All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for SockJS client implementations of WebSocketSession.
A base class for HandshakeHandler implementations, independent of the Servlet API.
Base class for HTTP transport handlers that receive messages via HTTP POST.
Base class for HTTP transport handlers that push messages to connected clients.
An abstract base class for use with HTTP transport SockJS sessions.
A base class for SockJS message codec that provides an implementation of AbstractSockJsMessageCodec.encode(String[]).
An abstract base class for SockJsService implementations that provides SockJS path resolution and handling of static SockJS requests (e.g.
An abstract base class for SockJS sessions implementing SockJsSession.
A base class for RequestUpgradeStrategy implementations that build on the standard WebSocket API for Java (JSR-356).
A base class for events for a message received from a WebSocket client and parsed into a higher-level sub-protocol (e.g.
Common base class for TransportHandler implementations.
A base class for RequestUpgradeStrategy implementations on top of JSR-356 based servers which include Tyrus as their WebSocket engine.
Abstract base class for WebSocketClient implementations.
A convenient base class for WebSocketHandler implementation with empty methods.
Base class for WebSocketHandlerRegistrations that gathers all the configuration options but allows subclasses to put together the actual HTTP request mappings.
A message that can be handled or sent on a WebSocket connection.
An abstract base class for implementations of WebSocketSession.
Abstract base class for XHR transport implementations to extend.
WebSocket connection manager that connects to the server via WebSocketContainer and handles the session with an @ClientEndpoint endpoint.
Instantiates a target handler through a Spring BeanFactory and also provides an equivalent destroy method.
A binary WebSocket message.
A convenient base class for WebSocketHandler implementations that process binary messages only.
Represents a WebSocket close status code and reason.
Wrap a WebSocketSession to guarantee only one thread can send messages at a time.
Enum for options of what to do when the buffer fills up.
Base class for a connection manager that automates the process of connecting to a WebSocket server with the Spring ApplicationContext lifecycle.
Base class that can be used to implement a standard Encoder and/or Decoder.
A binary jakarta.websocket.Encoder that delegates to Spring's conversion service.
A binary jakarta.websocket.Encoder that delegates to Spring's conversion service.
A Text jakarta.websocket.Encoder that delegates to Spring's conversion service.
A text jakarta.websocket.Encoder that delegates to Spring's conversion service.
A default HandshakeHandler implementation, extending AbstractHandshakeHandler with Servlet-specific initialization support.
A default implementation of SimpUserRegistry that relies on AbstractSubProtocolEvent application context events to keep track of connected users and their subscriptions.
A default implementation of SockJsFrameFormat that relies on String.format(String, Object...)..
A default implementation of SockJsService with all default TransportHandler implementations pre-registered.
A variation of WebSocketConfigurationSupport that detects implementations of WebSocketConfigurer in Spring configuration and invokes them in order to configure WebSocket request handling.
A WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport extension that detects beans of type WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer and delegates to all of them allowing callback style customization of the configuration provided in WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport.
Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to configure processing WebSocket requests.
Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to enable broker-backed messaging over WebSocket using a higher-level messaging sub-protocol.
WebSocket connection manager that connects to the server via WebSocketContainer and handles the session with an Endpoint.
A TransportHandler for sending messages via Server-Sent Events:
An exception handling WebSocketHandlerDecorator.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Oracle's GlassFish 4.1 and higher.
Thrown when handshake processing failed to complete due to an internal, unrecoverable error.
Contract for processing a WebSocket handshake request.
Interceptor for WebSocket handshake requests.
A helper class that assists with invoking a list of handshake interceptors.
An HTTP TransportHandler that uses a famous browser document.domain technique.
An interceptor to copy information from the HTTP session to the "handshake attributes" map to be made available via WebSocketSession.getAttributes().
A component that can execute the SockJS "Info" request that needs to be performed before the SockJS session starts in order to check server endpoint capabilities such as whether the endpoint permits use of WebSocket.
A Jackson 2.x codec for encoding and decoding SockJS messages.
A RequestUpgradeStrategy for Jetty 11.
Adapts WebSocketHandler to the Jetty WebSocket API.
A WebSocketSession for use with the Jetty WebSocket API.
An XHR transport based on Jetty's HttpClient.
A WebSocketHandlerDecorator that adds logging to WebSocket lifecycle events.
A WebSocketSession that exposes the underlying, native WebSocketSession through a getter.
An interceptor to check request Origin header value against a collection of allowed origins.
A WebSocketHandler that initializes and destroys a WebSocketHandler instance for each WebSocket connection and delegates all other methods to it.
A WebSocket ping message.
A SockJS session for use with polling HTTP transports.
A WebSocket pong message.
A server-specific strategy for performing the actual upgrade to a WebSocket exchange.
An XhrTransport implementation that uses a RestTemplate.
Detects beans of type ServerEndpointConfig and registers with the standard Jakarta WebSocket runtime.
An implementation of ServerEndpointConfig for use in Spring-based applications.
A FactoryBean for configuring ServerContainer.
A helper class for configuring WebSocketHandler request handling including SockJS fallback options.
WebSocketHandlerRegistry with Spring MVC handler mappings for the handshake requests.
A connected event represents the server response to a client's connect request.
Event raised when a new WebSocket client using a Simple Messaging Protocol (e.g.
Event raised when the session of a WebSocket client using a Simple Messaging Protocol (e.g.
Raised when a WebSocket session has exceeded limits it has been configured for, e.g.
Event raised when a new WebSocket client using a Simple Messaging Protocol (e.g.
Event raised when a new WebSocket client using a Simple Messaging Protocol (e.g.
A SockJS implementation of WebSocketClient with fallback alternatives that simulate a WebSocket interaction through plain HTTP streaming and long polling techniques.
