
A C D E F G H I L N O P R S T W 
All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


attributes - Variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory
Configuration attributes.


cause - Variable in exception org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException
The underlying cause of this exception.
createFactory(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
This method exists to ensure signature compatibility.
currentLogLevel - Variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
The current log level


dateFormatter - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Used to format times
dateTimeFormat - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
The date and time format to use in the log message
debug(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
debug(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log a message with debug log level.
debug(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
debug(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
debug(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log a message with debug log level.
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log an error with debug log level.
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log an error with debug log level.
DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
The default format to use when formatting dates
DIAGNOSTICS_DEST_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
The name (org.apache.commons.logging.diagnostics.dest) of the property used to enable internal commons-logging diagnostic output, in order to get information on what logging implementations are being discovered, what classloaders they are loaded through, etc.
directGetContextClassLoader() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
This method exists to ensure signature compatibility.


error(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
error(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log a message with error log level.
error(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
error(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
error(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log a message with error log level.
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log an error with error log level.
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log an error with error log level.


factories - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
The previously constructed LogFactory instances, keyed by the ClassLoader with which it was created.
FACTORY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
The fully qualified class name of the fallback LogFactory implementation class to use, if no other can be found.
FACTORY_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
The name of the properties file to search for.
FACTORY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
The name of the property used to identify the LogFactory implementation class name.
fatal(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
fatal(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log a message with fatal log level.
fatal(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the error method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
fatal(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the error method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
fatal(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log a message with fatal log level.
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log an error with fatal log level.
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the error method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the error method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log an error with fatal log level.


getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory
Return the configuration attribute with the specified name (if any), or null if there is no such attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Return the configuration attribute with the specified name (if any), or null if there is no such attribute.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory
Return an array containing the names of all currently defined configuration attributes.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Return an array containing the names of all currently defined configuration attributes.
getCause() - Method in exception org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException
Return the underlying cause of this exception (if any).
getClassLoader(Class) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
This method exists to ensure signature compatibility.
getContextClassLoader() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
This method exists to ensure signature compatibility.
getFactory() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Construct (if necessary) and return a LogFactory instance, using the following ordered lookup procedure to determine the name of the implementation class to be loaded.
getInstance(Class) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory
Convenience method to derive a name from the specified class and call getInstance(String) with it.
getInstance(Class) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Convenience method to derive a name from the specified class and call getInstance(String) with it.
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory
Construct (if necessary) and return a Log instance, using the factory's current set of configuration attributes.
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Construct (if necessary) and return a Log instance, using the factory's current set of configuration attributes.
getLevel() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Get logging level.
getLog(Class) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Convenience method to return a named logger, without the application having to care about factories.
getLog(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Convenience method to return a named logger, without the application having to care about factories.


HASHTABLE_IMPLEMENTATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Setting this system property value allows the Hashtable used to store classloaders to be substituted by an alternative implementation.


info(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
info(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log a message with info log level.
info(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
info(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
info(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log a message with info log level.
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log an error with info log level.
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log an error with info log level.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Debug is never enabled.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Are debug messages currently enabled?
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Is debug logging currently enabled?
isDiagnosticsEnabled() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
This method exists to ensure signature compatibility.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Error is never enabled.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Are error messages currently enabled?
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Is error logging currently enabled?
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Fatal is never enabled.
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Are fatal messages currently enabled?
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Delegates to the isErrorEnabled method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isFatalEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Delegates to the isErrorEnabled method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isFatalEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Is fatal logging currently enabled?
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Info is never enabled.
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Are info messages currently enabled?
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Is info logging currently enabled?
isLevelEnabled(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Is the given log level currently enabled?
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Trace is never enabled.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Are trace messages currently enabled?
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Delegates to the isTraceEnabled method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Delegates to the isDebugEnabled method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Is trace logging currently enabled?
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Warn is never enabled.
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Are warn messages currently enabled?
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
isWarnEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Is warn logging currently enabled?


