
object callablestatement

Algebra and free monad for primitive operations over a java.sql.CallableStatement. This is a low-level API that exposes lifecycle-managed JDBC objects directly and is intended mainly for library developers. End users will prefer a safer, higher-level API such as that provided in the doobie.hi package.

CallableStatementIO is a free monad that must be run via an interpreter, most commonly via natural transformation of its underlying algebra CallableStatementOp to another monad via Free.runFC.

The library provides a natural transformation to Kleisli[M, CallableStatement, A] for any exception-trapping (Catchable) and effect-capturing (Capture) monad M. Such evidence is provided for Task, IO, and stdlib Future; and transK[M] is provided as syntax.

// An action to run
val a: CallableStatementIO[Foo] = ...

// A JDBC object
val s: CallableStatement = ...

// Unfolding into a Task
val ta: Task[A] = a.transK[Task].run(s)
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By inheritance
  1. callablestatement
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. type CallableStatementIO[A] = Free[[x]Coyoneda[CallableStatementOp, x], A]

    Free monad over a free functor of CallableStatementOp; abstractly, a computation that consumes a java.sql.CallableStatement and produces a value of type A.

  2. implicit class CallableStatementIOOps[A] extends AnyRef

    Syntax for CallableStatementIO.

  3. sealed trait CallableStatementOp[A] extends AnyRef

    Sum type of primitive operations over a java.sql.CallableStatement.

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. object CallableStatementOp

    Module of constructors for CallableStatementOp.

  7. implicit val CaptureCallableStatementIO: Capture[CallableStatementIO]

    Capture instance for CallableStatementIO.

  8. implicit val CatchableCallableStatementIO: Catchable[CallableStatementIO]

    Catchable instance for CallableStatementIO.

  9. implicit val MonadCallableStatementIO: Monad[CallableStatementIO]

    Monad instance for CallableStatementIO (can't be inferred).

  10. def addBatch(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  11. val addBatch: CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  12. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  13. def attempt[A](a: CallableStatementIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[\/[Throwable, A]]

    Lift a CallableStatementIO[A] into an exception-capturing CallableStatementIO[Throwable \/ A].

  14. val cancel: CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  15. val clearBatch: CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  16. val clearParameters: CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  17. val clearWarnings: CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  18. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  19. val close: CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  20. val closeOnCompletion: CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  21. def delay[A](a: ⇒ A): CallableStatementIO[A]

    Non-strict unit for capturing effects.

  22. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  23. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  24. def execute(a: String, b: Array[String]): CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  25. def execute(a: String, b: Int): CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  26. def execute(a: String, b: Array[Int]): CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  27. def execute(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  28. val execute: CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  29. val executeBatch: CallableStatementIO[Array[Int]]

  30. def executeQuery(a: String): CallableStatementIO[ResultSet]

  31. val executeQuery: CallableStatementIO[ResultSet]

  32. def executeUpdate(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Int]

  33. def executeUpdate(a: String, b: Array[Int]): CallableStatementIO[Int]

  34. def executeUpdate(a: String, b: Int): CallableStatementIO[Int]

  35. def executeUpdate(a: String, b: Array[String]): CallableStatementIO[Int]

  36. val executeUpdate: CallableStatementIO[Int]

  37. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  38. def getArray(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Array]

  39. def getArray(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Array]

  40. def getBigDecimal(a: Int, b: Int): CallableStatementIO[BigDecimal]

  41. def getBigDecimal(a: String): CallableStatementIO[BigDecimal]

  42. def getBigDecimal(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[BigDecimal]

  43. def getBlob(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Blob]

  44. def getBlob(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Blob]

  45. def getBoolean(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  46. def getBoolean(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  47. def getByte(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Byte]

  48. def getByte(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Byte]

  49. def getBytes(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Array[Byte]]

  50. def getBytes(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Array[Byte]]

  51. def getCharacterStream(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Reader]

