

package rng

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class BurtleCompanion[G <: BurtleRot32] extends GeneratorCompanion[G, Array[Int]]

  2. final class BurtleRot2 extends BurtleRot32

    Bit-mixing random number generator based on rotations from Bob Burtle.

  3. final class BurtleRot3 extends BurtleRot32

    Bit-mixing random number generator based on rotations from Bob Burtle.

  4. abstract class BurtleRot32 extends IntBasedGenerator

    Bit-mixing random number generator based on rotations from Bob Burtle.

  5. final class Cmwc5 extends LongBasedGenerator

  6. class CycledFile extends Generator

  7. class Device extends Generator

  8. class Lcg32 extends IntBasedGenerator

  9. final class Lcg64 extends LongBasedGenerator

  10. class Marsaglia32a6 extends IntBasedGenerator

    Marsaglia "Weyl sequence" RNG with cycle length of 2192 - 232 from http://www.jstatsoft.org/v08/i14/paper.

  11. final class MersenneTwister32 extends IntBasedGenerator

    This is a 32-bit Scala implementation of MersenneTwister based on MT19937.

  12. final class MersenneTwister64 extends LongBasedGenerator

    This is a 64-bit Scala implementation of MersenneTwister based on MT19937-64.

  13. case class PcgSeed64(initState: Long, initSeq: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  14. class PcgXshRr64_32 extends IntBasedGenerator

    This is a Scala implementation of the PCG-XSH-RR-64/32 PRNG based on basic C implementation.

  15. class SecureJava extends IntBasedGenerator

  16. final class Serial extends LongBasedGenerator

  17. final class SyncGenerator extends Generator

  18. final class Well1024a extends IntBasedGenerator

    This is a Scala implementation of the Well1024a PRNG based on WELL1024a.

  19. final class Well19937a extends IntBasedGenerator

    This is a Scala implementation of the Well19937a PRNG based on WELL19937a.

  20. final class Well19937c extends IntBasedGenerator

    This is a Scala implementation of the Well19937c PRNG based on WELL19937a.

  21. final class Well44497a extends IntBasedGenerator

    This is a Scala implementation of the Well44497a PRNG based on WELL44497a.

  22. final class Well44497b extends IntBasedGenerator

    This is a Scala implementation of the Well44497b PRNG based on WELL44497a.

  23. final class Well512a extends IntBasedGenerator

    This is a Scala implementation of the Well512a PRNG based on WELL512a.

Value Members

  1. object BurtleRot2 extends BurtleCompanion[BurtleRot2]

  2. object BurtleRot3 extends BurtleCompanion[BurtleRot3]

  3. object Cmwc5 extends GeneratorCompanion[Cmwc5, Array[Long]]

  4. object CycledFile

  5. object Device

  6. object Lcg32 extends GeneratorCompanion[Lcg32, Int]

  7. object Lcg64 extends GeneratorCompanion[Lcg64, Long]

  8. object Marsaglia32a6 extends GeneratorCompanion[Marsaglia32a6, Array[Int]]

  9. object MersenneTwister32 extends GeneratorCompanion[MersenneTwister32, (Array[Int], Int)]

  10. object MersenneTwister64 extends GeneratorCompanion[MersenneTwister64, (Array[Long], Int)]

  11. object PcgXshRr64_32 extends GeneratorCompanion[PcgXshRr64_32, PcgSeed64]

  12. object SecureJava

  13. object Serial extends GeneratorCompanion[Serial, Long]

  14. object SyncGenerator

  15. object Utils

    This object provides helper functions used for seeding arrays of integers or longs.

  16. object Well1024a extends GeneratorCompanion[Well1024a, (Array[Int], Int)]

  17. object Well19937a extends GeneratorCompanion[Well19937a, (Array[Int], Int)]

  18. object Well19937c extends GeneratorCompanion[Well19937c, (Array[Int], Int)]

  19. object Well44497a extends GeneratorCompanion[Well44497a, (Array[Int], Int)]

  20. object Well44497b extends GeneratorCompanion[Well44497b, (Array[Int], Int)]

  21. object Well512a extends GeneratorCompanion[Well512a, (Array[Int], Int)]
