All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base for ClientHttpRequest that makes sure that headers and body are not written multiple times.
Base class for ClientHttpRequest implementations.
Abstract base class for ClientHttpRequestFactory implementations that decorate another request factory.
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
Convenient base class for WebApplicationInitializer implementations that register a ContextLoaderListener in the servlet context.
A base abstract class to resolve method arguments annotated with @CookieValue.
Abstract base class for most GenericHttpMessageConverter implementations.
Abstract base class for most HttpMessageConverter implementations.
Abstract base class for Jackson 2.9 decoding, leveraging non-blocking parsing.
Base class providing support methods for Jackson 2.9 encoding.
Abstract base class for Jackson based and content type independent HttpMessageConverter implementations.
Abstract base class for HttpMessageConverters that use JAXB2.
Common base class for plain JSON converters, e.g.
AbstractKotlinSerializationHttpMessageConverter<T extends kotlinx.serialization.SerialFormat>
Abstract base class for HttpMessageConverter implementations that use Kotlin serialization.
Abstract base class for Publisher implementations that bridge between event-listener read APIs and Reactive Streams.
Abstract base class for listener-based server responses.
An alternative to AbstractListenerWriteProcessor but instead writing a Publisher<Publisher<T>> with flush boundaries enforces after the completion of each nested Publisher.
Abstract base class for Processor implementations that bridge between event-listener write APIs and Reactive Streams.
Base class for ContentNegotiationStrategy implementations with the steps to resolve a request to media types.
Abstract base implementation of the MultipartHttpServletRequest interface.
Base class for arguments that resolve to a named request value such as a request header, path variable, cookie, and others.
Info about a request value, typically extracted from a method parameter annotation.
Abstract base class for resolving method arguments from a named value.
Represents the information about a named value, including name, whether it's required and a default value.
Base class for a WebApplicationInitializer that installs a Spring Reactive Web Application on a Servlet container.
AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext subclass which implements the ConfigurableWebApplicationContext interface for web environments.
Abstract support class for RequestAttributes implementations, offering a request completion mechanism for request-specific destruction callbacks and for updating accessed session attributes.
Abstract Scope implementation that reads from a particular scope in the current thread-bound RequestAttributes object.
Base class for Filters that perform logging operations before and after a request is processed.
Common base class for ServerHttpRequest implementations.
Base class for ServerHttpResponse implementations.
An abstract base class adapting a WebArgumentResolver to the HandlerMethodArgumentResolver contract.
AbstractWireFeedHttpMessageConverter<T extends com.rometools.rome.feed.WireFeed>
Abstract base class for Atom and RSS Feed message converters, using the ROME tools project.
Abstract base class for HttpMessageConverters that convert from/to XML.
LocaleContextResolver implementation that simply uses the primary locale specified in the "Accept-Language" header of the HTTP request (that is, the locale sent by the client browser, normally that of the client's OS).
Extension of FormHttpMessageConverter, adding support for XML and JSON-based parts.
WebApplicationContext implementation which accepts component classes as input — in particular @Configuration classes, but also plain @Component classes as well as JSR-330 compliant classes using jakarta.inject annotations.
@ApplicationScope is a specialization of @Scope for a component whose lifecycle is bound to the current web application.
A return value handler that supports async types.
Exception to be thrown when an async request times out.
Extends NativeWebRequest with methods for asynchronous request processing.
Extends WebRequestInterceptor with a callback method invoked during asynchronous request handling.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write Atom feeds.
ClientHttpRequestInterceptor to apply a given HTTP Basic Authentication username/password pair, unless a custom Authorization header has already been set.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write BufferedImages.
Wrapper for a ClientHttpRequestFactory that buffers all outgoing and incoming streams in memory.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write byte arrays.
Custom PropertyEditor for converting MultipartFiles to byte arrays.
A builder for creating "Cache-Control" HTTP response headers.
Intercepts concurrent request handling, where the concurrent result is obtained by executing a Callable on behalf of the application with an AsyncTaskExecutor.
Given a write function that accepts a source Publisher<T> to write with and returns Publisher<Void> for the result, this operator helps to defer the invocation of the write function, until we know if the source publisher will begin publishing without an error.
Servlet Filter that allows one to specify a character encoding for requests.
Extension of CodecConfigurer for HTTP message reader and writer options relevant on the client side.
CodecConfigurer.DefaultCodecs extension with extra client-side options.
Registry and container for multipart HTTP message writers.
Abstraction over HTTP clients driving the underlying HTTP client to connect to the origin server and provide all necessary infrastructure to send a ClientHttpRequest and receive a ClientHttpResponse.
Documented KeyValues for HTTP client observations.
Represents a client-side HTTP request.
Represents a client-side reactive HTTP request.
Wraps another ClientHttpRequest and delegates all methods to it.
Represents the context of a client-side HTTP request execution.
Factory for ClientHttpRequest objects.
Callback interface for initializing a ClientHttpRequest prior to it being used.
Intercepts client-side HTTP requests.
Represents a client-side HTTP response.
Represents a client-side reactive HTTP response.
Wraps another ClientHttpResponse and delegates all methods to it.
Context that holds information for metadata collection during the client HTTP exchanges observations.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for client HTTP exchanges.
Defines a common interface for configuring either client or server HTTP message readers and writers.
Registry for custom HTTP message readers and writers.
Exposes the values of properties configured through CodecConfigurer.defaultCodecs() that are applied to default codecs.
