All Classes and Interfaces

Feign contract method parameter processor.
Specifies the parameter context.
The base request interceptor.
Allows Spring's @Cache* annotations to be declared on the feign client's methods.
Used to resolve a circuitbreaker name which will be used in CircuitBreakerFactory.
Indicates which collection format should be used while processing the annotated method.
CookieValue annotation processor.
Scans for interfaces that declare they are feign clients (via FeignClient @FeignClient).
Used to control the fallback given its cause.
Configures the Feign response compression.
Enables the HTTP response payload compression by specifying the Accept-Encoding headers.
A Client implementation that uses LoadBalancerClient to select a ServiceInstance to use while resolving the request host.
Allows application to customize the Feign builder.
Allows Spring's @Cache* annotations to be declared on the feign client's methods.
Allows Feign interfaces to work with CircuitBreaker.
Builder for Feign CircuitBreaker integration.
Annotation for interfaces declaring that a REST client with that interface should be created (e.g.
A builder for creating Feign clients without using the FeignClient annotation.
Builder of feign targets.
Additional Feign Client configuration that are not included in FeignClient.
The Feign encoding properties.
Feign client configuration.
Metrics configuration for Feign Client.
Configures the Feign request compression.
Enables the HTTP request payload compression by specifying the Content-Encoding headers.
A factory that creates instances of feign classes.
Properties for SpringEncoder.
Allows an application to use a custom Feign ErrorDecoder.
Allows an application to customize the Feign FormattingConversionService.
Enumeration of pool concurrency policies.
Enumeration of pooled connection re-use policies.
OkHttpClient-specific properties.
An autoconfiguration that instantiates LoadBalancerClient-based implementations of Client.
Allows an application to use a custom Feign Logger.
Default configuration for CloseableHttpClient.
Default configuration for CloseableHttpClient.
Lists all constants used by Feign encoders.
Allows customising HttpMessageConverter objects passed via Consumer parameter.
A RetryableStatusCodeException for Responses.
MatrixVariable annotation processor.
A RequestInterceptor for OAuth2 Feign Requests.
since spring-security-oauth2 reached EOL
since spring-security-oauth2 reached EOL
A Condition that verifies whether the conditions for creating Feign Client beans that either are of type OkHttpClient or have a delegate of type OkHttpClient are not met.
Defualt configuration for OkHttpClient.
A condition that verifies that RetryTemplate is on the classpath, a LoadBalancedRetryFactory bean is present and is not set to false.
This factory bean is meant to create Request.Options instance as per the applicable configurations.
Provides support for encoding spring Pageable via composition.
Provides support for encoding Pageable annotated as SpringQueryMap.
This Jackson module provides support to deserialize Spring Page objects.
PathVariable parameter processor.
SpringQueryMap parameter processor.
RequestHeader parameter processor.
RequestParam parameter processor.
RequestPart parameter processor.
Decoder adds compatibility for Spring MVC's ResponseEntity to any other decoder via composition.
A Client implementation that provides Spring Retry support for requests load-balanced with Spring Cloud LoadBalancer.
This Jackson module provides support for serializing and deserializing for Spring Sort object.
This class provides provides support for serializing and deserializing for Spring Sort object.
Spring MVC equivalent of OpenFeign's QueryMap parameter annotation.