

package micro

Linear Supertypes
HaltPassControl, AnyRef, Any
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  1. micro
  2. HaltPassControl
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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Type Members

  1. type Action = () ⇒ Any

  2. type ActionResult = micro.response.ActionResult

  3. trait ApiFormats extends SkinnyMicroBase with RicherStringImplicits

    Adds support for mapping and inferring formats to content types.

  4. type AppBase = SkinnyMicroBase

  5. type AsyncAction = (Context) ⇒ Any

  6. trait AsyncFeatures extends AsyncSupport with AsyncRoutingDsl with AsyncBeforeAfterDsl

    Built-in features in SkinnyMicroFilter/SkinnyMicroServlet.

  7. type AsyncResult = micro.async.AsyncResult

  8. type AsyncSingleApp = AsyncSkinnyMicroServlet

  9. trait AsyncSkinnyMicroFilter extends Filter with SkinnyMicroFilterBase with AsyncFeatures

    Async skinny.

  10. trait AsyncSkinnyMicroServlet extends HttpServlet with SkinnyMicroServletBase with AsyncFeatures

    Async skinny.

  11. type AsyncWebApp = AsyncSkinnyMicroFilter

  12. trait ContentEncoding extends AnyRef

    Content encoding

  13. case class ContentNegotiation[T](value: T, q: Float = 1) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the value of a content negotiation header.

  14. type ContentTypeInferrer = PartialFunction[Any, String]

  15. type Context = SkinnyContext

  16. type Cookie = micro.cookie.Cookie

  17. type CookieOptions = micro.cookie.CookieOptions

  18. type ErrorHandler = PartialFunction[Throwable, Any]

  19. trait Format extends AnyRef

    Response body format.

  20. trait Handler extends Initializable with SkinnyContextInitializer with UnstableAccessValidationConfig with RouteRegistryAccessor with ServletContextAccessor with LoggerProvider

    A Handler is the SkinnyMicro abstraction for an object that operates on a request/response pair.

  21. trait Initializable extends AnyRef

    Trait representing an object that can't be fully initialized by its constructor.

  22. trait LifeCycle extends ServletApiImplicits

  23. trait Mimes extends AnyRef

    A utility to help with mime type detection for a given file path or url

  24. type MultiParams = MultiMap

  25. type Params = MultiMapHeadView[String, String] with MapWithIndifferentAccess[String]

  26. type RenderPipeline = PartialFunction[Any, Any]

  27. type ResponseStatus = micro.response.ResponseStatus

  28. trait RouteTransformer extends AnyRef

  29. class ServletConcurrencyException extends RuntimeException

    Represents concurrency issue access multiple threads on the Servlet.

  30. type SingleApp = SkinnyMicroServlet

  31. class SkinnyListener extends ServletContextListener with LoggerProvider

  32. trait SkinnyMicroBase extends Handler with AsyncSupported with UnstableAccessValidationConfig with RedirectionDsl with RouteRegistryAccessor with ErrorHandlerAccessor with ServletContextAccessor with EnvAccessor with ParamsAccessor with QueryParamsAccessor with FormParamsAccessor with RequestFormatAccessor with ResponseContentTypeAccessor with ResponseStatusAccessor with UrlGenerator with HaltPassControl with ServletApiImplicits with RouteMatcherImplicits with CookiesImplicits with SkinnyMicroParamsImplicits with DefaultImplicits with RicherStringImplicits with SessionImplicits

    The base implementation of the SkinnyMicro DSL.

  33. class SkinnyMicroException extends Exception

    Represents an exception happened inside skinny.

  34. trait SkinnyMicroFilter extends Filter with SkinnyMicroFilterBase with ThreadLocalFeatures

    An implementation of the SkinnyMicro DSL in a filter.

  35. trait SkinnyMicroFilterBase extends SkinnyMicroBase

    Base trait for SkinnyMicroFilter implementations.