Customize or replace the HTTP message readers and writers registered by default.
Simple request logging filter that writes the request URI (and optionally the query string) to the Commons Log.
A generic composite servlet Filter that just delegates its behavior to a chain (list) of user-supplied filters, achieving the functionality of a FilterChain, but conveniently using only Filter instances.
A UriComponentsContributor containing a list of other contributors to delegate to and also encapsulating a specific ConversionService to use for formatting method argument values as Strings.
Interface to be implemented by configurable web application contexts.
Convenient WebBindingInitializer for declarative configuration in a Spring application context.
Specialization of ConfigurableEnvironment allowing initialization of servlet-related PropertySource objects at the earliest moment that the ServletContext and (optionally) ServletConfig become available.
HttpServletRequest wrapper that caches all content read from the input stream and reader, and allows this content to be retrieved via a byte array.
HttpServletResponse wrapper that caches all content written to the output stream and writer, and allows this content to be retrieved via a byte array.
Representation of the Content-Disposition type and parameters as defined in RFC 6266.
A mutable builder for ContentDisposition.
Central class to determine requested media types for a request.
Factory to create a ContentNegotiationManager and configure it with ContentNegotiationStrategy instances.
A strategy for resolving the requested media types for a request.
Web application listener that cleans up remaining disposable attributes in the ServletContext, i.e.
HttpServletRequest decorator that makes all Spring beans in a given WebApplicationContext accessible as request attributes, through lazy checking once an attribute gets accessed.
Performs the actual initialization work for the root application context.
Bootstrap listener to start up and shut down Spring's root WebApplicationContext.
HttpHandler delegating requests to one of several HttpHandler's based on simple, prefix-based mappings.
Specialization of @Component for classes that declare @ExceptionHandler, @InitBinder, or @ModelAttribute methods to be shared across multiple @Controller classes.
Encapsulates information about an @ControllerAdvice Spring-managed bean without necessarily requiring it to be instantiated.
as of 6.0 in favor of ResponseCookie
Annotation to indicate that a method parameter is bound to an HTTP cookie.
HttpServiceArgumentResolver for @CookieValue annotated arguments.
Cookie-based WebSessionIdResolver.
A container for CORS configuration along with methods to check against the actual origin, HTTP methods, and headers of a given request.
Interface to be implemented by classes (usually HTTP request handlers) that provides a CorsConfiguration instance based on the provided request.
Interface to be implemented by classes (usually HTTP request handlers) that provides a CorsConfiguration instance based on the provided reactive request.
Filter to handle CORS pre-flight requests and intercept CORS simple and actual requests with a CorsProcessor, and to update the response, e.g.
A strategy that takes a request and a CorsConfiguration and updates the response.
A strategy to apply CORS validation checks and updates to a ServerWebExchange, either rejecting through the response or adding CORS related headers, based on a pre-selected CorsConfiguration.
Utility class for CORS request handling based on the CORS W3C recommendation.
Utility class for CORS reactive request handling based on the CORS W3C recommendation.
WebFilter that handles CORS preflight requests and intercepts CORS simple and actual requests thanks to a CorsProcessor implementation (DefaultCorsProcessor by default) in order to add the relevant CORS response headers (like Access-Control-Allow-Origin) using the provided CorsConfigurationSource (for example an UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource instance.
Annotation for permitting cross-origin requests on specific handler classes and/or handler methods.
HttpMessageReader that wraps and delegates to a Decoder.
Base class for JSF NavigationHandler implementations that want to be capable of decorating an original NavigationHandler.
Default implementation of ClientCodecConfigurer.
Default implementation for a ClientRequestObservationConvention, extracting information from the ClientRequestObservationContext.
The default implementation of CorsProcessor, as defined by the CORS W3C recommendation.
The default implementation of CorsProcessor, as defined by the CORS W3C recommendation.
Create a WebRequestDataBinder instance and initialize it with a WebBindingInitializer.
Default implementation of the MultipartHttpServletRequest interface.
Default HttpMessageReader for parsing "multipart/form-data" requests to a stream of Parts.
Spring's default implementation of the ResponseErrorHandler interface.
Default implementation of ServerCodecConfigurer.
Default implementation of ServerWebExchange.
Default implementation of the SessionAttributeStore interface, storing the attributes in the WebRequest session (i.e.
UriBuilderFactory that relies on UriComponentsBuilder for the actual building of the URI.
Enum to represent multiple URI encoding strategies.
Default implementation of WebFilterChain.
Default implementation of WebSessionManager delegating to a WebSessionIdResolver for session id resolution and to a WebSessionStore.
DeferredResult provides an alternative to using a Callable for asynchronous request processing.
Handles a DeferredResult value when set.
Intercepts concurrent request handling, where the concurrent result is obtained by waiting for a DeferredResult to be set from a thread chosen by the application (e.g.
Proxy for a standard Servlet Filter, delegating to a Spring-managed bean that implements the Filter interface.
JSF NavigationHandler implementation that delegates to a NavigationHandler bean obtained from the Spring root WebApplicationContext.
JSF PhaseListener implementation that delegates to one or more Spring-managed PhaseListener beans coming from the Spring root WebApplicationContext.
Implementation of ServerHttpResponse that delegates all calls to a given target ServerHttpResponse.
Shortcut for @HttpExchange for HTTP DELETE requests.
Annotation for mapping HTTP DELETE requests onto specific handler methods.
