Class BaseRepresenter

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class BaseRepresenter
    extends Object
    Represent basic YAML structures: scalar, sequence, mapping
    • Field Detail

      • representers

        protected final Map<Class<?>,​Represent> representers
        represent the class without its subclasses
      • nullRepresenter

        protected Represent nullRepresenter
        in Java 'null' is not a type. So we have to keep the null representer separately otherwise it will coincide with the default representer which is stored with the key null.
      • multiRepresenters

        protected final Map<Class<?>,​Represent> multiRepresenters
        represent class and its children with common code
      • representedObjects

        protected final Map<Object,​Node> representedObjects
        Keep references of already represented instances
      • objectToRepresent

        protected Object objectToRepresent
        object to create the Node for
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseRepresenter

        public BaseRepresenter()