Class LoadBalancerProperties

    • Constructor Detail

      • LoadBalancerProperties

        public LoadBalancerProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getHintHeaderName

        public String getHintHeaderName()
      • setHintHeaderName

        public void setHintHeaderName​(String hintHeaderName)
      • isUseRawStatusCodeInResponseData

        public boolean isUseRawStatusCodeInResponseData()
      • setUseRawStatusCodeInResponseData

        public void setUseRawStatusCodeInResponseData​(boolean useRawStatusCodeInResponseData)
      • isCallGetWithRequestOnDelegates

        public boolean isCallGetWithRequestOnDelegates()
        If this flag is set to true, ServiceInstanceListSupplier#get(Request request) method will be implemented to call delegate.get(request) in classes assignable from DelegatingServiceInstanceListSupplier that don't already implement that method, with the exclusion of CachingServiceInstanceListSupplier and HealthCheckServiceInstanceListSupplier, which should be placed in the instance supplier hierarchy directly after the supplier performing instance retrieval over the network, before any request-based filtering is done. Note: in 4.1, this behaviour will become the default
      • setCallGetWithRequestOnDelegates

        public void setCallGetWithRequestOnDelegates​(boolean callGetWithRequestOnDelegates)
        If this flag is set to true, ServiceInstanceListSupplier#get(Request request) method will be implemented to call delegate.get(request) in classes assignable from DelegatingServiceInstanceListSupplier that don't already implement that method, with the exclusion of CachingServiceInstanceListSupplier and HealthCheckServiceInstanceListSupplier, which should be placed in the instance supplier hierarchy directly after the supplier performing instance retrieval over the network, before any request-based filtering is done. Note: in 4.1, this behaviour will become the default