Adapter that implements the Servlet HttpSessionBindingListener interface, wrapping a session destruction callback.
HttpMessageWriter that wraps and delegates to an Encoder.
Representation of a complete RFC 7807 error response including status, headers, and an RFC 7807 formatted ProblemDetail body.
Builder for an ErrorResponse.
RuntimeException that implements ErrorResponse to expose an HTTP status, response headers, and a body formatted as an RFC 7807 ProblemDetail.
Resolves Errors method arguments.
Errors wrapper that adds automatic HTML escaping to the wrapped instance, for convenient usage in HTML views.
Annotation for handling exceptions in specific handler classes and/or handler methods.
Discovers @ExceptionHandler methods in a given class, including all of its superclasses, and helps to resolve a given Exception to the exception types supported by a given Method.
WebHandler decorator that invokes one or more WebExceptionHandlers after the delegate WebHandler.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @Value.
Implementation of ResponseErrorHandler that uses HttpMessageConverters to convert HTTP error responses to RestClientExceptions.
Convenience methods to retrieve Spring's root WebApplicationContext for a given JSF FacesContext.
RequestAttributes adapter for a JSF FacesContext.
WebRequest adapter for a JSF FacesContext.
Specialization of Part that represents an uploaded file received in a multipart request.
Represents an event triggered for a file upload.
WebHandlerDecorator that invokes a chain of WebFilters before invoking the delegate WebHandler.
A ContentNegotiationStrategy that returns a fixed content type.
LocaleContextResolver implementation that always returns a fixed locale and optionally time zone.
Filter that parses form data for HTTP PUT, PATCH, and DELETE requests and exposes it as Servlet request parameters.
Specialization of Part for a form field.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter to read and write 'normal' HTML forms and also to write (but not read) multipart data (e.g.
Implementation of an HttpMessageReader to read HTML form data, i.e.
HttpMessageWriter for writing a MultiValueMap<String, String> as HTML form data, i.e.
Represents an event triggered for a form field.
Extract values from "Forwarded" and "X-Forwarded-*" headers, wrap the request and response, and make they reflect the client-originated protocol and address in the following methods: getServerName() getServerPort() getScheme() isSecure() sendRedirect(String).
Extract values from "Forwarded" and "X-Forwarded-*" headers to override the request URI (i.e.
Simple base implementation of Filter which treats its config parameters (init-param entries within the filter tag in web.xml) as bean properties.
A specialization of HttpMessageConverter that can convert an HTTP request into a target object of a specified generic type and a source object of a specified generic type into an HTTP response.
Subclass of GenericApplicationContext, suitable for web environments.
Shortcut for @HttpExchange for HTTP GET requests.
Annotation for mapping HTTP GET requests onto specific handler methods.
WebApplicationContext implementation which takes its configuration from Groovy bean definition scripts and/or XML files, as understood by a GroovyBeanDefinitionReader.
A simple utility class for obtaining a Google Gson 2.x GsonBuilder which Base64-encodes byte[] properties when reading and writing JSON.
A FactoryBean for creating a Google Gson 2.x Gson instance.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write JSON using the Google Gson library.
Encapsulates information about a handler method consisting of a method and a bean.
Strategy interface for resolving method parameters into argument values in the context of a given request.
Resolves method parameters by delegating to a list of registered HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers.
Strategy interface to handle the value returned from the invocation of a handler method .
Handles method return values by delegating to a list of registered HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlers.
A Predicate to match request handling component types if any of the following selectors match: Base packages -- for selecting handlers by their package.
A ContentNegotiationStrategy that checks the 'Accept' request header.
Request and response header-based WebSessionIdResolver.
Filter that converts posted method parameters into HTTP methods, retrievable via HttpServletRequest.getMethod().
Reactive WebFilter that converts posted method parameters into HTTP methods, retrievable via HttpRequest.getMethod().
Utility class for HTML escaping.
Base class for RestTemplate and other HTTP accessing gateway helpers, defining common properties such as the ClientHttpRequestFactory to operate on.
Contract to abstract the underlying HTTP client and decouple it from the HTTP service proxy.
Exception thrown when an HTTP 4xx is received.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 400 Bad Request.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 409 Conflict.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 403 Forbidden.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 410 Gone.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 406 Not Acceptable.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 404 Not Found.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 429 Too Many Requests.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 401 Unauthorized.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity.
HttpClientErrorException for status HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type.
ClientHttpConnector implementation for the Apache HttpComponents HttpClient 5.x.
ClientHttpRequestFactory implementation that uses Apache HttpComponents HttpClient to create requests.
Represents an HTTP cookie as a name-value pair consistent with the content of the "Cookie" request header.
Represents an HTTP request or response entity, consisting of headers and body.
Annotation to declare a method on an HTTP service interface as an HTTP endpoint.
Lowest level contract for reactive HTTP request handling that serves as a common denominator across different runtimes.
Contract for applying a decorator to an HttpHandler.
A data structure representing HTTP request or response headers, mapping String header names to a list of String values, also offering accessors for common application-level data types.
ServerHttpResponse decorator for HTTP HEAD requests.
Represents an HTTP input message, consisting of headers and a readable body.
Holds the shared logger named "org.springframework.web.HttpLogging" for HTTP related logging when "org.springframework.http" is not enabled but "org.springframework.web" is.
Abstract base for exceptions related to media types.
Exception thrown when the request handler cannot generate a response that is acceptable by the client.
