Class ModelFactory


public final class ModelFactory extends Object
Assist with initialization of the Model before controller method invocation and with updates to it after the invocation.

On initialization the model is populated with attributes temporarily stored in the session and through the invocation of @ModelAttribute methods.

On update model attributes are synchronized with the session and also BindingResult attributes are added if missing.

Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Constructor Details

    • ModelFactory

      public ModelFactory(@Nullable List<InvocableHandlerMethod> handlerMethods, WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory, SessionAttributesHandler attributeHandler)
      Create a new instance with the given @ModelAttribute methods.
      handlerMethods - the @ModelAttribute methods to invoke
      binderFactory - for preparation of BindingResult attributes
      attributeHandler - for access to session attributes
  • Method Details

    • initModel

      public void initModel(NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer container, HandlerMethod handlerMethod) throws Exception
      Populate the model in the following order:
      1. Retrieve "known" session attributes listed as @SessionAttributes.
      2. Invoke @ModelAttribute methods
      3. Find @ModelAttribute method arguments also listed as @SessionAttributes and ensure they're present in the model raising an exception if necessary.
      request - the current request
      container - a container with the model to be initialized
      handlerMethod - the method for which the model is initialized
      Exception - may arise from @ModelAttribute methods
    • updateModel

      public void updateModel(NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer container) throws Exception
      Promote model attributes listed as @SessionAttributes to the session. Add BindingResult attributes where necessary.
      request - the current request
      container - contains the model to update
      Exception - if creating BindingResult attributes fails
    • getNameForParameter

      public static String getNameForParameter(org.springframework.core.MethodParameter parameter)
      Derive the model attribute name for the given method parameter based on a @ModelAttribute parameter annotation (if present) or falling back on parameter type based conventions.
      parameter - a descriptor for the method parameter
      the derived name
      See Also:
      • Conventions.getVariableNameForParameter(MethodParameter)
    • getNameForReturnValue

      public static String getNameForReturnValue(@Nullable Object returnValue, org.springframework.core.MethodParameter returnType)
      Derive the model attribute name for the given return value. Results will be based on:
      1. the method ModelAttribute annotation value
      2. the declared return type if it is more specific than Object
      3. the actual return value type
      returnValue - the value returned from a method invocation
      returnType - a descriptor for the return type of the method
      the derived name (never null or empty String)