  52. def getCharacterStream(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Reader]

  53. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  54. def getClob(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Clob]

  55. def getClob(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Clob]

  56. val getConnection: CallableStatementIO[Connection]

  57. def getDate(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Date]

  58. def getDate(a: Int, b: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Date]

  59. def getDate(a: String, b: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Date]

  60. def getDate(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Date]

  61. def getDouble(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Double]

  62. def getDouble(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Double]

  63. val getFetchDirection: CallableStatementIO[Int]

  64. val getFetchSize: CallableStatementIO[Int]

  65. def getFloat(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Float]

  66. def getFloat(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Float]

  67. val getGeneratedKeys: CallableStatementIO[ResultSet]

  68. def getInt(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Int]

  69. def getInt(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Int]

  70. def getLong(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Long]

  71. def getLong(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Long]

  72. val getMaxFieldSize: CallableStatementIO[Int]

  73. val getMaxRows: CallableStatementIO[Int]

  74. val getMetaData: CallableStatementIO[ResultSetMetaData]

  75. def getMoreResults(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  76. val getMoreResults: CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  77. def getNCharacterStream(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Reader]

  78. def getNCharacterStream(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Reader]

  79. def getNClob(a: String): CallableStatementIO[NClob]

  80. def getNClob(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[NClob]

  81. def getNString(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[String]

  82. def getNString(a: String): CallableStatementIO[String]

  83. def getObject[T](a: Int, b: Class[T]): CallableStatementIO[T]

  84. def getObject[T](a: String, b: Class[T]): CallableStatementIO[T]

  85. def getObject(a: String, b: Map[String, Class[_]]): CallableStatementIO[AnyRef]

  86. def getObject(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[AnyRef]

  87. def getObject(a: Int, b: Map[String, Class[_]]): CallableStatementIO[AnyRef]

  88. def getObject(a: String): CallableStatementIO[AnyRef]

  89. val getParameterMetaData: CallableStatementIO[ParameterMetaData]

  90. val getQueryTimeout: CallableStatementIO[Int]

  91. def getRef(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Ref]

  92. def getRef(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Ref]

  93. val getResultSet: CallableStatementIO[ResultSet]

  94. val getResultSetConcurrency: CallableStatementIO[Int]

  95. val getResultSetHoldability: CallableStatementIO[Int]

  96. val getResultSetType: CallableStatementIO[Int]

  97. def getRowId(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[RowId]

  98. def getRowId(a: String): CallableStatementIO[RowId]

  99. def getSQLXML(a: String): CallableStatementIO[SQLXML]

  100. def getSQLXML(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[SQLXML]

  101. def getShort(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Short]

  102. def getShort(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Short]

  103. def getString(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[String]

  104. def getString(a: String): CallableStatementIO[String]

  105. def getTime(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Time]

  106. def getTime(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Time]

  107. def getTime(a: String, b: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Time]

  108. def getTime(a: Int, b: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Time]

  109. def getTimestamp(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Timestamp]

  110. def getTimestamp(a: String, b: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Timestamp]

  111. def getTimestamp(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Timestamp]

  112. def getTimestamp(a: Int, b: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Timestamp]

  113. def getURL(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[URL]

  114. def getURL(a: String): CallableStatementIO[URL]

  115. val getUpdateCount: CallableStatementIO[Int]

  116. val getWarnings: CallableStatementIO[SQLWarning]

  117. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  118. def interpK[M[_]](implicit arg0: Monad[M], arg1: Catchable[M], arg2: Capture[M]): ~>[CallableStatementOp, [γ]Kleisli[M, CallableStatement, γ]]

    Natural transformation from CallableStatementOp to Kleisli for the given M, consuming a java.sql.CallableStatement.

