


package odkl

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AutoAssembler extends Estimator[PipelineModel] with AutoAssemblerParams with DefaultParamsWritable


    Utility for automatically assembling columns into a vector of features.

    Utility for automatically assembling columns into a vector of features. Takes either all the columns, or a subset of them. For boolean, numeric and vector columns uses default vectorising logic, for string and collection columns applies nominalizers.

  2. trait AutoAssemblerParams extends HasColumnsSets with HasOutputCol with HasColumnAttributeMap


    Params for automatic feature-vector assembler.

  3. class BinaryClassificationEvaluator extends Evaluator[BinaryClassificationEvaluator]


    Simple evaluator based on the mllib.BinaryClassificationMetrics.

  4. class CRRSamplerEstimator extends Estimator[CRRSamplerModel] with DefaultParamsWritable with CRRSamplerParams


    Estimator is used to select the proper item sample rate to achive desired size of the resulting sample.

    Estimator is used to select the proper item sample rate to achive desired size of the resulting sample. Takes into consideration the source dataset size and the amount of valid for ranking lists (list with samples of different rank).

  5. class CRRSamplerModel extends Model[CRRSamplerModel] with DefaultParamsWritable with CRRSamplerParams with HasNetlibBlas


    Model applied as a transformer, but the resulting data set is not determenistic (each pass produces different results).

    Model applied as a transformer, but the resulting data set is not determenistic (each pass produces different results). Results must not be cached.

  6. trait CRRSamplerParams extends HasInputCol with HasGroupByColumns with HasLabelCol


    Follows ideas from Combined Regression and Ranking paper (

    Follows ideas from Combined Regression and Ranking paper (

    Can model pair-wise ranking task (sample pairs, substract features and label 1/0), can model point-wise regression, or can combine both by choosing whenever to sample single item or a pair.

  7. case class ClassPathExpression(filter: String, replacements: Array[(String, String)]) extends Product with Serializable

  8. class ColumnsExtractor extends Transformer with DefaultParamsWritable


    Used to extract a set of columns from the underlying data frame based on names and/or SQL expresions.

  9. class CombinedLinearModelUnwrappedFeatureSelector[M <: LinearModel[M], C <: CombinedModel[M, C]] extends GenericFeatureSelector[CombinedLinearModelUnwrappedFeatureSelector[M, C]] with ModelTransformer[C, CombinedLinearModelUnwrappedFeatureSelector[M, C]]

  10. abstract class CombinedModel[M <: ModelWithSummary[M], C <: CombinedModel[M, C]] extends Model[C] with ModelWithSummary[C] with HasDescriminantColumn with HasDirectTransformOption with HasPredictionCol with ForkedModelParams


    Base class for combined model holding a named map of nested models.

  11. class CompositScaleEstimator[M <: LinearModel[M], C <: CombinedModel[M, C]] extends ScalerEstimator[C]

  12. class CrossValidator[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]] extends ForkedEstimatorSameType[M, Int] with HasIsTestCol with HasFolds with MetricsExtractor with HasMetricsBlock


    Used to train and evaluate model in folds.

  13. abstract class DSVRGD[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]] extends Estimator[M] with SummarizableEstimator[M] with HasPredictionCol with HasFeaturesCol with HasLabelCol with HasRegParam with HasElasticNetParam with HasNetlibBlas with HasMaxIter with HasTol with HasCacheTrainData


    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 10.11.16.

    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 10.11.16.

    Implementation of a distributed version of Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient Descent. The idea is taken from - input dataset is partitioned and workers performs descent simultaneously updating own copy of the weights at each random point (following SGD schema). At the end of epoche data from all workers are collected and aggregated. Variance reduction is achieved by keeping average gradient from previous iterations and evaluating gradient at one extra point (average of all weights seen during previous epoche). The update rule is:

    w_new = w_old − η (∇f_i(w_old) − ∇f_i(w_avg) + g)

    TODO: Other variance reduction and step size tuning techniques might be applied.

    Requires AttributeGroup metadata for both labels and features, supports elastic net regularization and multiple parallel labels training (similar to MatrixLBFGS).

