

package runner

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ClassRunner extends Classes with ConsoleOutput with SystemExit

    This class can be used to executed a Specification in the Console by specifying its name as the first argument on the command line

  2. trait FilesRunner extends SpecificationsFinder with SystemExit

    This trait finds specifications in the source directory, instantiate them as one big specification and report them using the ConsoleReporter or the HtmlReporter depending on the presence of the html flag

  3. trait FilesRunnerFingerprint extends TestFingerprint

  4. case class FinalResultsReporter(handler: EventHandler, loggers: Array[Logger]) extends TestInterfaceReporter with Product with Serializable

    This reporter will just notify the test interface about test results for the end statistics

  5. class HtmlRunner extends ClassRunner

    This runner uses an HtmlReporter, creating html pages, for running the specification

  6. class JUnitRunner extends Runner with DefaultSelection

    The JUnitRunner class is a JUnit Runner class meant to be used with the RunWith annotation to execute a specification as a JUnit suite.

  7. class JUnitXmlRunner extends ClassRunner

    This runner uses a JUnitXmlReporter, creating junit xml files

  8. case class NotifierRunner(notifier: Notifier) extends Product with Serializable

    This runner can be used with any class implementing the Notifier trait

  9. trait SpecificationsFinder extends FileSystem with Classes with ConsoleOutput with SourceFile

    This trait loads specifications found on a given source directory based on a regular expression representing the Specification name, usually .

  10. trait Specs2Fingerprint extends TestFingerprint

  11. class SpecsFramework extends Framework

    Implementation of the Framework interface for the sbt tool.

  12. trait SystemExit extends AnyRef

    This trait is responsible for exiting the system after a run, depending on the success of the execution

  13. class TestInterfaceConsoleReporter extends ConsoleReporter with AllExporting

  14. class TestInterfaceRunner extends Runner with HandlerEvents with TestLoggers with Exporters

    Runner for TestInterface.

  15. class TextRunner extends ClassRunner

Value Members

  1. object ConsoleLogger extends Logger

  2. object Fingerprints

  3. object JUnitRunner

    Factory methods to help with testing

  4. object NullEventHandler extends EventHandler

  5. object SpecificationsFinder extends SpecificationsFinder

  6. object testInterface extends TestInterfaceRunner with Classes with SystemExit with ConsoleOutput

    This object can be used to debug the behavior of the TestInterfaceRunner

  7. object textJUnitRunner

    Simple JUnitRunner to run specifications on the console for testing
