

package tresql

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ArrayResult[T <: RowLike] extends Result[T]

    Result with one row

  2. trait Cache extends CacheBase[tresql.QueryParser.Exp]

    Cache for parsed expressions

  3. trait CacheBase[E] extends AnyRef

  4. case class Column(idx: Int, name: String, expr: Expr) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class CompiledArrayResult[T <: RowLike] extends ArrayResult[T] with CompiledResult[T]

  6. trait CompiledResult[T <: RowLike] extends Result[T]

    is retured from

  7. trait CompiledRow extends RowLike with Typed

    is used as superclass for parameter type of

  8. class CompiledSelectResult[T <: RowLike] extends SelectResult[T] with CompiledResult[T]

  9. abstract class CoreTypes extends AnyRef

  10. trait DMLResult extends CompiledResult[DMLResult] with ArrayResult[DMLResult] with DynamicResult

  11. class DeleteResult extends DMLResult

  12. class DynamicArrayResult extends ArrayResult[DynamicArrayResult] with DynamicResult

  13. trait DynamicResult extends Result[DynamicRow] with DynamicRow

  14. trait DynamicRow extends RowLike with Dynamic

  15. class DynamicSelectResult extends SelectResult[DynamicRow] with DynamicResult

  16. class Env extends Resources with Metadata

  17. trait EnvProvider extends AnyRef

  18. sealed abstract class Expr extends () ⇒ Any with Ordered[Expr]

  19. class Functions extends AnyRef

  20. class InOutPar extends OutPar

    In out parameter box for callable statement

  21. class InsertResult extends DMLResult

  22. trait LogTopic extends AnyRef

  23. class Macros extends AnyRef

  24. trait Metadata extends TypeMapper

    Implementation of meta data must be thread safe

  25. class MissingBindVariableException extends RuntimeException

  26. trait ORT extends Query

    Object Relational Transformations - ORT

  27. class OutPar extends AnyRef

    Out parameter box for callable statement

  28. trait Query extends QueryBuilder with TypedQuery

  29. trait QueryBuilder extends EnvProvider with Transformer with Typer

  30. trait Resources extends AnyRef

  31. trait Result[+T <: RowLike] extends Iterator[T] with RowLike with TypedResult[T] with AutoCloseable

  32. trait RowLike extends Typed

  33. trait SelectResult[T <: RowLike] extends Result[T]

  34. class SimpleCache extends SimpleCacheBase[tresql.QueryParser.Exp] with Cache

    Cache based on java concurrent hash map

  35. class SimpleCacheBase[E] extends CacheBase[E]

  36. case class SingleValueResult[T](value: T) extends CompiledResult[SingleValueResult[T]] with ArrayResult[SingleValueResult[T]] with DynamicResult with Product with Serializable

  37. class TooManyRowsException extends RuntimeException

  38. trait Transformer extends AnyRef

  39. trait Typed extends AnyRef

  40. trait TypedQuery extends AnyRef

  41. trait TypedResult[+R <: RowLike] extends AnyRef

  42. trait Typer extends AnyRef

  43. class UpdateResult extends DMLResult

  44. class WeakHashCache extends WeakHashCacheBase[tresql.QueryParser.Exp] with Cache

    Cache based on scala WeakHashMap

  45. class WeakHashCacheBase[E] extends CacheBase[E]

Value Members

  1. object ArrayResult

  2. object CoreTypes extends CoreTypes

  3. object Env extends Resources

  4. object InOutPar

  5. object LogTopic

  6. object ORT extends ORT

  7. object OutPar

  8. object Query extends Query

  9. object QueryBuildCtx

  10. object QueryCompiler extends Compiler

  11. object QueryParser extends QueryParsers with ExpTransformer

  12. package compiling

  13. package dialects

  14. object implicits

  15. package java_api

  16. package macro_

  17. package metadata

  18. package parsing

  19. package result