  36. class SkinnyMicroParams extends MultiMapHeadView[String, String] with MapWithIndifferentAccess[String]


  37. trait SkinnyMicroServlet extends HttpServlet with SkinnyMicroServletBase with ThreadLocalFeatures

    An implementation of the SkinnyMicro DSL in a servlet.

  38. trait SkinnyMicroServletBase extends HttpServlet with SkinnyMicroBase

    Base trait for SkinnyMicroServlet implementations.

  39. trait ThreadLocalFeatures extends MainThreadLocalEverywhere with RoutingDsl with BeforeAfterDsl

    Built-in features in SkinnyMicroFilter/SkinnyMicroServlet.

  40. trait TypedAsyncFeatures extends AsyncSupport with TypedAsyncRoutingDsl with AsyncBeforeAfterDsl

    Built-in features in SkinnyMicroFilter/SkinnyMicroServlet.

  41. type TypedAsyncSingleApp = TypedAsyncSkinnyMicroServlet

  42. trait TypedAsyncSkinnyMicroFilter extends Filter with SkinnyMicroFilterBase with TypedAsyncFeatures

    Async skinny.

  43. trait TypedAsyncSkinnyMicroServlet extends HttpServlet with SkinnyMicroServletBase with TypedAsyncFeatures

    Async skinny.

  44. type TypedAsyncWebApp = TypedAsyncSkinnyMicroFilter

  45. type TypedSingleApp = TypedSkinnyMicroServlet

  46. trait TypedSkinnyMicroFilter extends Filter with SkinnyMicroFilterBase with TypedThreadLocalFeatures

    An implementation of the SkinnyMicro DSL in a filter.

  47. trait TypedSkinnyMicroServlet extends HttpServlet with SkinnyMicroServletBase with TypedThreadLocalFeatures

    An implementation of the SkinnyMicro DSL in a servlet.

  48. trait TypedThreadLocalFeatures extends MainThreadLocalEverywhere with TypedRoutingDsl with BeforeAfterDsl

    Built-in features in SkinnyMicroFilter/SkinnyMicroServlet.

  49. type TypedWebApp = TypedSkinnyMicroFilter

  50. class UnstableAccessException extends RuntimeException

    Represents unstable access to servlet objects managed by containers from unmanaged threads.

  51. case class UnstableAccessValidation(enabled: Boolean, useMostlyStableHttpSession: Boolean, createdThreadId: Long = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Unstable access validation configuration.

  52. trait UrlGeneratorSupport extends AnyRef

    Adds support for generating URIs from routes and their params.

  53. type WebApp = SkinnyMicroFilter

Value Members

  1. val Accepted: micro.response.Accepted.type

  2. val ActionResult: micro.response.ActionResult.type

  3. val AlreadyReported: micro.response.AlreadyReported.type

  4. object ApiFormats

  5. val AsyncResult: micro.async.AsyncResult.type

  6. val BadGateway: micro.response.BadGateway.type

  7. val BadRequest: micro.response.BadRequest.type

  8. val Conflict: micro.response.Conflict.type

  9. object ContentEncoding

  10. object ContentNegotiation extends Serializable

    Defines type classes and helper methods for well known content-negotiation headers.

  11. val Cookie: micro.cookie.Cookie.type

  12. val CookieOptions: micro.cookie.CookieOptions.type

  13. val Created: micro.response.Created.type

  14. val EnvironmentKey: String

  15. val ExpectationFailed: micro.response.ExpectationFailed.type

  16. val FailedDependency: micro.response.FailedDependency.type

  17. val Forbidden: micro.response.Forbidden.type

  18. object Format

    Response body formats.

