Annotation Interface Controller

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented @Component public @interface Controller
Indicates that an annotated class is a "Controller" (e.g. a web controller).

This annotation serves as a specialization of @Component, allowing for implementation classes to be autodetected through classpath scanning. It is typically used in combination with annotated handler methods based on the org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping annotation.

Arjen Poutsma, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The value may indicate a suggestion for a logical component name, to be turned into a Spring bean in case of an autodetected component.
  • Element Details

    • value

      @AliasFor(annotation=Component.class) String value
      The value may indicate a suggestion for a logical component name, to be turned into a Spring bean in case of an autodetected component.
      the suggested component name, if any (or empty String otherwise)