  14. abstract class DeVectorizedDSVRGD[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]] extends DSVRGD[M]


    Helper class for training single-label models.

  15. abstract class Evaluator[S <: Evaluator[S]] extends Transformer with HasLabelCol with HasPredictionCol


    Base class for evaluators.

    Base class for evaluators. It is expected that evaluators group data into some groups and then evaluate metrics for each of the groups.

  16. class ExponentialVectorDiscountTransformer extends Transformer with DefaultParamsWritable with HasGroupByColumns


    Created by eugeny.malyutin on 18.02.18.

    Created by eugeny.malyutin on 18.02.18.

    Transformer to implement exponential weighted discounting for vectors; Expects dataFrame with structure ( $"groupByColumns", $"timestamp", $"vector")

    Return dataFrame ( $"groupByColumns", $"timestamp", $"vector)

    $"timestamp" - last seen action timestamp for this $"identificator" $"vector" - summed actions. vector(0) is reserved for "aggregation" timestamp

  17. class ExtendedMultivariateOnlineSummarizer extends MultivariateOnlineSummarizer with Serializable with Logging


    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 30.12.15.

    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 30.12.15.

    Utility used for estimating extended stat for the set of vectors. In addition to mean, deviation and count estimates percentiles

  18. class FoldedFeaturesStatsAggregator[SelectingModel <: ModelWithSummary[SelectingModel] with HasWeights] extends Transformer with HasFeaturesSignificance with HasWeights with HasFeaturesCol


    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 29.11.16.

    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 29.11.16.

    This utility is used to perform external feature selection based on multi-fold evaluation and computing weights confidence intervals based on the weights from each fold.

  19. trait ForkSource[ModelIn <: ModelWithSummary[ModelIn], ForeKeyType, ModelOut <: ModelWithSummary[ModelOut]] extends AnyRef

  20. abstract class ForkedEstimator[ModelIn <: ModelWithSummary[ModelIn], ForeKeyType, ModelOut <: ModelWithSummary[ModelOut]] extends Estimator[ModelOut] with SummarizableEstimator[ModelOut] with ForkedModelParams with HasNumThreads


    Utility used to split training into forks (per type, per class, per fold).

    Utility used to split training into forks (per type, per class, per fold).


    Type of model produced by the nested estimator.


    Type of the resulting model. Does not have to be the same as ModelIn.

  21. abstract class ForkedEstimatorSameType[ModelIn <: ModelWithSummary[ModelIn], ForeKeyType] extends ForkedEstimator[ModelIn, ForeKeyType, ModelIn]


    Specific case of forked estimator which does not change the type of the underlying model.

  22. trait ForkedModelParams extends AnyRef

  23. class ForkedSparkEstimator[M <: ModelWithSummary[M] with MLWritable, E <: SummarizableEstimator[M] with MLWritable] extends Estimator[M] with SummarizableEstimator[M] with MLWritable


    This utility is used to support evaluation of the part of pipeline in a separate Spark app.

    This utility is used to support evaluation of the part of pipeline in a separate Spark app. There are at least three identified use cases: 1. Spark App with different settings for ETL and ML 2. Support for larger fork factor in segmented hyperopt (scale driver if it became a bootleneck) 3. Support for parallel XGBoost training (resolves internal conflict on the Rabbit part)

    Simple example with linear SGD and Zeppelin in yarn-client mode:

