

trait PLensTFunctions extends PLensTInstances

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. PLensTFunctions
  2. PLensTInstances
  3. PLensTInstance0
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
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  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class FractionalPLens[S, F](lens: @?>[S, F], frac: Fractional[F]) extends Product with Serializable

    Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a partial lens

  2. case class IntegralPLens[S, I](lens: @?>[S, I], ig: Integral[I]) extends Product with Serializable

    Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a partial lens

  3. case class NumericPLens[S, N](lens: @?>[S, N], num: Numeric[N])(implicit evidence$12: Numeric[N]) extends Product with Serializable

    Allow the illusion of imperative updates to numbers viewed through a partial lens

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. implicit def PLensState[F[+_], A, B](plens: PLensT[F, A, B])(implicit F: Functor[F]): PStateT[F, A, B]

    Lenses may be used implicitly as State monadic actions that get the viewed portion of the state

    Lenses may be used implicitly as State monadic actions that get the viewed portion of the state

    Definition Classes
  7. implicit def PLensTUnzip[F[+_], S](implicit F: Functor[F]): Unzip[[α]PLensT[F, S, α]]

    Definition Classes
  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  9. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  10. def codiagPLens[F[+_], A](implicit arg0: Pointed[F]): PLensT[F, \/[A, A], A]

    A lens that discards the choice of right or left from disjunction

  11. def distributePLens[A, B, C]: @?>[(A, \/[B, C]), \/[(A, B), (A, C)]]

  12. def eitherLens[S, A, B](l: @?>[S, \/[A, B]]): (@?>[S, A], @?>[S, B])

  13. def ephemeralStreamHeadPLens[A]: @?>[EphemeralStream[A], A]

  14. def ephemeralStreamLookupByPLens[K, V](p: (K) ⇒ Boolean): @?>[EphemeralStream[(K, V)], V]

  15. def ephemeralStreamLookupPLens[K, V](k: K)(implicit arg0: Equal[K]): @?>[EphemeralStream[(K, V)], V]

  16. def ephemeralStreamNthPLens[A](n: Int): @?>[EphemeralStream[A], A]

  17. def ephemeralStreamTailPLens[A]: @?>[EphemeralStream[A], EphemeralStream[A]]

  18. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  19. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. def factorPLens[A, B, C]: @?>[\/[(A, B), (A, C)], (A, \/[B, C])]

  21. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  22. implicit def fractionalPLens[S, F](lens: @?>[S, F])(implicit arg0: Fractional[F]): FractionalPLens[S, F]

    Definition Classes
  23. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  24. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  25. implicit def integralPLens[S, I](lens: @?>[S, I])(implicit arg0: Integral[I]): IntegralPLens[S, I]

    Definition Classes
  26. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  27. def lazyLeftPLens[A, B]: @?>[LazyEither[A, B], A]

  28. def lazyRightPLens[A, B]: @?>[LazyEither[A, B], B]

  29. def lazySomePLens[A]: @?>[LazyOption[A], A]

  30. def leftPLens[A, B]: @?>[\/[A, B], A]

  31. def listHeadPLens[A]: @?>[List[A], A]

  32. def listLookupByPLens[K, V](p: (K) ⇒ Boolean): @?>[List[(K, V)], V]

  33. def listLookupPLens[K, V](k: K)(implicit arg0: Equal[K]): @?>[List[(K, V)], V]

  34. def listNthPLens[A](n: Int): @?>[List[A], A]

  35. def listTailPLens[A]: @?>[List[A], List[A]]

  36. def mapVPLens[K, V](k: K): @?>[Map[K, V], V]

  37. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  38. def nil[F[+_], A, B](implicit arg0: Pointed[F]): PLensT[F, A, B]

    The always-null partial lens

  39. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  40. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  41. implicit def numericPLens[S, N](lens: @?>[S, N])(implicit arg0: Numeric[N]): NumericPLens[S, N]

    Definition Classes
  42. def plens[A, B](r: (A) ⇒ Option[Store[B, A]]): PLens[A, B]

  43. def plensId[F[+_], A](implicit FF: Pointed[F]): PLensT[F, A, A]

    The identity partial lens for a given object

  44. def plensO[F[+_], A, B](r: (A) ⇒ OptionT[F, Store[B, A]]): PLensT[F, A, B]

