

package matcher

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AdaptableMatcher[T] extends Matcher[T]

    Inherit this trait to provide a Matcher where both the actual and the expected values can be adapted with a function.

  2. case class AlwaysMatcher[T]() extends Matcher[T] with Product with Serializable

    This matcher always matches any value of type T

  3. class AndMatch[T] extends MatchResult[T]

  4. class AndNotMatch[T] extends MatchResult[T]

  5. trait AnyBeHaveMatchers extends AnyRef

    This trait allows to write expressions like

  6. trait AnyMatchers extends AnyBaseMatchers with AnyBeHaveMatchers

    This trait provides matchers which are applicable to any type of value

  7. class BeCloseTo[T] extends Matcher[T]

  8. class BeEqualTo extends BeTypedEqualTo[Any]

    Equality Matcher

  9. case class BeEqualTypedValueCheck[T](expected: T) extends ValueCheck[T] with Product with Serializable

    ValueCheck for a typed expected value.

  10. case class BeEqualValueCheck[T](expected: Any) extends ValueCheck[T] with Product with Serializable

    ValueCheck for an untyped expected value.

  11. class BeLessThan[T] extends Matcher[T]

  12. class BeLessThanOrEqualTo[T] extends Matcher[T]

  13. class BeMatching extends Matcher[String]

  14. class BeMatchingPattern extends BeMatching

  15. class BeMatchingRegex extends BeMatching

  16. class BeNull[T] extends Matcher[T]

  17. case class BeOneOf[T](t: Seq[T]) extends Matcher[T] with Product with Serializable

  18. class BeTheSameAs[T <: AnyRef] extends Matcher[T]

  19. class BeTrueMatcher extends Matcher[Boolean]

    Matcher for a boolean value which must be true

  20. class BeTypedEqualTo[T] extends AdaptableMatcher[T]

    Typed equality Matcher

  21. case class BetweenMatcher[T](t1: T, t2: T, includeStart: Boolean = true, includeEnd: Boolean = true)(implicit evidence$42: (T) ⇒ Ordered[T]) extends Matcher[T] with Product with Serializable

  22. trait CanBeEqual extends AnyRef

    This trait adds some implicits to create expectations with the === sign

  23. case class ContainWithResult[T](check: ValueCheck[T], timesMin: Option[Times] = ..., timesMax: Option[Times] = scala.None, checkAll: Boolean = true) extends Matcher[GenTraversableOnce[T]] with Product with Serializable

  24. case class ContainWithResultSeq[T](checks: Seq[ValueCheck[T]], containsAtLeast: Boolean = true, containsAtMost: Boolean = false, checkOrder: Boolean = false) extends Matcher[GenTraversableOnce[T]] with Product with Serializable

  25. case class DataTable(titles: Seq[String], rows: Seq[DataTableRow]) extends Product with Serializable

  26. case class DataTableRow(cells: Seq[String], result: Result) extends Product with Serializable

  27. trait DataTables extends Expectations

    This trait provides implicit definitions and types to create DataTables.

  28. case class Delta[S](n: S, delta: S) extends Product with Serializable

    class representing a numeric range

  29. trait EitherMatchers extends EitherBaseMatchers with EitherBeHaveMatchers

    Matchers for the Either datatype

  30. trait EventuallyMatchers extends EventuallyResults

    This trait adds the possibility to retry a given matcher until it succeeds.

  31. trait ExceptionMatchers extends ExceptionBaseMatchers with ExceptionBeHaveMatchers

    These matchers can be used to check if exceptions are thrown or not

  32. class Expectable[+T] extends AnyRef

    The Expectable class models anything which can be checked by applying a Matcher

  33. trait Expectations extends CanBeEqual

    This trait provides implicit definitions to transform any value into an Expectable

  34. trait ExpectationsDescription extends Sentences with Expectations

  35. case class FailedTryMatcher[T]() extends Matcher[Try[T]] with Product with Serializable

  36. trait FutureMatchers extends Expectations

    This trait is for transforming matchers of values to matchers of Futures

  37. case class LeftCheckedMatcher[T](check: ValueCheck[T]) extends OptionLikeCheckedMatcher[[a]Either[a, Any], T] with Product with Serializable

  38. case class LeftMatcher[T]() extends OptionLikeMatcher[[a]Either[a, Any], T] with Product with Serializable

  39. trait MapMatchers extends MapBaseMatchers with MapBeHaveMatchers

    Matchers for Maps

  40. case class MatchFailure[T] extends MatchResult[T] with Product with Serializable

  41. class MatchFailureException[T] extends FailureException with MatchResultException[T]

    this class allows to throw a match failure result in an Exception

  42. case class MatchPending[T] extends MatchResult[T] with Product with Serializable

  43. class MatchPendingException[T] extends PendingException with MatchResultException[T]

    this class allows to throw a pending result in an Exception

  44. trait MatchResult[+T] extends ResultLike

    Result of a Match.

