


package dogs

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class DList[A] extends AnyRef


    A "difference list" - A List like structure with O(1) appends.

    A "difference list" - A List like structure with O(1) appends. Based on Data.DList, a Haskell library by Don Stewart.

  2. trait DListInstances extends AnyRef

  3. sealed abstract class Dequeue[A] extends AnyRef


    A Double-ended queue, based on the Bankers Double Ended Queue as described by C.

    A Double-ended queue, based on the Bankers Double Ended Queue as described by C. Okasaki in "Purely Functional Data Structures"

    A queue that allows items to be put onto either the front (cons) or the back (snoc) of the queue in constant time, and constant time access to the element at the very front or the very back of the queue. Dequeueing an element from either end is constant time when amortized over a number of dequeues.

    This queue maintains an invariant that whenever there are at least two elements in the queue, neither the front list nor back list are empty. In order to maintain this invariant, a dequeue from either side which would leave that side empty constructs the resulting queue by taking elements from the opposite side

  4. sealed trait DequeueInstances extends AnyRef

  5. sealed abstract class Diet[A] extends AnyRef


    Discrete Interval Encoding Tree (Diet).

    Discrete Interval Encoding Tree (Diet). It stores subsets of types having a total order, a predecessor and a successor function described by Enum[A]

    Diet is a binary search tree where each node contains a range of values and the set of all nodes is a set of disjoint sets.

    In the best case, when there are no "holes" in the stored set, the interval representation consists of just one single interval (node) and finding, inserting and deleting operations are O(1). In the worse case, where there are not two adjacent elements in the set, the representation is equivalent to a binary search tree.

  6. trait Enum[A] extends AnyRef


    Represent discrete operations that can be performed on A

  7. sealed abstract class Heap[A] extends AnyRef


    Binary Heap

    Binary Heap

    Normally, binary heaps are not common the functional environments since they implementationis based on mutable arrays. However, this implementation is purely functional, based on the VLADIMIR KOSTYUKOV paper.

    It is important to note that we can, in fact, to create the Binary Heap in order O(n) from a List using the function heapify.

  8. abstract class ISet[A] extends (A) ⇒ Boolean


    An intensional set, which is a set which instead of enumerating its elements as a extensional set does, it is defined by a predicate which is a test for membership.

  9. trait ISetInstances extends AnyRef

  10. sealed abstract class List[A] extends AnyRef


    Immutable, singly-linked list implementation.

    Immutable, singly-linked list implementation.

    This code is very similar to scala.List, with a few key differences:

    1. It does not expose any "unsafe" methods. 2. It is invariant, whereas scala.List is covariant. 3. It uses subtyping to differentiate non-emptiness.

    The types defined here are as follows:

    • List[A] represents a list of zero-or-more elements.
    • Nel[A] represents a list of one-or-more elements.
    • El[A] represents an empty list (exactly zero elements).

    (Every List[A] is either a Nel[A] or an El[A].)

    While it does not provide every single Scala collection method, it provides a decent number of them.

  11. sealed trait ListInstances extends ListInstances1

  12. trait ListInstances1 extends AnyRef

  13. class Map[K, V] extends AnyRef


    A tree based immutable Map.

  14. trait MapInstances extends AnyRef

  15. final case class Nel[A](head: A, _tail: List[A]) extends List[A] with Product with Serializable

  16. trait NelInstances extends NelInstances1

  17. trait NelInstances1 extends AnyRef

  18. sealed abstract class Option[A] extends AnyRef


    An optional value

    An optional value

    An Option[A] will either be a wrapped A instance (Some[A]), or a lack of underlying A instance (None[A]).

    Option[A] is isomorphic to the Option in the Scala standard library, however there are some differences between the two. This Option is invariant in A while the standard library Option is covariant. This Option does not expose an unsafe get operation to access the underlying A value (that may not exist) like the standard library version does. This Option does not come with an implicit conversion to Iterable (a trait with over a dozen super types).

  19. sealed trait OptionFunctions extends AnyRef

  20. trait OptionInstances extends OptionInstances1

  21. sealed class Range[A] extends AnyRef


    Represent a range [x, y] that can be generated by using discrete operations

  22. sealed abstract class Set[A] extends AnyRef


    An immutable, ordered, extesntional Set

    An immutable, ordered, extesntional Set

    This datastructure maintains balance using the [AVL]( algorithm.

  23. final case class Some[A](a: A) extends Option[A] with Product with Serializable

  24. sealed abstract class Streaming[A] extends Product with Serializable


    Streaming[A] represents a stream of values.

    Streaming[A] represents a stream of values. A stream can be thought of as a collection, with two key differences:

    1. It may be infinite; it does not necessarily have a finite length. For this reason, there is no .length method.

    2. It may be lazy. In other words, the entire stream may not be in memory. In this case, each "step" of the stream has instructions for producing the next step.

    Streams are not necessarily lazy: they use Eval[Streaming[A]] to represent a tail that may (or may not be) lazy. If now[A] is used for each tail, then Streaming[A] will behave similarly to List[A]. If Later[A] is used for each tail, then Streaming[A] will behave similarly to scala.Stream[A] (i.e. it will lazily-compute the tail, and will memoize the result to improve the performance of repeated traversals). If always[A] is used for each tail, the result will be a lazy stream which does not memoize results (saving space at the cost of potentially-repeated calculations).

    Since Streaming[A] has been compared to scala.Stream[A] it is worth noting some key differences between the two types:

    1. When the entire stream is known ahead of time, Streaming[A] can represent it more efficiencly, using now[A], rather than allocating a list of closures.

    2. Streaming[A] does not memoize by default. This protects against cases where a reference to head will prevent the entire stream from being garbage collected, and is a better default. A stream can be memoized later using the .memoize method.

    3. Streaming[A] does not inherit from the standard collections, meaning a wide variety of methods which are dangerous on streams (.length, .apply, etc.) are not present.

    4. scala.Stream[A] requires an immediate value for .head. This means that operations like .filter will block until a matching value is found, or the stream is exhausted (which could be never in the case of an infinite stream). By contrast, Streaming[A] values can be totally lazy (and can be lazily-constructed using Streaming.defer()), so methods like .filter are completely lazy.

    5. The use of Eval[Streaming[A]] to represent the "tail" of the stream means that streams can be lazily (and safely) constructed with Foldable#foldRight, and that .map and .flatMap operations over the tail will be safely trampolined.

Value Members

  1. object DList extends DListInstances

  2. object Dequeue extends DequeueInstances

  3. object Diet

  4. object El extends List[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

  5. object Enum

  6. object Heap

  7. object ISet extends ISetInstances

  8. object List extends ListInstances

  9. object Map extends MapInstances

  10. object Nel extends NelInstances with Serializable

  11. object None extends Option[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

  12. object Option extends OptionFunctions with OptionInstances

  13. object Predef

  14. object Range

  15. object Set

  16. object Streaming extends StreamingInstances with Serializable

  17. package syntax

