Class SimpleTaskRepository

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleTaskRepository extends Object implements TaskRepository
Records the task execution information to the log and to TaskExecutionDao provided.
Glenn Renfro
  • Field Details


      public static final int MAX_EXIT_MESSAGE_SIZE
      Default max exit message size.
      See Also:

      public static final int MAX_TASK_NAME_SIZE
      Default max task name size.
      See Also:

      public static final int MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE
      Default max error message size.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleTaskRepository

      public SimpleTaskRepository(org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean<TaskExecutionDao> taskExecutionDaoFactoryBean)
    • SimpleTaskRepository

      public SimpleTaskRepository(org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean<TaskExecutionDao> taskExecutionDaoFactoryBean, Integer maxExitMessageSize, Integer maxTaskNameSize, Integer maxErrorMessageSize)
  • Method Details

    • completeTaskExecution

      public TaskExecution completeTaskExecution(long executionId, Integer exitCode, LocalDateTime endTime, String exitMessage)
      Description copied from interface: TaskRepository
      Notifies the repository that a taskExecution has completed.
      Specified by:
      completeTaskExecution in interface TaskRepository
      executionId - to the task execution to be updated.
      exitCode - to be stored for this task.
      endTime - designated when the task completed.
      exitMessage - to be stored for the task.
      the updated TaskExecution
    • completeTaskExecution

      public TaskExecution completeTaskExecution(long executionId, Integer exitCode, LocalDateTime endTime, String exitMessage, String errorMessage)
      Description copied from interface: TaskRepository
      Notifies the repository that a taskExecution has completed.
      Specified by:
      completeTaskExecution in interface TaskRepository
      executionId - to the task execution to be updated.
      exitCode - to be stored for this task execution.
      endTime - designated when the task completed.
      exitMessage - to be stored for the task execution.
      errorMessage - to be stored for the task execution.
      the updated TaskExecution
    • createTaskExecution

      public TaskExecution createTaskExecution(TaskExecution taskExecution)
      Description copied from interface: TaskRepository
      Notifies the repository that a taskExecution needs to be created.
      Specified by:
      createTaskExecution in interface TaskRepository
      taskExecution - a TaskExecution instance containing the startTime, arguments and externalExecutionId that will be stored in the repository. Only the values enumerated above will be stored for this TaskExecution.
      the TaskExecution that was stored in the repository. The TaskExecution's taskExecutionId will also contain the id that was used to store the TaskExecution.
    • createTaskExecution

      public TaskExecution createTaskExecution(String name)
      Description copied from interface: TaskRepository
      Creates an empty TaskExecution with just an id and name provided. This is intended to be utilized in systems where the request of launching a task is separate from the actual start of a task (the underlying system may need to deploy the task prior to launching, etc).
      Specified by:
      createTaskExecution in interface TaskRepository
      name - task name to be associated with the task execution.
      the initial TaskExecution
    • createTaskExecution

      public TaskExecution createTaskExecution()
      Description copied from interface: TaskRepository
      Creates an empty TaskExecution with just an id provided. This is intended to be utilized in systems where the request of launching a task is separate from the actual start of a task (the underlying system may need to deploy the task prior to launching, etc).
      Specified by:
      createTaskExecution in interface TaskRepository
      the initial TaskExecution
    • startTaskExecution

      public TaskExecution startTaskExecution(long executionid, String taskName, LocalDateTime startTime, List<String> arguments, String externalExecutionId)
      Description copied from interface: TaskRepository
      Notifies the repository that a taskExecution has has started.
      Specified by:
      startTaskExecution in interface TaskRepository
      executionid - to the task execution to be updated.
      taskName - the name that associated with the task execution.
      startTime - the time task began.
      arguments - list of key/value pairs that configure the task.
      externalExecutionId - id assigned to the task by the platform.
      TaskExecution created based on the parameters.
    • updateExternalExecutionId

      public void updateExternalExecutionId(long executionid, String externalExecutionId)
      Description copied from interface: TaskRepository
      Notifies the repository to update the taskExecution's externalExecutionId.
      Specified by:
      updateExternalExecutionId in interface TaskRepository
      executionid - to the task execution to be updated.
      externalExecutionId - id assigned to the task by the platform.
    • startTaskExecution

      public TaskExecution startTaskExecution(long executionid, String taskName, LocalDateTime startTime, List<String> arguments, String externalExecutionId, Long parentExecutionId)
      Description copied from interface: TaskRepository
      Notifies the repository that a taskExecution has has started.
      Specified by:
      startTaskExecution in interface TaskRepository
      executionid - to the task execution to be updated.
      taskName - the name that associated with the task execution.
      startTime - the time task began.
      arguments - list of key/value pairs that configure the task.
      externalExecutionId - id assigned to the task by the platform.
      parentExecutionId - the parent task execution id.
      A TaskExecution that contains the information available at the beginning of a TaskExecution.
    • getTaskExecutionDao

      public TaskExecutionDao getTaskExecutionDao()
      Retrieves the taskExecutionDao associated with this repository.
      the taskExecutionDao
    • setMaxExitMessageSize

      public void setMaxExitMessageSize(int maxExitMessageSize)
    • setMaxTaskNameSize

      public void setMaxTaskNameSize(int maxTaskNameSize)
    • setMaxErrorMessageSize

      public void setMaxErrorMessageSize(int maxErrorMessageSize)