  45. def plensT[F[+_], A, B](r: (A) ⇒ F[Option[Store[B, A]]]): PLensT[F, A, B]

  46. implicit def plensTArrId[F[+_]](implicit F0: Pointed[F]): PLensTArrId[F]

    Definition Classes
  47. implicit def plensTCategory[F[+_]](implicit F0: Monad[F]): PLensTCategory[F]

    Definition Classes
  48. def plensg[A, B](set: (A) ⇒ Option[(B) ⇒ A], get: (A) ⇒ Option[B]): PLens[A, B]

  49. def plensgO[F[+_], A, B](set: (A) ⇒ OptionT[F, (B) ⇒ A], get: (A) ⇒ OptionT[F, B])(implicit M: Bind[F]): PLensT[F, A, B]

  50. def plensgT[F[+_], A, B](set: (A) ⇒ F[Option[(B) ⇒ A]], get: (A) ⇒ F[Option[B]])(implicit M: Bind[F]): PLensT[F, A, B]

  51. def plensp[F[+_], A, B](r: (A) ⇒ Option[Store[B, A]])(implicit PF: Pointed[F]): PLensT[F, A, B]

  52. def rightPLens[A, B]: @?>[\/[A, B], B]

  53. def scalaJSONArrayPLens[A]: @?>[JSONType, List[Any]]

  54. def scalaJSONObjectPLens[A]: @?>[JSONType, Map[String, Any]]

  55. def somePLens[A]: @?>[Option[A], A]

  56. def streamHeadPLens[A]: @?>[Stream[A], A]

  57. def streamLookupByPLens[K, V](p: (K) ⇒ Boolean): @?>[Stream[(K, V)], V]

  58. def streamLookupPLens[K, V](k: K)(implicit arg0: Equal[K]): @?>[Stream[(K, V)], V]

  59. def streamNthPLens[A](n: Int): @?>[Stream[A], A]

  60. def streamTailPLens[A]: @?>[Stream[A], Stream[A]]

  61. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  62. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  63. def trivialPLens[F[+_], A](implicit FF: Pointed[F]): PLensT[F, A, Unit]

    The trivial partial lens that can retrieve Unit from anything

  64. def tuple2PLens[F[+_], S, A, B](lens: PLensT[F, S, (A, B)])(implicit arg0: Functor[F]): (PLensT[F, S, A], PLensT[F, S, B])

  65. def tuple3PLens[F[+_], S, A, B, C](lens: PLensT[F, S, (A, B, C)])(implicit arg0: Functor[F]): (PLensT[F, S, A], PLensT[F, S, B], PLensT[F, S, C])

  66. def tuple4PLens[F[+_], S, A, B, C, D](lens: PLensT[F, S, (A, B, C, D)])(implicit arg0: Functor[F]): (PLensT[F, S, A], PLensT[F, S, B], PLensT[F, S, C], PLensT[F, S, D])

  67. def tuple5PLens[F[+_], S, A, B, C, D, E](lens: PLensT[F, S, (A, B, C, D, E)])(implicit arg0: Functor[F]): (PLensT[F, S, A], PLensT[F, S, B], PLensT[F, S, C], PLensT[F, S, D], PLensT[F, S, E])

  68. def tuple6PLens[F[+_], S, A, B, C, D, E, H](lens: PLensT[F, S, (A, B, C, D, E, H)])(implicit arg0: Functor[F]): (PLensT[F, S, A], PLensT[F, S, B], PLensT[F, S, C], PLensT[F, S, D], PLensT[F, S, E], PLensT[F, S, H])

  69. def tuple7PLens[F[+_], S, A, B, C, D, E, H, I](lens: PLensT[F, S, (A, B, C, D, E, H, I)])(implicit arg0: Functor[F]): (PLensT[F, S, A], PLensT[F, S, B], PLensT[F, S, C], PLensT[F, S, D], PLensT[F, S, E], PLensT[F, S, H], PLensT[F, S, I])

  70. def vectorHeadPLens[A]: @?>[Vector[A], A]

  71. def vectorLastPLens[A]: @?>[Vector[A], A]

  72. def vectorNthPLens[A](n: Int): @?>[Vector[A], A]

  73. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  74. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  75. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes

Inherited from PLensTInstances

Inherited from PLensTInstance0

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
