeaderSupport extends AnyRef

    X-Frame-Options header support

  12. trait XSRFTokenSupport extends AnyRef

    Provides cross-site request forgery protection.

  13. trait XXSSProtectionHeaderSupport extends AnyRef

    X-XSS-Protection header support

Value Members

  1. object CSRFTokenSupport

  2. object FileUploadSupport

  3. object FlashMapSupport

  4. object I18nSupport

  5. object XSRFTokenSupport

  6. package csrf

  7. package flash

  8. package i18n
