Class Resolver

  • public class Resolver
    extends Object
    Resolver tries to detect a type by content (when the tag is implicit)
    • Field Detail

      • BOOL

        public static final Pattern BOOL
      • FLOAT

        public static final Pattern FLOAT
        The regular expression is taken from the 1.2 specification but '_'s are added to keep backwards compatibility
      • INT

        public static final Pattern INT
      • MERGE

        public static final Pattern MERGE
      • NULL

        public static final Pattern NULL
      • EMPTY

        public static final Pattern EMPTY

        public static final Pattern TIMESTAMP
      • VALUE

        public static final Pattern VALUE
      • YAML

        public static final Pattern YAML
      • yamlImplicitResolvers

        protected Map<Character,​List<org.yaml.snakeyaml.resolver.ResolverTuple>> yamlImplicitResolvers
    • Constructor Detail

      • Resolver

        public Resolver()
    • Method Detail

      • addImplicitResolvers

        protected void addImplicitResolvers()
      • addImplicitResolver

        public void addImplicitResolver​(Tag tag,
                                        Pattern regexp,
                                        String first)
      • addImplicitResolver

        public void addImplicitResolver​(Tag tag,
                                        Pattern regexp,
                                        String first,
                                        int limit)
        Add a resolver to resolve a value that matches the provided regular expression to the provided tag
        tag - - the Tag to assign when the value matches
        regexp - - the RE which is applied for every value
        first - - the possible first characters (this is merely for performance improvement) to skip RE evaluation to gain time
        limit - - the limit of the value to analyze. The limit is here only to fight the DoS attack when huge values are provided, and it may lead to slow pattern evaluation
      • resolve

        public Tag resolve​(NodeId kind,
                           String value,
                           boolean implicit)