  45. trait MatchResultException[T] extends AnyRef

  46. case class MatchSkip[T] extends MatchResult[T] with Product with Serializable

  47. class MatchSkipException[T] extends SkipException with MatchResultException[T]

    this class allows to throw a skipped match result in an Exception

  48. case class MatchSuccess[T] extends MatchResult[T] with Product with Serializable

    The signature of this class constructor is unusual, with a useless implicit parameter.

  49. trait Matcher[-T] extends AnyRef

    The Matcher trait is the base trait for any Matcher.

  50. trait MatcherZipOperators extends Expectations with ValueChecks

    This trait provides 'zip' operators to create matchers on tuples based on "zipped" matchers on fields

  51. trait MatcherZipOperatorsCodeGeneration extends AnyRef

    Generation code for the MatcherZipOperators trait

  52. trait Matchers extends AnyMatchers with BeHaveMatchers with TraversableMatchers with MapMatchers with StringMatchers with ExceptionMatchers with NumericMatchers with OptionMatchers with EitherMatchers with TryMatchers with EventuallyMatchers with FutureMatchers with MatchersImplicits with LanguageFeatures

    Trait aggregating the most common specs2 matchers

  53. trait MatchersImplicits extends Expectations with MatchResultCombinators with MatcherZipOperators with MatchResultImplicits with ExpectationsDescription

    This trait provides implicit definitions from MatchResults and Booleans to Results.

  54. class MustExpectable[T] extends Expectable[T]

    This kind of expectable can be followed by the verb must to apply a matcher:

  55. trait MustExpectations extends Expectations

    This trait provides implicit definitions to transform any value into a MustExpectable

  56. trait MustMatchers extends Matchers with MustExpectations

  57. trait MustThrownExpectations extends ThrownExpectations with MustExpectations

    This trait provides implicit definitions to transform any value into a MustExpectable, throwing exceptions when a match fails

  58. trait MustThrownMatchers extends Matchers with MustThrownExpectations

  59. case class NeutralMatch[T] extends MatchResult[T] with Product with Serializable

  60. class NeutralMatcher[T] extends Matcher[T]

    This special matcher always return a NeutralMatch MatchResult (an implicit Success)

  61. case class NeverMatcher[T]() extends Matcher[T] with Product with Serializable

    This matcher never matches any value of type T

  62. trait NoCanBeEqual extends CanBeEqual

    This trait can be used to suppress the CanBeEqual implicits

  63. trait NoExpectationsDescription extends ExpectationsDescription

  64. trait NoMatcherZipOperatorsImplicits extends MatcherZipOperators

    This trait can be mixed in to remove the implicit definitions for zipping matchers

  65. trait NoMatcherZipOperatorsImplicitsCodeGeneration extends AnyRef

    code generation for the NoMatcherZipOperatorsImplicits trait

  66. trait NoMustExpectations extends MustExpectations

    This trait can be used to remove aka and must methods on any value

  67. trait NoScopedExpectations extends ScopedExpectations

  68. trait NoShouldExpectations extends ShouldExpectations

    This trait can be used to remove aka and should methods on any value

  69. trait NoThrownExpectations extends Expectations

    This trait can be used to cancel the effect of thrown expectations.

  70. case class NotMatch[T] extends MatchResult[T] with Product with Serializable

  71. class NotMatcher[T] extends Matcher[T]

    This special matcher always return a NotMatch MatchResult.

  72. trait NumericMatchers extends NumericBaseMatchers with NumericBeHaveMatchers

    Matchers for Numerical values

  73. class OptionLikeCheckedMatcher[F[_], T] extends Matcher[F[T]]

  74. class OptionLikeMatcher[F[_], T] extends Matcher[F[T]]

  75. trait OptionMatchers extends OptionBaseMatchers with OptionBeHaveMatchers

    Matchers for Options

  76. class OrMatch[T] extends MatchResult[T]

  77. class OrNotMatch[T] extends MatchResult[T]

  78. class OrderingMatcher[T] extends Matcher[Seq[T]]

  79. trait ResultMatchers extends ResultBaseMatchers with ResultBeHaveMatchers

    Matchers for Results

  80. case class RightCheckedMatcher[T](check: ValueCheck[T]) extends OptionLikeCheckedMatcher[[a]Either[Any, a], T] with Product with Serializable

  81. case class RightMatcher[T]() extends OptionLikeMatcher[[a]Either[Any, a], T] with Product with Serializable

