

package data

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait IncludeExcludeTag extends NamedTag

  2. trait IncludedExcluded[T] extends AnyRef

    This trait provides a keep function which will determine if a element T must be kept with regards to:

  3. trait NamedTag extends AnyRef

  4. trait NoTuplesToSeq extends TuplesToSeq

  5. case class SeparatedTags(included: String, excluded: String, orSeparator: String = ",", andSeparator: String = "&&") extends IncludedExcluded[Seq[String]] with Product with Serializable

    specialization of the IncludedExcluded trait for string separated tags

  6. trait Sized[T] extends AnyRef

    a trait for anything that can be sized

  7. case class Tag(names: String*) extends IncludeExcludeTag with Product with Serializable

    tags the next element

  8. trait TaggedTypes extends AnyRef

  9. trait TuplesToSeq extends AnyRef

  10. case class UniqueNames(separator: String = "_") extends Product with Serializable

    Stateful class to create unique names.

Value Members

  1. object AlwaysTag extends NamedTag

  2. object AlwaysWhenNoIncludeTag extends NamedTag

  3. object HopcroftKarp

    Hopcroft-Karp (https://en.

  4. object NamedTag

  5. object Reducerx extends Reducerx

  6. object TuplesToSeq extends TuplesToSeq
