Interface LoggingEvent

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultLoggingEvent, SubstituteLoggingEvent

public interface LoggingEvent
The minimal interface sufficient for the restitution of data passed by the user to the SLF4J API.
Ceki Gülcü
  • Method Details

    • getLevel

      Level getLevel()
    • getLoggerName

      String getLoggerName()
    • getMessage

      String getMessage()
    • getArguments

      List<Object> getArguments()
    • getArgumentArray

      Object[] getArgumentArray()
    • getMarkers

      List<Marker> getMarkers()
    • getKeyValuePairs

      List<KeyValuePair> getKeyValuePairs()
    • getThrowable

      Throwable getThrowable()
    • getTimeStamp

      long getTimeStamp()
    • getThreadName

      String getThreadName()
    • getCallerBoundary

      default String getCallerBoundary()
      Returns the presumed caller boundary provided by the logging library (not the user of the library). Null by default.
      presumed caller, null by default.