  119. val isCloseOnCompletion: CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  120. val isClosed: CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  121. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  122. val isPoolable: CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  123. def isWrapperFor(a: Class[_]): CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

  124. def liftBlob[A](s: Blob, k: BlobIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  125. def liftClob[A](s: Clob, k: ClobIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  126. def liftConnection[A](s: Connection, k: ConnectionIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  127. def liftDatabaseMetaData[A](s: DatabaseMetaData, k: DatabaseMetaDataIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  128. def liftDriver[A](s: Driver, k: DriverIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  129. def liftNClob[A](s: NClob, k: NClobIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  130. def liftPreparedStatement[A](s: PreparedStatement, k: PreparedStatementIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  131. def liftRef[A](s: Ref, k: RefIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  132. def liftResultSet[A](s: ResultSet, k: ResultSetIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  133. def liftSQLData[A](s: SQLData, k: SQLDataIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  134. def liftSQLInput[A](s: SQLInput, k: SQLInputIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  135. def liftSQLOutput[A](s: SQLOutput, k: SQLOutputIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  136. def liftStatement[A](s: Statement, k: StatementIO[A]): CallableStatementIO[A]

  137. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  138. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  139. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  140. def raw[A](f: (CallableStatement) ⇒ A): CallableStatementIO[A]

    Backdoor for arbitrary computations on the underlying CallableStatement.

