

package process

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait DefaultExecutor extends Executor

    Default execution for specifications:

  2. trait DefaultSelector extends Selector

    Default selection for specification fragments:

  3. trait Executor extends AnyRef

    Functions for executing fragments.

  4. trait Indentation extends AnyRef

    Fold function to compute the indentation of each fragment based on the presence of Tabs fragments

  5. sealed trait IndentationDirection extends AnyRef

  6. case class IndentationState(level: Int, direction: IndentationDirection) extends Product with Serializable

  7. case class Level(start: Boolean = false, incrementNext: Boolean = false, l: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

  8. trait Levels extends AnyRef

    Compute the "level" of each fragment to be able to represent the whole specification as a tree.

  9. trait RandomSequentialExecution extends SpecificationStructure

    This trait adds random execution constraints between examples.

  10. trait Selector extends AnyRef

    Selection function for Fragment processes

  11. case class SpecificationResultKey(specClassName: String, description: Description) extends Key[Result] with Product with Serializable

  12. case class SpecificationStatsKey(specClassName: String) extends Key[Stats] with Product with Serializable

  13. trait Statistics extends AnyRef

    Compute the statistics for executed fragments

  14. case class StatisticsMemoryStore(statistics: HashMap[String, Stats] = ..., results: HashMap[(String, Long), Result] = ...) extends Store with Product with Serializable

    In memory store for statistics

  15. case class StatisticsRepository(store: Store) extends Product with Serializable

    Store the execution statistics.

  16. case class Stats(examples: Int = 0, successes: Int = 0, expectations: Int = 0, failures: Int = 0, errors: Int = 0, pending: Int = 0, skipped: Int = 0, trend: Option[Stats] = scala.None, timer: SimpleTimer = new time.SimpleTimer()) extends Product with Serializable

    The Stats class store results for the number of: - successes - expectations - failures - errors - pending - skipped

Value Members

  1. object DefaultExecutor extends DefaultExecutor

    helper functions for executing fragments

  2. object DefaultSelector extends DefaultSelector

  3. object Indentation extends Indentation

  4. object IndentationDown extends IndentationDirection with Product with Serializable

  5. object IndentationNeutral extends IndentationDirection with Product with Serializable

  6. object IndentationState extends Serializable

  7. object IndentationUp extends IndentationDirection with Product with Serializable

  8. object Level extends Serializable

  9. object Levels extends Levels

  10. object Statistics extends Statistics

  11. object StatisticsRepository extends Serializable

  12. object StatisticsStore

  13. object Stats extends Product with Serializable

    The Stats class store results for the number of: - successes - expectations - failures - errors - pending - skipped

  14. object StoreKeys
