Annotation Type Use

public @interface Use

Activates one or more Groovy categories while the annotated spec method or class executes. In other words, @Use(SomeCategory) has the same effect as wrapping the execution of the annotated method or class with use(SomeCategory) { ... }.

Basic example:

 class ListExtensions {
   static avg(List list) { list.sum() / list.size() }

 class MySpec extends Specification {
   def "can use avg() method"() {
     [1, 2, 3].avg() == 2

One use case for this feature is the stubbing of dynamic methods which are usually provided by the runtime environment (e.g. Grails).

Note: @Use has no effect when applied to a helper method. However, when applied to a spec class it will also affect its helper methods.

Required Element Summary
 Class[] value

Element Detail


public abstract Class[] value