  82. trait Scope extends AnyRef

    This trait represents any Scope that is used to enclose expectations which might be thrown

  83. trait ScopedExpectations extends AnyRef

    This trait allows to enclose expectations throwing exceptions in a Scope trait:

  84. class ShouldExpectable[T] extends Expectable[T]

    This kind of expectable can be followed by the verb should to apply a matcher:

  85. trait ShouldExpectations extends Expectations

    This trait provides implicit definitions to transform any value into a ShouldExpectable

  86. trait ShouldMatchers extends Matchers with ShouldExpectations

  87. trait ShouldThrownExpectations extends ThrownExpectations with ShouldExpectations

    This trait provides implicit definitions to transform any value into a ShouldExpectable, throwing exceptions when a match fails

  88. trait ShouldThrownMatchers extends Matchers with ShouldThrownExpectations

  89. class SizedMatcher[T] extends Matcher[T]

  90. case class SomeCheckedMatcher[T](check: ValueCheck[T]) extends OptionLikeCheckedMatcher[Option, T] with Product with Serializable

  91. case class SomeMatcher[T]() extends OptionLikeMatcher[Option, T] with Product with Serializable

  92. trait StandardMatchResults extends Expectations

    This trait can be used in conjonction with Pattern matchers:

  93. trait StoredExpectations extends Expectations

    This trait evaluates expectations and stores them in a local variable for further usage

  94. trait StringMatchers extends StringBaseMatchers with StringBeHaveMatchers

    The StringMatchers trait provides matchers which are applicable to String objects

  95. case class SuccessCheckedMatcher[T](check: ValueCheck[T]) extends OptionLikeCheckedMatcher[Try, T] with Product with Serializable

  96. case class SuccessMatcher[T]() extends OptionLikeMatcher[Try, T] with Product with Serializable

  97. trait ThrownExpectations extends Expectations with StandardResults with StandardMatchResults with ScopedExpectations

    Thrown expectations will throw a FailureException if a match fails

  98. trait ThrownMessages extends AnyRef

    This trait can be used to integrate failures and skip messages into specs2

  99. trait TraversableMatchers extends TraversableBaseMatchers with NumberOfTimes with TraversableBeHaveMatchers with LazyParameters

    Matchers for traversables

  100. trait TryMatchers extends TryBaseMatchers with TryBeHaveMatchers

    Matchers for util.

  101. trait ValueCheck[T] extends AnyRef

    Common interface for checks of a value of type T:

  102. trait ValueChecks extends ValueChecksLowImplicits1

    implicit conversions used to create ValueChecks

  103. trait ValueChecksLowImplicits extends AnyRef

    Lower implicit conversions to create ValueChecks

  104. trait ValueChecksLowImplicits1 extends ValueChecksLowImplicits

Value Members

  1. object AnyMatchers extends AnyMatchers

  2. object BeMatching

  3. object DataTable extends Serializable

  4. object DataTableRow extends Serializable

  5. object EitherMatchers extends EitherMatchers

  6. object EventuallyMatchers extends EventuallyMatchers

  7. object Expectable

    Factory methods for creating Expectables

  8. object FutureMatchers extends FutureMatchers

  9. object MapMatchers extends MapMatchers

  10. object MatchFailure extends Serializable

  11. object MatchFailureException extends Serializable

  12. object MatchPendingException extends Serializable

  13. object MatchResultCombinators extends MatchResultCombinators

  14. object MatchResultExecution extends MatchResultExecution

  15. object MatchResultLogicalCombinators extends MatchResultLogicalCombinators

  16. object MatchSkipException extends Serializable

  17. object MatchSuccess extends Serializable

  18. object Matcher

  19. object Matchers extends Matchers

  20. object MustExpectable

  21. object MustExpectations extends MustExpectations

  22. object MustMatchers extends MustMatchers

  23. object MustThrownExpectations extends MustThrownExpectations

  24. object MustThrownMatchers extends MustThrownMatchers

  25. object NumericMatchers extends NumericMatchers

  26. object OptionMatchers extends OptionMatchers

  27. object ResultMatchers extends ResultMatchers

  28. object ShouldExpectable

  29. object ShouldExpectations extends ShouldExpectations

  30. object ShouldMatchers extends ShouldMatchers

  31. object ShouldThrownExpectations extends ShouldThrownExpectations

  32. object ShouldThrownMatchers extends ShouldThrownMatchers

  33. object StandardMatchResults extends StandardMatchResults

  34. object StringMatchers extends StringMatchers

  35. object TraversableMatchers extends TraversableMatchers

  36. object TryMatchers extends TryMatchers

  37. object ValueChecks extends ValueChecks