Exception thrown when a client POSTs, PUTs, or PATCHes content of a type not supported by request handler.
Represents the base interface for HTTP request and response messages.
Thrown by HttpMessageConverter implementations when a conversion attempt fails.
Strategy interface for converting from and to HTTP requests and responses.
Response extractor that uses the given entity converters to convert the response into a type T.
Extension of Decoder exposing extra methods relevant in the context of HTTP request or response body decoding.
Extension of Encoder exposing extra methods relevant in the context of HTTP request or response body encoding.
Strategy for reading from a ReactiveHttpInputMessage and decoding the stream of bytes to Objects of type <T>.
Strategy for encoding a stream of objects of type <T> and writing the encoded stream of bytes to an ReactiveHttpOutputMessage.
Represents an HTTP request method.
HttpServiceArgumentResolver that resolves the target request's HTTP method from an HttpMethod argument.
Represents an HTTP output message, consisting of headers and a writable body.
Represents an HTTP (byte) range for use with the HTTP "Range" header.
Represents an HTTP request message, consisting of a method and a URI.
Plain handler interface for components that process HTTP requests, analogous to a Servlet.
Simple HttpServlet that delegates to an HttpRequestHandler bean defined in Spring's root web application context.
Exception thrown when a request handler does not support a specific request method.
Container for HTTP request values extracted from an @HttpExchange-annotated method and argument values passed to it.
Builder for HttpRequestValues.
Provides a convenient implementation of the HttpRequest interface that can be overridden to adapt the request.
Exception thrown when an HTTP 5xx is received.
HttpServerErrorException for HTTP status 502 Bad Gateway.
HttpServerErrorException for status HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout.
HttpServerErrorException for status HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
HttpServerErrorException for status HTTP 501 Not Implemented.
HttpServerErrorException for status HTTP 503 Service Unavailable.
Resolve an argument from an @HttpExchange-annotated method to one or more HTTP request values.
Factory to create a client proxy from an HTTP service interface with @HttpExchange methods.
Builder to create an HttpServiceProxyFactory.
Servlet HttpSessionListener that automatically exposes the session mutex when an HttpSession gets created.
Exception thrown when an HTTP request handler requires a pre-existing session.
Enumeration of HTTP status codes.
Enumeration of HTTP status series.
Represents an HTTP response status code.
Abstract base class for exceptions based on an HttpStatusCode.
Default adapter of WebHandler to the HttpHandler contract.
Annotation that identifies methods that initialize the WebDataBinder which will be used for populating command and form object arguments of annotated handler methods.
Adds initialization to a WebDataBinder via @InitBinder methods.
Simple Map-based storage for WebSession instances.
Base class for RestTemplate and other HTTP accessing gateway helpers, adding interceptor-related properties to HttpAccessor's common properties.
Listener that flushes the JDK's JavaBeans Introspector cache on web app shutdown.
Exception thrown from MediaType.parseMediaType(String) in case of encountering an invalid media type specification String.
Extension of HandlerMethod that invokes the underlying method with argument values resolved from the current HTTP request through a list of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver.
Decode bytes into CBOR and convert to Object's with Jackson.
Encode from an Object to bytes of CBOR objects using Jackson.
Base class providing support methods for Jackson 2.9 encoding and decoding.
Decode a byte stream into JSON and convert to Object's with Jackson 2.9, leveraging non-blocking parsing.
Encode from an Object stream to a byte stream of JSON objects using Jackson 2.9.
A builder used to create ObjectMapper instances with a fluent API.
A FactoryBean for creating a Jackson 2.x ObjectMapper (default) or XmlMapper (createXmlMapper property set to true) with setters to enable or disable Jackson features from within XML configuration.
Decode a byte stream into Smile and convert to Object's with Jackson 2.9, leveraging non-blocking parsing.
Encode from an Object stream to a byte stream of Smile objects using Jackson 2.9.
Utility class for JavaScript escaping.
An HttpMessageConverter that can read XML collections using JAXB2.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write XML using JAXB2.
Decode from a bytes stream containing XML elements to a stream of Objects (POJOs).
Encode from single value to a byte stream containing XML elements.
Factory to manage JDK HttpClient resources such as a shared Executor within the lifecycle of a Spring ApplicationContext.
ClientHttpConnector for the Jetty Reactive Streams HttpClient.
ServletHttpHandlerAdapter extension that uses Jetty APIs for writing to the response with ByteBuffer.
Factory to manage Jetty resources, i.e.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write JSON using the JSON Binding API.
KotlinSerializationBinaryDecoder<T extends kotlinx.serialization.BinaryFormat>
Abstract base class for Decoder implementations that defer to Kotlin binary serializers.
KotlinSerializationBinaryEncoder<T extends kotlinx.serialization.BinaryFormat>
Abstract base class for Encoder implementations that defer to Kotlin binary serializers.
KotlinSerializationBinaryHttpMessageConverter<T extends kotlinx.serialization.BinaryFormat>
Abstract base class for HttpMessageConverter implementations that defer to Kotlin binary serializers.
Decode a byte stream into CBOR and convert to Objects with kotlinx.serialization.
Encode from an Object stream to a byte stream of CBOR objects using kotlinx.serialization.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write CBOR using kotlinx.serialization.
Decode a byte stream into JSON and convert to Object's with kotlinx.serialization.
Encode from an Object stream to a byte stream of JSON objects using kotlinx.serialization.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write JSON using kotlinx.serialization.
