All Classes and Interfaces

All recognized options in the string passed to the java agent.
Entry point for slf4j-ext when used as a Java agent.
An enum of supported time units.
Helper methods for Javassist functionality.
A logger specialized in localized logging.
This class is essentially a wrapper around an LoggerFactory producing LocLogger instances.
A helper class wrapping an Logger instance preserving location information if the wrapped instance supports it.
LogTransformer does the work of analyzing each class, and if appropriate add log statements to each method to allow logging entry/exit.
Builder provides a flexible way of configuring some of many options on the parent class instead of providing many constructors.
A poor man's profiler to measure the time elapsed performing some lengthy task.
A minimalist registry of profilers.
A very basic TimeInstrument which can be started and stopped once and only once.
This interface sets the methods that must be implemented by Profiler and StopWatch classes.
A utility that provides standard mechanisms for logging certain kinds of activities.
This class is essentially a wrapper around an LoggerFactory producing XLogger instances.