Class HeartbeatEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HeartbeatEvent extends org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent
An event that a DiscoveryClient implementation can broadcast if it supports heartbeats from the discovery server. Provides listeners with a basic indication of a state change in the service catalog.
Spencer Gibb, Dave Syer
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HeartbeatEvent

      public HeartbeatEvent(Object source, Object state)
      Creates a new event with a source (for example, a discovery client) and a value. Neither parameter should be relied on to have specific content or format.
      source - The source of the event.
      state - The value indicating state of the catalog.
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      public Object getValue()
      A value representing the state of the service catalog. The only requirement is that it changes when the catalog is updated; it can be as simple as a version counter or a hash. Implementations can provide information to help users visualize what is going on in the catalog, but users should not rely on the content (since the implementation of the underlying discovery might change).
      A value representing state of the service catalog.