Class XMLSuiteResultWriter

  • public class XMLSuiteResultWriter
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility writing an ISuiteResult to an XMLStringBuffer. Depending on the settings in the config property it might generate an additional XML file with the actual content and only reference the file with an url attribute in the passed XMLStringBuffer.
    • Method Detail

      • writeSuiteResult

        public void writeSuiteResult​(XMLStringBuffer xmlBuffer,
                                     ISuiteResult suiteResult)
        Writes the specified ISuiteResult in the given XMLStringBuffer. Please consider that depending on the settings in the config property it might generate an additional XML file with the actual content and only reference the file with an url attribute in the passed XMLStringBuffer.
        xmlBuffer - The XML buffer where to write or reference the suite result
        suiteResult - The ISuiteResult to serialize