log(int, Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Do the actual logging.
Log - Interface in org.apache.commons.logging
A simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs.
LOG_LEVEL_ALL - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Enable all logging levels
LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
"Debug" level logging.
LOG_LEVEL_ERROR - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
"Error" level logging.
LOG_LEVEL_FATAL - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
"Fatal" level logging.
LOG_LEVEL_INFO - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
"Info" level logging.
LOG_LEVEL_OFF - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Enable no logging levels
LOG_LEVEL_TRACE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
"Trace" level logging.
LOG_LEVEL_WARN - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
"Warn" level logging.
LOG_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory
The name of the system property identifying our Logimplementation class.
LogConfigurationException - Exception in org.apache.commons.logging
An exception that is thrown only if a suitable LogFactory or Log instance cannot be created by the corresponding factory methods.
LogConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException
Construct a new exception with null as its detail message.
LogConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException
Construct a new exception with the specified detail message.
LogConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException
Construct a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
LogConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException
Construct a new exception with the specified cause and a derived detail message.
LogFactory - Class in org.apache.commons.logging
Factory for creating Log instances, which always delegates to an instance of SLF4JLogFactory.
LogFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Protected constructor that is not available for public use.
logName - Variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
The name of this simple log instance
logRawDiagnostic(String) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
This method exists to ensure signature compatibility.


name - Variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
name - Variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
newFactory(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
This method exists to ensure signature compatibility.
newFactory(String, ClassLoader, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
This method exists to ensure signature compatibility.
NoOpLog - Class in org.apache.commons.logging.impl
Trivial implementation of Log that throws away all messages.
NoOpLog() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Convenience constructor
NoOpLog(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Base constructor
nullClassLoaderFactory - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
This property is not used but preserved here for compatibility.


objectId(Object) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Returns a string that uniquely identifies the specified object, including its class.
org.apache.commons.logging - package org.apache.commons.logging
Jakarta Commons Logging implemented over SLF4J.
org.apache.commons.logging.impl - package org.apache.commons.logging.impl
SLF4J based implementation of commons-logging wrapper APIs.


PRIORITY_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
The name (priority) of the key in the config file used to specify the priority of that particular config file.


readResolve() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Replace this instance with a homonymous (same name) logger returned by LoggerFactory.
readResolve() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Replace this instance with a homonymous (same name) logger returned by LoggerFactory.
release() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory
Release any internal references to previously created Loginstances returned by this factory.
release() - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Release any internal references to previously created Loginstances returned by this factory.
release(ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Release any internal references to previously created LogFactory instances that have been associated with the specified class loader (if any), after calling the instance method release() on each of them.
releaseAll() - Static method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Release any internal references to previously created LogFactory instances, after calling the instance method release() on each of them.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory
Remove any configuration attribute associated with the specified name.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Remove any configuration attribute associated with the specified name.


SERVICE_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory
Set the configuration attribute with the specified name.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Set the configuration attribute with the specified name.
setLevel(int) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Set logging level.
showDateTime - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Include the current time in the log message
showLogName - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Include the instance name in the log message?
showShortName - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Include the short name ( last component ) of the logger in the log message.
SimpleLog - Class in org.apache.commons.logging.impl
Simple implementation of Log that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to System.err.
SimpleLog(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Construct a simple log with given name.
simpleLogProps - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Properties loaded from
SLF4JLocationAwareLog - Class in org.apache.commons.logging.impl
Implementation of org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface which delegates all processing to a wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
SLF4JLocationAwareLog(LocationAwareLogger) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
SLF4JLog - Class in org.apache.commons.logging.impl
Implementation of org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface which delegates all processing to a wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
SLF4JLog(Logger) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
SLF4JLogFactory - Class in org.apache.commons.logging.impl
Concrete subclass of LogFactory which always delegates to the org.slf4j.LoggerFactory class.
SLF4JLogFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory
Public no-arguments constructor required by the lookup mechanism.
systemPrefix - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
All system properties used by SimpleLog start with this


TCCL_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
The name (use_tccl) of the key in the config file used to specify whether logging classes should be loaded via the thread context class loader (TCCL), or not.
trace(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
trace(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log a message with trace log level.
trace(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the debug method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
trace(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the debug method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
trace(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log a message with trace log level.
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log an error with trace log level.
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the debug method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the debug method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log an error with trace log level.


warn(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
warn(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log a message with warn log level.
warn(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
warn(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
warn(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log a message with warn log level.
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
Do nothing
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Log an error with warn log level.
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog
Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Log an error with warn log level.
write(StringBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
Write the content of the message accumulated in the specified StringBuffer to the appropriate output destination.
A C D E F G H I L N O P R S T W 
All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form