Class MultiFormatSerialDeserial

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MultiFormatSerialDeserial
    extends Object
    implements IWebSerialDeserial
    Object serializer/deserializer that supports multiple formats.
    andrea del bene
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiFormatSerialDeserial

        public MultiFormatSerialDeserial()
    • Method Detail

      • objectToResponse

        public void objectToResponse​(Object targetObject,
                                     WebResponse response,
                                     String mimeType)
        Description copied from interface: IWebSerialDeserial
        Write the object in input to the response converting it to a given MIME type.
        Specified by:
        objectToResponse in interface IWebSerialDeserial
        targetObject - the object instance to serialize to string.
        response - the response object.
        mimeType - the MIME type of the response.
      • requestToObject

        public <T> T requestToObject​(WebRequest request,
                                     Class<T> targetClass,
                                     String mimeType)
        Description copied from interface: IWebSerialDeserial
        Extract an instance of argClass form the request.
        Specified by:
        requestToObject in interface IWebSerialDeserial
        request - the request object.
        targetClass - the type of the object we want to extract.
        mimeType - the MIME type of the request.
        the object extracted from the request.
      • registerSerDeser

        public void registerSerDeser​(IWebSerialDeserial serialDeserial,
                                     String mimeType)
        Register a new serial/deserial for the given MIME type.
        serialDeserial - the serial/deserial to use with the given MIME type.
        mimeType - the MIME type we want to handle with the given serial/deserial.
      • isMimeTypeSupported

        public boolean isMimeTypeSupported​(String mimeType)
        Description copied from interface: IWebSerialDeserial
        Check if a given MIME type is handled.
        Specified by:
        isMimeTypeSupported in interface IWebSerialDeserial
        mimeType - the MIME type we want to check.
        true if the MIME type is supported, false otherwise.