

package fpf

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class FPFilter[A] extends AnyRef

    A Floating Point Filter [1] provides a Numeric type that wraps another Numeric type, but defers its computation, instead providing a floating point (Double) approximation.

  2. trait FPFilterWrapper[A] extends AnyRef

    A typeclass approach to wrapping numeric types in an FPFilter.

  3. final class MaybeDouble extends AnyRef

    A MaybeDouble will hold a Double approximation so long as the Double's sign can be computed exactly.

Value Members

  1. object FPFilter extends LowPriorityFPFilterImplicits with LowPriorityFPFilterWrappers

  2. object FPFilterWrapper extends LowPriorityFPFilterWrappers

    TODO: genericFPFilter is constantly being chosen over the ones defined here.

  3. object FastMaybeFloat

    A Long encoded version of MaybeDouble, geared for unboxed speed.

  4. object MaybeDouble
