All Classes and Interfaces

Assertion tool class.
This interface facilitates the use of Assert.expectThrows(java.lang.Class<T>, org.testng.Assert.ThrowingRunnable) from Java 8.
An assert class with various hooks allowing its behavior to be modified by subclasses.
A set of assert methods.
This class maintains a map of <Class, List<ITestNGMethod>>.
Represents an exception that is thrown when a configuration method is not invoked.
Convert XML files to YAML and vice versa.
Represents a means to add in custom attributes to @Test annotated tests.
Mark a method as supplying data for a test method.
A holder class that is aimed at acting as a container for holding various different aspects of a data provider such as listeners/interceptors etc.,
Helper class to keep track of dependencies.
Reporter that generates a single-page HTML report of the test results.
Groups test results by method.
Groups EmailableReporter2.ClassResults by test, type (configuration or test), and status.
- This class stands deprecated as of TestNG v7.10.0
Marks a method as a factory that returns objects that will be used by TestNG as Test classes.
This reporter is responsible for creating testng-failed.xml
Assertion tool for File centric assertions.
A string buffer that flushes its content to a temporary file whenever the internal string buffer becomes larger than MAX.
This annotation specifies what Guice modules should be used to instantiate this test class.
Implementations of this interface will gain access to the XmlSuite object and thus let users be able to alter a suite or a test based on their own needs.
The parent interface for all the annotations.
Life cycle methods for the assertion class.
A trait that is used by all interfaces that lets the user add or remove their own attributes.
IClass represents a test class and a collection of its instances.
If a test class implements this interface, its run() method will be invoked instead of each configuration method found.
Encapsulate the @Configuration / @testng.configuration annotation
Listener interface for events related to configuration methods.
As of release 7.0.0, replaced by IConfigurationListener
A parameter of this type will be passed to the run() method of a IConfigurable.
An interface that helps add custom xml tags to the TestNG generated xml report.
Encapsulate the @DataProvider / annotation
This interface helps define an interceptor for data providers.
A listener that gets invoked before and after a data provider is invoked by TestNG.
Represents the attributes of a DataProvider annotated method.
Represents the graphical representative capabilities of an entity.
A listener used to monitor when a TestNG run starts and ends.
A TestNG listener that can be used to build graph representations of TestNG methods as and when they are being executed on a real-time basis.
Represents the capability to create a custom ExecutorService by downstream consumers.
Encapsulate the @Factory / @testng.factory annotation
Alternative of @Test(enabled=false)
If a test class implements this interface, its run() method will be invoked instead of each @Test method found.
A parameter of this type will be passed to the run() method of a IHookable.
Encapsulate the @Ignore annotation
Allows customization of the Injector creation when working with dependency injection.
This class defines a pair of instance/class.
An interface representing a method that has been invoked by TestNG.
A listener that gets invoked before and after a method is invoked by TestNG.
This interface captures a test method along with all the instances it should be run on.
This class is used to alter the list of test methods that TestNG is about to run.
This interface is used to augment or replace TestNG's algorithm to decide whether a test method should be included in a test run.
An implementation of this interface is passed to all the Method Selectors when their includeMethod() is invoked.
This interface provides Module to implicitly add to the Guice context.
This interface is used by the moduleFactory attribute of the @Guice annotation.
Panels that are accessible from the navigator.
Parent interface for annotations that can receive parameters.
Encapsulate the @Parameters / @testng.parameters annotation
Used by Parser to perform changes on an XML suite after it's been parsed.
This interface can be implemented by clients to generate a report.
Interface to implement to be able to have a chance to retry a failed test.
Represents the ability to retry a data provider.
A dummy implementation which disables retrying of a failed data provider.
Interface defining a Test Suite.
Listener for test suites.
This class represents the result of a suite run.
If a test class implements this interface, it will receive a special treatment, such as having the test name displayed in the HTML reports.
Encapsulate the @Test / @testng.test annotation.