Decode a byte stream into a protocol Buffer and convert to Objects with kotlinx.serialization.
Decode a byte stream into a Protocol Buffer and convert to Objects with kotlinx.serialization.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write Protocol Buffers using kotlinx.serialization.
KotlinSerializationStringDecoder<T extends kotlinx.serialization.StringFormat>
Abstract base class for Decoder implementations that defer to Kotlin string serializers.
KotlinSerializationStringEncoder<T extends kotlinx.serialization.StringFormat>
Abstract base class for Encoder implementations that defer to Kotlin string serializers.
KotlinSerializationStringHttpMessageConverter<T extends kotlinx.serialization.StringFormat>
Abstract base class for HttpMessageConverter implementations that defer to Kotlin string serializers.
KotlinSerializationSupport<T extends kotlinx.serialization.SerialFormat>
Base class providing support methods for encoding and decoding with Kotlin serialization.
Interface for web-based locale context resolution strategies that allows for both locale context resolution via the request and locale context modification via the HTTP exchange.
Base class for Encoder, Decoder, HttpMessageReader, or HttpMessageWriter that uses a logger and shows potentially sensitive request data.
Resolves Map method arguments and handles Map return values.
Meta annotation that indicates a web mapping annotation.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write the CBOR data format using the dedicated Jackson 2.x extension.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write JSON using Jackson 2.x's ObjectMapper.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write Smile data format ("binary JSON") using the dedicated Jackson 2.x extension.
HttpInputMessage that can eventually stores a Jackson view that will be used to deserialize the message.
A simple holder for the POJO to serialize via MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter along with further serialization instructions to be passed in to the converter.
An implementation of MediaTypeFileExtensionResolver that maintains lookups between file extensions and MediaTypes in both directions.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write XML using Spring's Marshaller and Unmarshaller abstractions.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a name-value pair within a path segment.
MultipartException subclass thrown when an upload exceeds the maximum upload size allowed.
A subclass of MimeType that adds support for quality parameters as defined in the HTTP specification.
Editor for MediaType descriptors, to automatically convert String specifications (e.g.
A factory delegate for resolving MediaType objects from Resource handles or filenames.
Strategy to resolve a MediaType to a list of file extensions — for example, to resolve "application/json" to "json".
A ConversionNotSupportedException raised while resolving a method argument.
Exception to be thrown when validation on an argument annotated with @Valid fails.
A TypeMismatchException raised while resolving a controller method argument.
Exception for errors that fit response status 405 (method not allowed).
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates that a matrix variable expected in the method parameters of an @RequestMapping method is not present among the matrix variables extracted from the URL.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates that a path variable expected in the method parameters of an @RequestMapping method is not present among the URI variables extracted from the URL.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates that a request cookie expected in the method parameters of an @RequestMapping method is not present.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates that a request header expected in the method parameters of an @RequestMapping method is not present.
Base class for ServletRequestBindingException exceptions that could not bind because the request value is required but is either missing or otherwise resolves to null after conversion.
ServerWebInputException subclass that indicates a missing request value such as a request header, cookie value, query parameter, etc.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates a missing parameter.
Signals the part of a "multipart/form-data" request, identified by name could not be found.
Records model and view related decisions made by HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers and HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlers during the course of invocation of a controller method.
Annotation that binds a method parameter or method return value to a named model attribute, exposed to a web view.
Resolve @ModelAttribute annotated method arguments and handle return values from @ModelAttribute annotated methods.
Assist with initialization of the Model before controller method invocation and with updates to it after the invocation.
Resolves Model arguments and handles Model return values.
Prepare the body of a multipart request, resulting in a MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity>.
Builder that allows for further customization of part headers.
Exception thrown when multipart resolution fails.
A representation of an uploaded file received in a multipart request.
Servlet Filter that resolves multipart requests via a MultipartResolver.
HttpMessageReader for reading "multipart/form-data" requests into a MultiValueMap<String, Part>.
HttpMessageWriter for writing a MultiValueMap<String, ?> as multipart form data, i.e.
Provides additional methods for dealing with multipart content within a servlet request, allowing to access uploaded files.
This interface defines the multipart request access operations that are exposed for actual multipart requests.
A common delegate for HandlerMethodArgumentResolver implementations which need to resolve MultipartFile and Part arguments.
A strategy interface for multipart file upload resolution in accordance with RFC 1867.
Support class for multipart HTTP message writers.
Extension of the WebRequest interface, exposing the native request and response objects in a generic fashion.
as of 6.0, in favor of standard ServletException nesting
Exception for errors that fit response status 406 (not acceptable).
An HttpMessageConverter that uses StringHttpMessageConverter for reading and writing content and a ConversionService for converting the String content to and from the target object type.
ClientHttpRequestFactory implementation that uses OkHttp 3.x to create requests.
Filter base class that aims to guarantee a single execution per request dispatch, on any servlet container.
Strategy that resolves the requested content type from a query parameter.
Representation for a part in a "multipart/form-data" request.
Represents an event for a "multipart/form-data" request.
HttpMessageReader for parsing "multipart/form-data" requests to a stream of PartEvent elements.
HttpMessageWriter for writing PartEvent objects.
HttpMessageWriter for writing with Part.
Shortcut for @HttpExchange for HTTP PATCH requests.
Annotation for mapping HTTP PATCH requests onto specific handler methods.
