Class XmlSuiteUtils

  • public final class XmlSuiteUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    A utility class to work with XmlSuite
    • Method Detail

      • validateIfSuitesContainDuplicateTests

        public static void validateIfSuitesContainDuplicateTests​(java.util.List<XmlSuite> suites)
        A validator that runs through the list of suites and checks if each of the suites contains any XmlTest with the same name. If found, then a TestNGException is raised.
        suites - - The list of XmlSuite to validate.
      • adjustSuiteNamesToEnsureUniqueness

        public static void adjustSuiteNamesToEnsureUniqueness​(java.util.List<XmlSuite> suites)
        Ensure that two XmlSuite don't have the same name
        suites - - The List of XmlSuite that are to be tested and names updated if duplicate names found.
      • newXmlSuiteUsing

        public static XmlSuite newXmlSuiteUsing​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)