

package serde

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait FeatureDecoder[T] extends AnyRef

  2. trait FeatureEncoder[T] extends AnyRef

  3. trait FeatureListDecoder[T] extends Serializable

  4. trait FeatureListEncoder[T] extends Serializable

  5. trait TfRecordRowDecoder extends AnyRef

  6. trait TfRecordRowEncoder extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object BinaryFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Array[Byte]]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to byte array

  2. object BinaryFeatureListDecoder extends FeatureListDecoder[Seq[Seq[Array[Byte]]]]

    Decode TensorFlow "FeatureList" to 2-dimensional array of Array[Byte] (a 3-dimensional array)

  3. object BinaryListFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Seq[Array[Byte]]]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to array of byte arrays

  4. object BytesFeatureListEncoder extends FeatureListEncoder[Seq[Seq[Array[Byte]]]]

    Encode 2-dimensional String array to TensorFlow "FeatureList" of type BytesList

  5. object BytesListFeatureEncoder extends FeatureEncoder[Seq[Array[Byte]]]

    Encode input value to ByteList

  6. object DecimalFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Decimal]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to Decimal

  7. object DecimalFeatureListDecoder extends FeatureListDecoder[Seq[Seq[Decimal]]]

    Decode TensorFlow "FeatureList" to 2-dimensional Decimal array

  8. object DecimalListFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Seq[Decimal]]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to Decimal array

  9. object DefaultTfRecordRowDecoder extends TfRecordRowDecoder

  10. object DefaultTfRecordRowEncoder extends TfRecordRowEncoder

  11. object DoubleFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Double]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to Double

  12. object DoubleFeatureListDecoder extends FeatureListDecoder[Seq[Seq[Double]]]

    Decode TensorFlow "FeatureList" to 2-dimensional Double array

  13. object DoubleListFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Seq[Double]]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to Double array

  14. object FloatFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Float]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to Float

  15. object FloatFeatureListDecoder extends FeatureListDecoder[Seq[Seq[Float]]]

    Decode TensorFlow "FeatureList" to 2-dimensional Float array

  16. object FloatFeatureListEncoder extends FeatureListEncoder[Seq[Seq[Float]]]

    Encode 2-dimensional Float array to TensorFlow "FeatureList" of type FloatList

  17. object FloatListFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Seq[Float]]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to Float array

  18. object FloatListFeatureEncoder extends FeatureEncoder[Seq[Float]]

    Encode input value to FloatList

  19. object Int64FeatureListEncoder extends FeatureListEncoder[Seq[Seq[Long]]]

    Encode 2-dimensional Long array to TensorFlow "FeatureList" of type Int64List

  20. object Int64ListFeatureEncoder extends FeatureEncoder[Seq[Long]]

    Encode input value to Int64List

  21. object IntFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Int]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to Integer

  22. object IntFeatureListDecoder extends FeatureListDecoder[Seq[Seq[Int]]]

    Decode TensorFlow "FeatureList" to 2-dimensional Integer array

  23. object IntListFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Seq[Int]]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to Integer array

  24. object LongFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Long]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to Long

  25. object LongFeatureListDecoder extends FeatureListDecoder[Seq[Seq[Long]]]

    Decode TensorFlow "FeatureList" to 2-dimensional Long array

  26. object LongListFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Seq[Long]]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to Long array

  27. object StringFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[String]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to String

  28. object StringFeatureListDecoder extends FeatureListDecoder[Seq[Seq[String]]]

    Decode TensorFlow "FeatureList" to 2-dimensional String array

  29. object StringListFeatureDecoder extends FeatureDecoder[Seq[String]]

    Decode TensorFlow "Feature" to String array