Structured representation of a URI path parsed via PathContainer.parsePath(String) into a sequence of PathContainer.Separator and PathContainer.PathSegment elements.
A path element, either separator or path segment.
Options to customize parsing based on the type of input path.
Path segment element.
Path separator element.
as of 5.2.4.
Representation of a parsed path pattern.
Holder for URI variables and path parameters (matrix variables) extracted based on the pattern for a given matched path.
Holder for the result of a match on the start of a pattern.
Parser for URI path patterns producing PathPattern instances that can then be matched to requests.
RouteMatcher built on PathPatternParser that uses PathContainer and PathPattern as parsed representations of routes and patterns.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a URI template variable.
Exception that is thrown when there is a problem with the pattern being parsed.
The messages that can be included in a PatternParseException when there is a parse failure.
Shortcut for @HttpExchange for HTTP POST requests.
Annotation for mapping HTTP POST requests onto specific handler methods.
Handler for CORS pre-flight requests.
WebFilter that handles pre-flight requests through a PreFlightRequestHandler and bypasses the rest of the chain.
Representation for an RFC 7807 problem detail.
An interface to associate Jackson annotations with ProblemDetail to avoid a hard dependency on the Jackson library.
Base class providing support methods for Protobuf encoding and decoding.
A Decoder that reads Messages using Google Protocol Buffers.
An Encoder that writes Messages using Google Protocol Buffers.
An HttpMessageConverter that reads and writes using Google Protocol Buffers.
HttpMessageWriter that can write a protobuf Message and adds X-Protobuf-Schema, X-Protobuf-Message headers and a delimited=true parameter is added to the content type if a flux is serialized.
Subclass of ProtobufHttpMessageConverter which enforces the use of Protobuf 3 and its official library "" for JSON processing.
FactoryBean that creates a
Shortcut for @HttpExchange for HTTP PUT requests.
Annotation for mapping HTTP PUT requests onto specific handler methods.
A "reactive" HTTP input message that exposes the input as Publisher.
A "reactive" HTTP output message that accepts output as a Publisher.
Reactor-Netty implementation of ClientHttpConnector.
Adapt HttpHandler to the Reactor Netty channel handling function.
Reactor Netty 2 (Netty 5) implementation of ClientHttpConnector.
Adapt HttpHandler to the Reactor Netty 5 channel handling function.
Factory to manage Reactor Netty resources, i.e.
Factory to manage Reactor Netty resources, i.e.
Overrides HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(String) and handles it by setting the HTTP status and "Location" headers, which keeps the Servlet container from re-writing relative redirect URLs into absolute ones.
Annotation to bind a method parameter to a request attribute.
Abstraction for accessing attribute objects associated with a request.
Annotation indicating a method parameter should be bound to the body of the web request.
HttpServiceArgumentResolver for @RequestBody annotated arguments.
Callback interface for code that operates on a ClientHttpRequest.
Servlet Filter that exposes the request to the current thread, through both LocaleContextHolder and RequestContextHolder.
Holder class to expose the web request in the form of a thread-bound RequestAttributes object.
Servlet listener that exposes the request to the current thread, through both LocaleContextHolder and RequestContextHolder.
Extension of HttpEntity that also exposes the HTTP method and the target URL.
Defines a builder that adds a body to the response entity.
Defines a builder that adds headers to the request entity.
RequestEntity initialized with a URI template and variables instead of a URI.
Event raised when a request is handled within an ApplicationContext.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request header.
Resolves Map method arguments annotated with @RequestHeader.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @RequestHeader except for Map arguments.
Annotation for mapping web requests onto methods in request-handling classes with flexible method signatures.
Enumeration of HTTP request methods.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request parameter.
Resolves Map method arguments annotated with an @RequestParam where the annotation does not specify a request parameter name.
Resolves method arguments annotated with @RequestParam, arguments of type MultipartFile in conjunction with Spring's MultipartResolver abstraction, and arguments of type jakarta.servlet.http.Part in conjunction with Servlet multipart requests.
Annotation that can be used to associate the part of a "multipart/form-data" request with a method argument.
HttpServiceArgumentResolver for @RequestPart annotated arguments.
ServerHttpRequest implementation that accesses one part of a multipart request.
Specialization of PathContainer that subdivides the path into a RequestPath.contextPath() and the remaining RequestPath.pathWithinApplication().
@RequestScope is a specialization of @Scope for a component whose lifecycle is bound to the current web request.
Request-backed Scope implementation.
Exception thrown when an I/O error occurs.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read/write Resources and supports byte range requests.
HttpMessageReader that wraps and delegates to a ResourceDecoder that extracts the filename from the "Content-Disposition" header, if available, and passes it as the ResourceDecoder.FILENAME_HINT.
HttpMessageWriter that can write a Resource.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can write a single ResourceRegion or Collections of ResourceRegions.
Annotation that indicates a method return value should be bound to the web response body.
An HttpCookie subclass with the additional attributes allowed in the "Set-Cookie" response header.
A builder for a server-defined HttpCookie with attributes.
Extension of HttpEntity that adds an HttpStatusCode status code.
Defines a builder that adds a body to the response entity.
Defines a builder that adds headers to the response entity.
Strategy interface used by the RestTemplate to determine whether a particular response has an error or not.
Generic callback interface used by RestTemplate's retrieval methods.
Marks a method or exception class with the status ResponseStatus.code() and ResponseStatus.reason() that should be returned.
