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org.zalando.riptide.problem - package org.zalando.riptide.problem


problemHandling() - Static method in class org.zalando.riptide.problem.ProblemRoute
Produces a route that dispatches on the content type and recognises application/problem+json as well as application/x-problem+json and application/x.problem+json as problems and propagates them.
problemHandling(ThrowingConsumer<Exceptional, ? extends Exception>) - Static method in class org.zalando.riptide.problem.ProblemRoute
Produces a route that dispatches on the content type and recognises application/problem+json as well as application/x-problem+json and application/x.problem+json as problems and handles them given the supplied consumer.
problemHandling(ThrowingConsumer<Exceptional, ? extends Exception>, Route) - Static method in class org.zalando.riptide.problem.ProblemRoute
Produces a route that dispatches on the content type and recognises application/problem+json as well as application/x-problem+json and application/x.problem+json as problems and handles them given the supplied consumer.
problemHandling(Route) - Static method in class org.zalando.riptide.problem.ProblemRoute
Produces a route that dispatches on the content type and recognises application/problem+json as well as application/x-problem+json and application/x.problem+json as problems and propagates them.
ProblemRoute - Class in org.zalando.riptide.problem
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