Class ArrayUtils

  • public class ArrayUtils
    extends Object
    Array manipulation
    • Method Detail

      • toUnmodifiableList

        public static <E> List<E> toUnmodifiableList​(E[] elements)
        Returns an unmodifiable List backed by the given array. The method doesn't copy the array, so the changes to the array will affect the List as well.
        Type Parameters:
        E - class of the elements in the array
        elements - - array to convert
        List backed by the given array
      • toUnmodifiableCompositeList

        public static <E> List<E> toUnmodifiableCompositeList​(E[] array1,
                                                              E[] array2)
        Returns an unmodifiable List containing the second array appended to the first one. The method doesn't copy the arrays, so the changes to the arrays will affect the List as well.
        Type Parameters:
        E - class of the elements in the array
        array1 - - the array to extend
        array2 - - the array to add to the first
        List backed by the given arrays