

package validator

Skinny validator provides easy-to-understand and readable DSLs to validate inputs.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. validator
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class Error(name: String, messageParams: Seq[Any]) extends ErrorLike with Product with Serializable

    Simple implementation of Error.

  2. trait ErrorLike extends AnyRef

    Validation error.

  3. case class Errors(errors: Map[String, Seq[Error]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Collection of errors.

  4. case class FailuresProjection[+A](results: Validations, onSuccess: (Parameters) ⇒ A, onFailures: (Parameters, Errors) ⇒ A) extends ResultsProjection[A] with Product with Serializable

    Failures projection.

  5. case class Form[A](validations: Validations, value: Option[A]) extends ValidatorLike with Product with Serializable

    Form object.

  6. case class I18nKeyParam(value: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Key for skinny.

  7. case class KeyValueParamDefinition(key: String, value: Any) extends ParamDefinition with Product with Serializable

    Key and value param definition.

  8. case class MapValidator(paramMap: Map[String, Any] = ..., validations: Validations = ...) extends ValidatorLike with Product with Serializable

    Validator which accepts Map value as inputs.

  9. class Messages extends AnyRef

    Messages for validation errors.

  10. case class NewValidation(paramDef: ParamDefinition, validations: ValidationRule) extends ValidationState with Product with Serializable

    Newly created validation which hasn't be applied yet.

  11. case class OnlyKeyParamDefinition(key: String) extends ParamDefinition with Product with Serializable

    Key param definition.

  12. sealed trait ParamDefinition extends AnyRef

    Param definition.

  13. trait ParamValueTypeConverter[S, T] extends AnyRef

    Type converter

  14. sealed trait Parameters extends AnyRef


  15. case class ParametersFromMap(map: Map[String, Any]) extends Parameters with ParametersGetAsImplicits with Product with Serializable

    Params from a Map value.

  16. case class ParametersFromValidations(validations: Validations) extends Parameters with ParametersGetAsImplicits with Product with Serializable

    Params from validations.

  17. sealed trait ResultsProjection[+A] extends AnyRef

    Results projection.

  18. case class SuccessesProjection[+A](results: Validations, onSuccess: (Parameters) ⇒ A, onFailures: (Parameters, Errors) ⇒ A) extends ResultsProjection[A] with Product with Serializable

    Successes projection.

  19. case class ValidationFailure(paramDef: ParamDefinition, errors: Seq[Error]) extends ValidationState with Product with Serializable


  20. trait ValidationRule extends (KeyValueParamDefinition) ⇒ ValidationState with ErrorLike

    Validation rule.

  21. sealed trait ValidationState extends AnyRef

    Validation object which has param definition and validation results

  22. case class ValidationSuccess(paramDef: ParamDefinition) extends ValidationState with Product with Serializable


  23. trait Validations extends AnyRef

    Validations container.

  24. class Validator extends ValidatorLike


  25. trait ValidatorLike extends AnyRef

    Validator like feature.

  26. case class doubleMaxValue(max: Double) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  27. case class doubleMinMaxValue(min: Double, max: Double) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  28. case class doubleMinValue(min: Double) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  29. case class floatMaxValue(max: Float) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  30. case class floatMinMaxValue(min: Float, max: Float) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  31. case class floatMinValue(min: Float) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  32. case class intMaxValue(max: Int) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  33. case class intMinMaxValue(min: Int, max: Int) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  34. case class intMinValue(min: Int) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  35. case class length(len: Int) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  36. case class longMaxValue(max: Long) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  37. case class longMinMaxValue(min: Long, max: Long) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  38. case class longMinValue(min: Long) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  39. case class maxLength(max: Int) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  40. case class minLength(min: Int) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  41. case class minMaxLength(min: Int, max: Int) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  42. case class notEmpty(trim: Boolean = true) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  43. case class required(trim: Boolean = true) extends ValidationRule with Product with Serializable

  44. type SimpleError = Error


    (Since version 1.0.8) Use Error instead.

Value Members

  1. object Error extends Serializable


  2. object Messages

    Messages loader.

  3. object ResultsProjection

    Results projection.

  4. object Validations

    Validations factory.

  5. object Validator

    Validator factory.

  6. def checkAll(validationRules: ValidationRule*): ValidationRule

    Converts validation rules to a combined validation rule which verify all the rules even if some of them has errors.

    Converts validation rules to a combined validation rule which verify all the rules even if some of them has errors.


    validation rules


    validation rule

  7. implicit def convertParamDefinitionToParamDefinitionWithIs(paramDef: ParamDefinition): ParamDefinitionWithIsDSL

    Converts ParamDefinition to ParamDefinitionWithIsDSL implicitly.

    Converts ParamDefinition to ParamDefinitionWithIsDSL implicitly.


    param definition


    with dsl

  8. object dateFormat extends ValidationRule

  9. object dateTimeFormat extends ValidationRule

  10. object doubleValue extends ValidationRule

  11. object email extends ValidationRule

  12. object floatValue extends ValidationRule

  13. object future extends ValidationRule

  14. package implicits

  15. object intValue extends ValidationRule

  16. object longValue extends ValidationRule

  17. object notEmpty extends notEmpty

  18. object notNull extends ValidationRule

    Built-in validation rules.

  19. object numeric extends ValidationRule

  20. def param(kv: (String, Any)): KeyValueParamDefinition

    Accepts key and value.

    Accepts key and value.


    key and value


    param definition

  21. def paramKey(name: String): OnlyKeyParamDefinition

    Accepts key.

    Accepts key.




    param definition

  22. object past extends ValidationRule

  23. object required extends required

  24. object same extends ValidationRule

  25. object timeFormat extends ValidationRule

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