Base class for exceptions raised while processing SockJS HTTP requests.
Represents a SockJS frame.
Applies a transport-specific format to the content of a SockJS frame resulting in a content that can be written out.
SockJS frame types.
An HttpRequestHandler that allows mapping a SockJsService to requests in a Servlet container.
Encode and decode messages to and from a SockJS message frame, essentially an array of JSON-encoded messages.
An exception thrown when a message frame was successfully received over an HTTP POST and parsed but one or more of the messages it contained could not be delivered to the WebSocketHandler either because the handler failed or because the connection got closed.
The main entry point for processing HTTP requests from SockJS clients.
Provides transport handling code with access to the SockJsService configuration options they need to have access to.
A helper class for configuring SockJS fallback options for use with an EnableWebSocket and WebSocketConfigurer setup.
SockJS extension of Spring's standard WebSocketSession.
A factory for creating a SockJS session.
Indicates a serious failure that occurred in the SockJS implementation as opposed to in user code (e.g.
Container for the base URL of a SockJS endpoint with additional helper methods to derive related SockJS URLs: specifically, the info and transport URLs.
An implementation of WebSocketHandler that adds SockJS messages frames, sends SockJS heartbeat messages, and delegates lifecycle events and messages to a target WebSocketHandler.
A ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator for initializing ServerEndpoint-annotated classes through Spring.
A subclass of WebSocketExtension that can be constructed from a Extension.
A WebSocketClient based on the standard Jakarta WebSocket API.
Adapts a WebSocketHandler to the standard WebSocket for Java API.
A WebSocketSession for use with the standard WebSocket for Java API.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for the Jakarta WebSocket API 2.1+.
A contract for registering STOMP over WebSocket endpoints.
A SubProtocolErrorHandler for use with STOMP.
A SubProtocolHandler for STOMP that supports versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 of the STOMP specification.
Contract for access to session counters.
A contract for configuring a STOMP over WebSocket endpoint.
A SockJS session for use with streaming HTTP transports.
An interface for WebSocket handlers that support sub-protocols as defined in RFC 6455.
A contract for handling sub-protocol errors sent to clients.
A contract for handling WebSocket messages as part of a higher level protocol, referred to as "sub-protocol" in the WebSocket RFC specification.
An implementation of WebSocketHandler that delegates incoming WebSocket messages to a SubProtocolHandler along with a MessageChannel to which the sub-protocol handler can send messages from WebSocket clients to the application.
Contract for access to session counters.
A text WebSocket message.
A convenient base class for WebSocketHandler implementations that process text messages only.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Apache Tomcat.
A client-side implementation for a SockJS transport.
Handle a SockJS session URL, i.e.
A basic implementation of SockJsService with support for SPI-based transport handling and session management.
Exposes information, typically to Transport and session implementations, about a request to connect to a SockJS server endpoint over a given transport.
SockJS transport types.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for WildFly and its underlying Undertow web server.
An XHR transport based on Undertow's UndertowClient.
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Oracle's WebLogic.
A registry for STOMP over WebSocket endpoints that maps the endpoints with a HandlerMapping for use in Spring MVC.
An abstract base class for configuring STOMP over WebSocket/SockJS endpoints.
A subclass of SimpAnnotationMethodMessageHandler to provide support for ControllerAdvice with global @MessageExceptionHandler methods.
Contract for initiating a WebSocket request.
An extension of AbstractClientSockJsSession wrapping and delegating to an actual WebSocket session.
Configuration support for WebSocket request handling.
Defines callback methods to configure the WebSocket request handling via @EnableWebSocket.
WebSocket connection manager that connects to the server via WebSocketClient and handles the session with a WebSocketHandler.
A FactoryBean for creating and configuring a WebSocketContainer through Spring XML configuration.
Represents a WebSocket extension as defined in the RFC 6455.
A handler for WebSocket messages and lifecycle events.
Wraps another WebSocketHandler instance and delegates to it.
A factory for applying decorators to a WebSocketHandler.
Extension of SimpleUrlHandlerMapping with support for more precise mapping of WebSocket handshake requests to handlers of type WebSocketHttpRequestHandler.
Provides methods for configuring a WebSocket handler.
Provides methods for configuring WebSocketHandler request mappings.
An HttpHeaders variant that adds support for the HTTP headers defined by the WebSocket specification RFC 6455.
A HttpRequestHandler for processing WebSocket handshake requests.
A message that can be handled or sent on a WebSocket connection.
Extends AbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration and adds configuration for receiving and responding to STOMP messages from WebSocket clients.
Defines methods for configuring message handling with simple messaging protocols (e.g.
A central class for aggregating information about internal state and counters from key infrastructure components of the setup that comes with @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker for Java config and <websocket:message-broker> for XML.
NamespaceHandler for Spring WebSocket configuration namespace.
A SockJS session for use with the WebSocket transport.
A WebSocket session abstraction.
Wraps another WebSocketSession instance and delegates to it.
A STOMP over WebSocket client that connects using an implementation of WebSocketClient including SockJsClient.
Adapter class to convert a WebSocketExtension to a Jetty ExtensionConfig.
Adapt an instance of WebSocketExtension to the Extension interface.
A SockJS Transport that uses a WebSocketClient.
WebSocket-based TransportHandler.
Configure the processing of messages received from and sent to WebSocket clients.
WebSphere support for upgrading an HttpServletRequest during a WebSocket handshake.
An extension of AbstractClientSockJsSession for use with HTTP transports simulating a WebSocket session.
A TransportHandler based on XHR (long) polling.
A TransportHandler that receives messages over HTTP.
A TransportHandler that sends messages over an HTTP streaming request.
A SockJS Transport that uses HTTP requests to simulate a WebSocket interaction.