Class NashornMemoryWatcher

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NashornMemoryWatcher extends Object implements Runnable
The memory watcher is used to detect memory leaks. If the check interval is to low a high cpu impact is the consequence. if it is to high a program might swallow to much memory and a oom exception occurs.
Tobias Soloschenko
  • Constructor Details

    • NashornMemoryWatcher

      public NashornMemoryWatcher(NashornScriptCallable nashornScriptCallable, Future<Object> scriptTask, long wait, TimeUnit unit, long maxMemoryUsage, boolean debug, Writer errorWriter)
      Creates a new memory watcher
      nashornScriptCallable - the script callable to be watched
      scriptTask - the script task to get the thread of
      wait - how long to wait until the next check
      unit - unit until the next check
      maxMemoryUsage - how much memory should be used as a maximum
      debug - if debug is enabled
      errorWriter - the error writer to output some information
  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run()
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable