
Type members


sealed trait PropF[F <: ([_$1] =>> Any)]
An effectful property.
Effectful properties are ones in which each sample evaluates in a type constructor.
That is, instead of directly computing a result from a single sample of generated values,
the result is computed in some effect F[_] -- e.g., cats.effect.IO or scala.concurrent.Future.
A property which computes in an effect F[_] has the type PropF[F].
PropF[F] instances can be constructed for any effect which has a MonadError[F, Throwable] instance.
The most common way to construct PropF[F] values is by using one of the forAllF methods on
the PropF companion. These are analogous to Prop.forAll from ScalaCheck. When computing
the result of a single sample, F[Unit] values are treated as successes and any exceptions thrown
are treated as falsifications.
object PropF