Class ProxyProcessorSupport

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, AopInfrastructureBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanClassLoaderAware, org.springframework.core.Ordered
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractAdvisingBeanPostProcessor, AbstractAutoProxyCreator

public class ProxyProcessorSupport extends ProxyConfig implements org.springframework.core.Ordered, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanClassLoaderAware, AopInfrastructureBean
Base class with common functionality for proxy processors, in particular ClassLoader management and the evaluateProxyInterfaces(java.lang.Class<?>, org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactory) algorithm.
Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProxyProcessorSupport

      public ProxyProcessorSupport()
  • Method Details

    • setOrder

      public void setOrder(int order)
      Set the ordering which will apply to this processor's implementation of Ordered, used when applying multiple processors.

      The default value is Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE, meaning non-ordered.

      order - the ordering value
    • getOrder

      public int getOrder()
      Specified by:
      getOrder in interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
    • setProxyClassLoader

      public void setProxyClassLoader(@Nullable ClassLoader classLoader)
      Set the ClassLoader to generate the proxy class in.

      Default is the bean ClassLoader, i.e. the ClassLoader used by the containing BeanFactory for loading all bean classes. This can be overridden here for specific proxies.

    • getProxyClassLoader

      @Nullable protected ClassLoader getProxyClassLoader()
      Return the configured proxy ClassLoader for this processor.
    • setBeanClassLoader

      public void setBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
      Specified by:
      setBeanClassLoader in interface org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanClassLoaderAware
    • evaluateProxyInterfaces

      protected void evaluateProxyInterfaces(Class<?> beanClass, ProxyFactory proxyFactory)
      Check the interfaces on the given bean class and apply them to the ProxyFactory, if appropriate.

      Calls isConfigurationCallbackInterface(java.lang.Class<?>) and isInternalLanguageInterface(java.lang.Class<?>) to filter for reasonable proxy interfaces, falling back to a target-class proxy otherwise.

      beanClass - the class of the bean
      proxyFactory - the ProxyFactory for the bean
    • isConfigurationCallbackInterface

      protected boolean isConfigurationCallbackInterface(Class<?> ifc)
      Determine whether the given interface is just a container callback and therefore not to be considered as a reasonable proxy interface.

      If no reasonable proxy interface is found for a given bean, it will get proxied with its full target class, assuming that as the user's intention.

      ifc - the interface to check
      whether the given interface is just a container callback
    • isInternalLanguageInterface

      protected boolean isInternalLanguageInterface(Class<?> ifc)
      Determine whether the given interface is a well-known internal language interface and therefore not to be considered as a reasonable proxy interface.

      If no reasonable proxy interface is found for a given bean, it will get proxied with its full target class, assuming that as the user's intention.

      ifc - the interface to check
      whether the given interface is an internal language interface