

package reporter

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class DescriptionAndExamples[T](description: Description, descriptions: Map[T, Description]) extends Product with Serializable

    Utility class grouping the total description + map of each fragment to its description

  2. class JUnitDescriptionsFragments extends JUnitDescriptions[Fragment]

    Descriptions for a seq of Fragments to execute

  3. trait JUnitReporter extends ExecutionOrigin with DefaultReporter with Exporters

    The JUnitReporter reports a specification by using a JUnit RunNotifier

  4. trait JUnitXmlExporting extends Exporting with JUnitXmlPrinter

    Trait for exporting the specification as JUnit xml files

  5. trait JUnitXmlPrinter extends AnyRef

    The JUnitXml printer is used to create a JUnit xml report of an executed specification.

  6. trait JUnitXmlReporter extends DefaultReporter with JUnitXmlExporting with ConsoleOutput

    This trait execute specifications and exports them as JUnit xml files in the target/test-reports directory (by default).

  7. class SpecFailureAssertionFailedError extends AssertionFailedError

    This class refines the AssertionFailedError from junit and provides the stackTrace of an exception which occurred during the specification execution

Value Members

  1. object JUnitXmlExporting extends JUnitXmlExporting
