
final class Soft[+A](parser: Parser[A]) extends Soft0[A]
If we can parse this then that, do so,
if we fail that without consuming, rewind
before this without consuming.
If either consume 1 or more, do not rewind
class Soft0[A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


override def ~[B](that: Parser0[B]): Parser[(A, B)]
Definition Classes
override def *>[B](that: Parser0[B]): Parser[B]
Definition Classes
override def <*[B](that: Parser0[B]): Parser[A]
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def with1: Soft01[A]
If we can parse this then that, do so,
if we fail that without consuming, rewind
before this without consuming.
If either consume 1 or more, do not rewind
Inhertied from