Subclass of ErrorResponseException that accepts a "reason" and maps it to the "detail" property of ProblemDetail.
Handle ResponseStatusException by setting the response status.
Base class for exceptions thrown by RestTemplate in case a request fails because of a server error response, as determined via ResponseErrorHandler.hasError(ClientHttpResponse), failure to decode the response, or a low level I/O error.
Common base class for exceptions that contain actual HTTP response data.
A convenience annotation that is itself annotated with @Controller and @ResponseBody.
A convenience annotation that is itself annotated with @ControllerAdvice and @ResponseBody.
Convenient superclass for application classes that need REST access.
Interface specifying a basic set of RESTful operations.
Synchronous client to perform HTTP requests, exposing a simple, template method API over underlying HTTP client libraries such as the JDK HttpURLConnection, Apache HttpComponents, and others.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write RSS feeds.
Extension of CodecConfigurer for HTTP message reader and writer options relevant on the server side.
CodecConfigurer.DefaultCodecs extension with extra client-side options.
Exception for an HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR that exposes extra information about a controller method that failed, or a controller method argument that could not be resolved.
A control that can put the processing of an HTTP request in asynchronous mode during which the response remains open until explicitly closed.
Documented KeyValues for the HTTP server observations for Servlet-based web applications.
Documented KeyValues for the HTTP server observations for reactive web applications.
WebFilter that creates observations for HTTP exchanges.
Filter that creates observations for HTTP exchanges.
Represents a reactive server-side HTTP request.
Represents a server-side HTTP request.
Builder for mutating an existing ServerHttpRequest.
Wraps another ServerHttpRequest and delegates all methods to it.
Represents a reactive server-side HTTP response.
Represents a server-side HTTP response.
Wraps another ServerHttpResponse and delegates all methods to it.
Context that holds information for metadata collection regarding Servlet HTTP requests observations.
Context that holds information for metadata collection regarding reactive HTTP requests observations.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for Servlet HTTP requests.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for reactive HTTP requests.
Representation for a Server-Sent Event for use with Spring's reactive Web support.
A mutable builder for a SseEvent.
Reader that supports a stream of ServerSentEvents and also plain Objects which is the same as an ServerSentEvent with data only.
HttpMessageWriter for "text/event-stream" responses.
Contract for an HTTP request-response interaction.
Builder for mutating an existing ServerWebExchange.
Inserts an attribute in the Reactor Context that makes the current ServerWebExchange available under the attribute name ServerWebExchangeContextFilter.EXCHANGE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE.
A convenient base class for classes that need to wrap another ServerWebExchange.
Exception for errors that fit response status 400 (bad request) for use in Spring Web applications.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ServletConfig (typically determined by the WebApplicationContext) that it runs in.
PropertySource that reads init parameters from a ServletConfig object.
Exporter that takes Spring-defined objects and exposes them as ServletContext attributes.
FactoryBean that fetches a specific, existing ServletContext attribute.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to be notified of the ServletContext (typically determined by the WebApplicationContext) that it runs in.
BeanPostProcessor implementation that passes the ServletContext to beans that implement the ServletContextAware interface.
FactoryBean that retrieves a specific ServletContext init parameter (that is, a "context-param" defined in web.xml).
PropertySource that reads init parameters from a ServletContext object.
Helper class for resolving placeholders in texts.
Simple request logging filter that writes the request URI (and optionally the query string) to the ServletContext log.
Resource implementation for ServletContext resources, interpreting relative paths within the web application root directory.
ResourceLoader implementation that resolves paths as ServletContext resources, for use outside a WebApplicationContext (for example, in an HttpServletBean or GenericFilterBean subclass).
ServletContext-aware subclass of PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver, able to find matching resources below the web application root directory via ServletContext.getResourcePaths(java.lang.String).
Scope wrapper for a ServletContext, i.e.
Adapt HttpHandler to an HttpServlet using Servlet Async support and Servlet non-blocking I/O.
as of 5.2.4.
Servlet-based implementation of the RequestAttributes interface.
Fatal binding exception, thrown when we want to treat binding exceptions as unrecoverable.
Special DataBinder to perform data binding from servlet request parameters to JavaBeans, including support for multipart files.
Servlet-specific subclass of RequestHandledEvent, adding servlet-specific context information.
PropertyValues implementation created from parameters in a ServletRequest.
A Filter to parse and cache a RequestPath for further access throughout the filter chain.
Utility class to assist with preparation and access to the lookup path for request mapping purposes.
Parameter extraction methods, for an approach distinct from data binding, in which parameters of specific types are required.
A ServerHttpAsyncRequestControl to use on Servlet containers.
ServerHttpRequest implementation that is based on a HttpServletRequest.
ServerHttpResponse implementation that is based on a HttpServletResponse.
Annotation to bind a method parameter to a session attribute.
Annotation that indicates the session attributes that a specific handler uses.
Manages controller-specific session attributes declared via @SessionAttributes.
Strategy interface for storing model attributes in a backend session.
@SessionScope is a specialization of @Scope for a component whose lifecycle is bound to the current web session.
Session-backed Scope implementation.
Simple interface that can be injected into handler methods, allowing them to signal that their session processing is complete.
Resolves a SessionStatus argument by obtaining it from the ModelAndViewContainer.
Filter that generates an ETag value based on the content on the response.
ClientHttpRequestFactory implementation that uses standard JDK facilities.
Simple implementation of the SessionStatus interface, keeping the complete flag as an instance variable.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write Source objects.