  141. def registerOutParameter(a: Int, b: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  142. def registerOutParameter(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  143. def registerOutParameter(a: String, b: Int, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  144. def registerOutParameter(a: Int, b: Int, c: String): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  145. def registerOutParameter(a: String, b: Int, c: String): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  146. def registerOutParameter(a: String, b: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  147. def setArray(a: Int, b: Array): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  148. def setAsciiStream(a: Int, b: InputStream): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  149. def setAsciiStream(a: Int, b: InputStream, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  150. def setAsciiStream(a: Int, b: InputStream, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  151. def setAsciiStream(a: String, b: InputStream): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  152. def setAsciiStream(a: String, b: InputStream, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  153. def setAsciiStream(a: String, b: InputStream, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  154. def setBigDecimal(a: Int, b: BigDecimal): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  155. def setBigDecimal(a: String, b: BigDecimal): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  156. def setBinaryStream(a: Int, b: InputStream, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  157. def setBinaryStream(a: Int, b: InputStream): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  158. def setBinaryStream(a: Int, b: InputStream, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  159. def setBinaryStream(a: String, b: InputStream): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  160. def setBinaryStream(a: String, b: InputStream, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  161. def setBinaryStream(a: String, b: InputStream, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  162. def setBlob(a: Int, b: Blob): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  163. def setBlob(a: Int, b: InputStream): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  164. def setBlob(a: Int, b: InputStream, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  165. def setBlob(a: String, b: InputStream): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  166. def setBlob(a: String, b: InputStream, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  167. def setBlob(a: String, b: Blob): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  168. def setBoolean(a: Int, b: Boolean): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  169. def setBoolean(a: String, b: Boolean): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  170. def setByte(a: Int, b: Byte): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  171. def setByte(a: String, b: Byte): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  172. def setBytes(a: Int, b: Array[Byte]): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  173. def setBytes(a: String, b: Array[Byte]): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  174. def setCharacterStream(a: Int, b: Reader): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  175. def setCharacterStream(a: Int, b: Reader, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  176. def setCharacterStream(a: Int, b: Reader, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  177. def setCharacterStream(a: String, b: Reader, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  178. def setCharacterStream(a: String, b: Reader): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  179. def setCharacterStream(a: String, b: Reader, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  180. def setClob(a: Int, b: Clob): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  181. def setClob(a: Int, b: Reader, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  182. def setClob(a: Int, b: Reader): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  183. def setClob(a: String, b: Reader, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  184. def setClob(a: String, b: Clob): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  185. def setClob(a: String, b: Reader): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  186. def setCursorName(a: String): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  187. def setDate(a: Int, b: Date, c: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  188. def setDate(a: Int, b: Date): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  189. def setDate(a: String, b: Date): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  190. def setDate(a: String, b: Date, c: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  191. def setDouble(a: Int, b: Double): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  192. def setDouble(a: String, b: Double): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  193. def setEscapeProcessing(a: Boolean): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  194. def setFetchDirection(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  195. def setFetchSize(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  196. def setFloat(a: Int, b: Float): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  197. def setFloat(a: String, b: Float): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  198. def setInt(a: Int, b: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  199. def setInt(a: String, b: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  200. def setLong(a: Int, b: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  201. def setLong(a: String, b: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  202. def setMaxFieldSize(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  203. def setMaxRows(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  204. def setNCharacterStream(a: Int, b: Reader, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  205. def setNCharacterStream(a: Int, b: Reader): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  206. def setNCharacterStream(a: String, b: Reader, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  207. def setNCharacterStream(a: String, b: Reader): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  208. def setNClob(a: Int, b: Reader): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  209. def setNClob(a: Int, b: NClob): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  210. def setNClob(a: Int, b: Reader, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  211. def setNClob(a: String, b: Reader): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  212. def setNClob(a: String, b: NClob): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  213. def setNClob(a: String, b: Reader, c: Long): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  214. def setNString(a: Int, b: String): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  215. def setNString(a: String, b: String): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  216. def setNull(a: Int, b: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  217. def setNull(a: Int, b: Int, c: String): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  218. def setNull(a: String, b: Int, c: String): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  219. def setNull(a: String, b: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  220. def setObject(a: Int, b: AnyRef): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  221. def setObject(a: Int, b: AnyRef, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  222. def setObject(a: Int, b: AnyRef, c: Int, d: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  223. def setObject(a: String, b: AnyRef, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  224. def setObject(a: String, b: AnyRef, c: Int, d: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  225. def setObject(a: String, b: AnyRef): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  226. def setPoolable(a: Boolean): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  227. def setQueryTimeout(a: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  228. def setRef(a: Int, b: Ref): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  229. def setRowId(a: Int, b: RowId): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  230. def setRowId(a: String, b: RowId): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  231. def setSQLXML(a: Int, b: SQLXML): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  232. def setSQLXML(a: String, b: SQLXML): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  233. def setShort(a: Int, b: Short): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  234. def setShort(a: String, b: Short): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  235. def setString(a: Int, b: String): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  236. def setString(a: String, b: String): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  237. def setTime(a: Int, b: Time): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  238. def setTime(a: Int, b: Time, c: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  239. def setTime(a: String, b: Time): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  240. def setTime(a: String, b: Time, c: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  241. def setTimestamp(a: Int, b: Timestamp): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  242. def setTimestamp(a: Int, b: Timestamp, c: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  243. def setTimestamp(a: String, b: Timestamp, c: Calendar): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  244. def setTimestamp(a: String, b: Timestamp): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  245. def setURL(a: Int, b: URL): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  246. def setURL(a: String, b: URL): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  247. def setUnicodeStream(a: Int, b: InputStream, c: Int): CallableStatementIO[Unit]

  248. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  249. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  250. def trans[M[_]](c: CallableStatement)(implicit arg0: Monad[M], arg1: Catchable[M], arg2: Capture[M]): ~>[CallableStatementIO, M]

    Natural transformation from CallableStatementIO to M, given a java.sql.CallableStatement.

  251. def transK[M[_]](implicit arg0: Monad[M], arg1: Catchable[M], arg2: Capture[M]): ~>[CallableStatementIO, [γ]Kleisli[M, CallableStatement, γ]]

    Natural transformation from CallableStatementIO to Kleisli for the given M, consuming a java.sql.CallableStatement.

  252. def unwrap[T](a: Class[T]): CallableStatementIO[T]

  253. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  254. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  255. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  256. val wasNull: CallableStatementIO[Boolean]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any


Constructors (Lifting)

Constructors (Primitives)

Typeclass Instances
