Class MissingProperty

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MissingProperty
    extends Property
    A property that does not map to a real property; this is used when PropertyUtils.setSkipMissingProperties(boolean) is set to true.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MissingProperty

        public MissingProperty​(String name)
    • Method Detail

      • getAnnotations

        public List<Annotation> getAnnotations()
        Description copied from class: Property
        Returns the annotations that are present on this property or empty List if there're no annotations.
        Specified by:
        getAnnotations in class Property
        the annotations that are present on this property or empty List if there're no annotations
      • getAnnotation

        public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation​(Class<A> annotationType)
        Description copied from class: Property
        Returns property's annotation for the given type or null if it's not present.
        Specified by:
        getAnnotation in class Property
        Type Parameters:
        A - class of the annotation
        annotationType - the type of the annotation to be returned
        property's annotation for the given type or null if it's not present