Convenient base class for self-autowiring classes that gets constructed within a Spring-based web application.
JSF ELResolver that delegates to the Spring root WebApplicationContext, resolving name references to Spring-defined beans.
Allows for creating Jackson (JsonSerializer, JsonDeserializer, KeyDeserializer, TypeResolverBuilder, TypeIdResolver) beans with autowiring against a Spring ApplicationContext.
A Spring-provided ServletContainerInitializer designed to support code-based configuration of the servlet container using Spring's WebApplicationInitializer SPI as opposed to (or possibly in combination with) the traditional web.xml-based approach.
JSR-303 ConstraintValidatorFactory implementation that delegates to the current Spring WebApplicationContext for creating autowired ConstraintValidator instances.
A holder for SSL session information.
Spring MultipartHttpServletRequest adapter, wrapping a Servlet HttpServletRequest and its Part objects.
A Servlet implementation of AsyncWebRequest.
Environment implementation to be used by Servlet-based web applications.
Standard implementation of the MultipartResolver interface, based on the Servlet Part API.
Utility methods for standard Servlet Part handling.
Static WebApplicationContext implementation for testing.
Represents an HTTP output message that allows for setting a streaming body.
Defines the contract for bodies that can be written directly to an OutputStream.
Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write strings.
Custom PropertyEditor for converting MultipartFiles to Strings.
Utility class for tag library related code, exposing functionality such as translating Strings to web scopes.
Sends a 503 (SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) in case of a timeout if the response is not already committed.
Sends a 503 (SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) in case of a timeout if the response is not already committed.
ServletHttpHandlerAdapter extension that uses Tomcat APIs for reading from the request and writing to the response with ByteBuffer.
Adapt HttpHandler to the Undertow HttpHandler.
Raised when no suitable HttpMessageConverter could be found to extract the response.
Exception thrown when an unknown (or custom) HTTP status code is received.
ServerWebInputException subclass that indicates an unsatisfied parameter condition, as typically expressed using an @RequestMapping annotation at the @Controller type level.
ServletRequestBindingException subclass that indicates an unsatisfied parameter condition, as typically expressed using an @RequestMapping annotation at the @Controller type level.
Exception for errors that fit response status 415 (unsupported media type).
Builder-style methods to prepare and expand a URI template with variables.
Factory to create UriBuilder instances with shared configuration such as a base URI, an encoding mode strategy, and others across all URI builder instances created through a factory.
Represents an immutable collection of URI components, mapping component type to String values.
Defines the contract for URI Template variables.
Builder for UriComponents.
Strategy for contributing to the building of a UriComponents by looking at a method parameter and an argument value and deciding what part of the target URL should be updated.
Representation of a URI template that can be expanded with URI variables via UriTemplate.expand(Map), UriTemplate.expand(Object[]), or matched to a URL via UriTemplate.match(String).
Defines methods for expanding a URI template with variables.
Utility methods for URI encoding and decoding based on RFC 3986.
HttpServiceArgumentResolver that resolves the URL for the request from a URI argument.
CorsConfigurationSource that uses URL patterns to select the CorsConfiguration for a request.
CorsConfigurationSource that uses URL path patterns to select the CorsConfiguration for a request.
Helper class for URL path matching.
Common value constants shared between bind annotations.
Interface to provide configuration for a web application.
Special JSF ELResolver that exposes the Spring WebApplicationContext instance under a variable named "webApplicationContext".
Convenience methods for retrieving the root WebApplicationContext for a given ServletContext.
Interface to be implemented in Servlet environments in order to configure the ServletContext programmatically -- as opposed to (or possibly in conjunction with) the traditional web.xml-based approach.
Convenient superclass for application objects running in a WebApplicationContext.
Listener that sets a system property to the web application root directory.
SPI for resolving custom arguments for a specific handler method parameter.
The central class for managing asynchronous request processing, mainly intended as an SPI and not typically used directly by application classes.
Holder for a Callable, a timeout value, and a task executor.
Utility methods related to processing asynchronous web requests.
Callback interface for initializing a WebDataBinder for performing data binding in the context of a specific web request.
Special DataBinder for data binding from web request parameters to JavaBean objects.
A factory for creating a WebDataBinder instance for a named target object.
Contract for handling exceptions during web server exchange processing.
ServerWebInputException subclass that indicates a data binding or validation failure.
Specialized DataBinder to perform data binding from URL query parameters or form data in the request data to Java objects.
Contract for interception-style, chained processing of Web requests that may be used to implement cross-cutting, application-agnostic requirements such as security, timeouts, and others.
Contract to allow a WebFilter to delegate to the next in the chain.
Contract to handle a web request.
WebHandler that decorates and delegates to another WebHandler.
This builder has two purposes:
BlockHoundIntegration for spring-web classes.
Generic interface for a web request.
Special DataBinder to perform data binding from web request parameters to JavaBeans, including support for multipart files.
Interface for general web request interception.
Main contract for using a server-side session that provides access to session attributes across HTTP requests.
Contract for session ID resolution strategies.
Main class for access to the WebSession for an HTTP request.
Strategy for WebSession persistence.
Miscellaneous utilities for web applications.
Decodes a DataBuffer stream into a stream of XMLEvents.
WebApplicationContext implementation which takes its configuration from XML documents, understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.
Sub-interface of ReactiveOutputMessage that has support for "zero-copy" file transfers.