This class represents a test class: The test methods The configuration methods (test and method) The class file Note that the methods returned by instances of this class are expected to be correct at runtime.
This class is used by TestNG to locate the test classes.
This class defines a test context which contains all the information for a given test run.
A listener for test running.
This interface allows to modify the strategy used by TestRunner to find its test methods.
This is a marker interface for all objects that can be passed as a -listener argument.
A factory used to create instances of ITestNGListener.
Describes a TestNG annotated method and the instance on which it will be invoked.
- This interface stands deprecated as of TestNG v7.9.0.
Parent interface of all the object factories.
This interface captures methods common to @Test and @Configuration
This class describes the result of a test.
A factory for TestRunners to be used by SuiteRunners.
A factory that creates workers used by GraphThreadPoolExecutor
Represents the capabilities of a XML serializer (As string)
A runnable object that is used by GraphThreadPoolExecutor to execute tasks
A JUnit XML report generator (replacing the original JUnitXMLReporter that was based on XML APIs).
Listener interface that can be used to determine listener execution order.
This annotation lets you define listeners directly on a test class instead of doing so in your testng.xml.
A container to hold lists indexed by a key.
TestNG logging now uses slf4j logging facade to satisfy the logging needs.
Log the messages of all the assertions that get run.
MultiMap<K,V,C extends Collection<V>>
Turn off TestNG injection for a parameter.
Marks a method as the object factory to use for creating all test instances.
Specifies that the current parameter is optional.
Describes how to pass parameters to a @Test method.
Parser is a parser for a TestNG XML test suite file.
The main entry for the XML generation operation
This class is used for test methods to log messages that will be included in the HTML reports generated by TestNG.
Display the reporter output for each test result.
An implementation of IRetryAnalyzer that allows you to specify the maximum number of times you want your test to be retried.
This class houses handling all JVM arguments related to TestNG's default reports.
A container to hold sets indexed by a key.
The root exception for special skip handling.
When an assertion fails, don't throw an exception but record the failure.
Functionality to allow tools to analyse and subdivide stack traces.
- This reporter is deprecated as of TestNG 7.9.0 in favour of Main
SuiteRunner is responsible for running all the tests included in one suite.
An IWorker that is used to encapsulate and run Suite Runners
A state object that records the status of the suite run.
Mark a class or a method as part of the test.
Exception thrown when an exception happens while running a test method.
This class implements an HTML reporter for individual tests.
If this annotation is used on a parameter of a data provider, that parameter is the instance of the test method which is going to be fed by this data provider.
A simple ITestListener adapter that stores all the tests that were run.
The class to work with "-testnames", "-ignoreMissedTestNames", and VM argument "-Dtestng.ignore.missed.testnames".
This class is the main entry point for running tests in the TestNG framework.
Suite definition parser utility.
The base class for all exceptions thrown by TestNG.
Represents an exception that is thrown when a test method is not invoked.
Display the list of <test> tags.
This class takes care of running one Test.
This class implements a simple TextFormatter because the brainded default formatter of java.util.logging outputs everything on two lines and it's ugly as butt.
A simple reporter that collects the results and prints them on standard out.
A SkipException extension that transforms a skipped method into a failed method based on a time trigger.
A Utility class that deals with time.
A sample task to be executed.
Reporter printing out detailed messages about what TestNG is going to run and what is the status of what has been just run.
This class describes the tag <class> in testng.xml.
interface groups the XML constants tries to emulate what's in to be compatible with junitreport
This class describes the tag <method-selector> in testng.xml.
This class describes the tag <package> in testng.xml.
The main entry for the XML generation operation
This class allows you to generate an XML text document by pushing and popping tags from a stack maintained internally.
This class describes the tag <suite> in testng.xml.
Configuration failure policy options.
Parallel modes.
Utility writing an ISuiteResult to an XMLStringBuffer.
A utility class to work with XmlSuite
This class describes the tag <test> in testng.xml.
Static helpers for XML.