Class MethodProperty

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MethodProperty
    extends GenericProperty

    A MethodProperty is a Property which is accessed through accessor methods (setX, getX). It is possible to have a MethodProperty which has only setter, only getter, or both. It is not possible to have a MethodProperty which has neither setter nor getter.

    • Method Detail

      • getAnnotations

        public List<Annotation> getAnnotations()
        Returns the annotations that are present on read and write methods of this property or empty List if there're no annotations.
        Specified by:
        getAnnotations in class Property
        the annotations that are present on this property or empty List if there're no annotations
      • getAnnotation

        public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation​(Class<A> annotationType)
        Returns property's annotation for the given type or null if it's not present. If the annotation is present on both read and write methods, the annotation on read method takes precedence.
        Specified by:
        getAnnotation in class Property
        Type Parameters:
        A - class of the annotation
        annotationType - the type of the annotation to be returned
        property's annotation for the given type or null if it's not present