  19. val Found: micro.response.Found.type

  20. val GatewayTimeout: micro.response.GatewayTimeout.type

  21. val Gone: micro.response.Gone.type

  22. val HTTPVersionNotSupported: micro.response.HTTPVersionNotSupported.type

  23. object Handler

  24. val IMUsed: micro.response.IMUsed.type

  25. val InsufficientStorage: micro.response.InsufficientStorage.type

  26. val InternalServerError: micro.response.InternalServerError.type

  27. val LengthRequired: micro.response.LengthRequired.type

  28. val Locked: micro.response.Locked.type

  29. val LoopDetected: micro.response.LoopDetected.type

  30. val MethodNotAllowed: micro.response.MethodNotAllowed.type

  31. object MimeTypes extends Mimes

  32. object Mimes

  33. val MovedPermanently: micro.response.MovedPermanently.type

  34. val MultiParamsKey: String

  35. val MultiStatus: micro.response.MultiStatus.type

  36. val MultipleChoices: micro.response.MultipleChoices.type

  37. val NetworkAuthenticationRequired: micro.response.NetworkAuthenticationRequired.type

  38. val NoContent: micro.response.NoContent.type

  39. val NonAuthoritativeInformation: micro.response.NonAuthoritativeInformation.type

  40. val NotAcceptable: micro.response.NotAcceptable.type

  41. val NotExtended: micro.response.NotExtended.type

  42. val NotFound: micro.response.NotFound.type

  43. val NotImplemented: micro.response.NotImplemented.type

  44. val NotModified: micro.response.NotModified.type

  45. val Ok: micro.response.Ok.type

  46. val PartialContent: micro.response.PartialContent.type

  47. val PaymentRequired: micro.response.PaymentRequired.type

  48. val PermanentRedirect: micro.response.PermanentRedirect.type

  49. val PreconditionFailed: micro.response.PreconditionFailed.type

  50. val PreconditionRequired: micro.response.PreconditionRequired.type

  51. val ProxyAuthenticationRequired: micro.response.ProxyAuthenticationRequired.type

  52. val RequestEntityTooLarge: micro.response.RequestEntityTooLarge.type

  53. val RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge: micro.response.RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge.type

  54. val RequestTimeout: micro.response.RequestTimeout.type

  55. val RequestURITooLong: micro.response.RequestURITooLong.type

  56. val RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable: micro.response.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable.type

  57. val ResetContent: micro.response.ResetContent.type

  58. val ResponseStatus: micro.response.ResponseStatus.type

  59. object RouteTransformer

  60. val SeeOther: micro.response.SeeOther.type

  61. val ServiceUnavailable: micro.response.ServiceUnavailable.type

  62. object ServletConcurrencyException extends Serializable

  63. object SkinnyListener

  64. object SkinnyMicroBase

  65. object SkinnyMicroServletBase extends Serializable

  66. val TemporaryRedirect: micro.response.TemporaryRedirect.type

  67. val TooManyRequests: micro.response.TooManyRequests.type

  68. val Unauthorized: micro.response.Unauthorized.type

  69. val UnprocessableEntity: micro.response.UnprocessableEntity.type

  70. object UnstableAccessException extends Serializable

  71. val UnsupportedMediaType: micro.response.UnsupportedMediaType.type

  72. val UpgradeRequired: micro.response.UpgradeRequired.type

  73. val UseProxy: micro.response.UseProxy.type

  74. val VariantAlsoNegotiates: micro.response.VariantAlsoNegotiates.type

  75. package async

  76. package base

  77. package constant

  78. package context

  79. package contrib

  80. package control

  81. package cookie

  82. package data

  83. def halt(result: micro.response.ActionResult): Nothing

    Definition Classes
  84. def halt[T](status: Integer = null, body: T = (), headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, reason: String = null)(implicit arg0: Manifest[T]): Nothing

    Immediately halts processing of a request.

    Immediately halts processing of a request. Can be called from either a before filter or a route.


    the status to set on the response, or null to leave the status unchanged.


    a result to render through the render pipeline as the body


    headers to add to the response


    the HTTP status reason to set, or null to leave unchanged.

    Definition Classes
  85. package implicits

  86. package multipart

  87. def pass(): Nothing

    Immediately exits from the current route.

    Immediately exits from the current route.

    Definition Classes
  88. package request

  89. package response

  90. package rl

  91. package routing

  92. def using[R <: Closable, A](resource: R)(f: (R) ⇒ A): A

  93. package util

Inherited from HaltPassControl

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