    // This estimator will start new Spark app from an app running in yarn-cluster mode
    val secondLevel = new ForkedSparkEstimator[LinearRegressionModel, LinearRegressionSGD](new LinearRegressionSGD().setCacheTrainData(true))
                // Match only files transfered with the app, re-point to the hdfs for faster start
                .withClassPathPropagation(".*__spark_libs__.*", ".+/" -> "hdfs://my-hadoop-nn/spark/lib/")
                // These files are localy available on all nodes
                .withClassPathPropagation("/opt/.*", "^/" -> "local://")
                // For convinience propagate configuration when working in non-interactive mode
                    // Enable log aggregation and disable dynamic allocation
                    "spark.hadoop.yarn.log-aggregation-enable" -> "true",
                    "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled" -> "false",
                    // These files might sneeak in when submited from Zeppelin, suppress them
                    "spark.yarn.dist.jars" -> "",
                    "spark.yarn.dist.files" -> "",
                    "spark.yarn.dist.archives" -> ""
                    "--num-executors", "1")
    // This estimator is will start neq Spark app from an interactive Zeppelin session
    val firstLevel = new ForkedSparkEstimator[LinearRegressionModel, ForkedSparkEstimator[LinearRegressionModel,LinearRegressionSGD]](secondLevel)
            // Propagate only odkl-analysiss jars, repoint to HDFS for faster start
            .withClassPathPropagation("/home/.*", ".+/" -> "hdfs://my-hadoop-nn/user/myuser/spark/lib/")
            // Do not propagate hell a lot of Zeppelin configs, rely on spark-defaults
                // Enable log aggregation and disable dynamic execution
                "spark.hadoop.yarn.log-aggregation-enable" -> "true",
                "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled" -> "false",
                // This is required to be able to start new spark apps from our app
                "spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.HADOOP_CONF_DIR" -> "/opt/hadoop/etc/hadoop/",
                // This is required to make sure Zeppelin does not full us the we are a Python app
                "spark.yarn.isPython" -> "false"
                "--num-executors", "1")
    val doubleForkedPipeiline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(
        new VectorAssembler()
            .setInputCols(Array("first", "second"))
  24. abstract class GenericFeatureSelector[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]] extends Model[M] with ModelWithSummary[M] with HasFeaturesCol

  25. trait HasBatchSize extends Params


    Used for evaluators with batch support

  26. trait HasCacheTrainData extends AnyRef


    For estimators capable of caching training data.

  27. trait HasClassesCol extends Params


    Adds parameter with column for instance classes.

  28. trait HasClassesWeights extends Params


    Adds parameter wot classes weights (defaults to 1.0)

  29. trait HasColumnAttributeMap extends AnyRef


    For vector assemblers used to provide better naming for metadata attrbiutes.

  30. trait HasColumnsSets extends Params


    Parameters for specifying which columns to include or exclude.

  31. trait HasDescriminantColumn extends Params


    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 30.11.16.

  32. trait HasDirectTransformOption extends Transformer


    Supplementary train used for optimization (moving transformation out of the execution plan into UDF)

  33. trait HasFeaturesSignificance extends AnyRef


    Block with information regarding features significance stat, produced during the features selection stage.

  34. trait HasFolds extends Params


    Adds parameters for folding - number of folds and name of column with fold number.

  35. trait HasGroupByColumns extends AnyRef


    For transformers performing grouping by a certain columns.

  36. trait HasIsTestCol extends Params


    Adds parameter with the name of test/train split column

  37. trait HasLossHistory extends AnyRef

  38. trait HasMetricsBlock extends AnyRef


    Metrics block is added by the evaluators.

  39. trait HasNetlibBlas extends AnyRef


    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 19.11.16.

    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 19.11.16.

    Utility for simplifying BLAS access.

  40. trait HasNumThreads extends AnyRef

  41. trait HasRegularizeLast extends Params


    Used to indicate that last weight should not be considered as a part of regularization (typically if it is the intercept)

  42. trait HasSortByColumns extends AnyRef


    For transformers performing sorting by a certain columns.

  43. trait HasTypeCol extends Params


    Adds parameter with column for instance type.

  44. trait HasWeights extends AnyRef


    Block produced by a models with concept of feature weights (eg.

    Block produced by a models with concept of feature weights (eg. linear models).

  45. class Interceptor extends Transformer with HasFeaturesCol with DefaultParamsWritable


    Adds extra column to features vector with a fixed value of 1.

    Adds extra column to features vector with a fixed value of 1. Can be used with any model.

  46. class IsotonicRegression extends regression.IsotonicRegression


    :: Experimental :: Isotonic regression.

    :: Experimental :: Isotonic regression.

    Currently implemented using parallelized pool adjacent violators algorithm. Only univariate (single feature) algorithm supported.

    Uses org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.IsotonicRegression.

    ODKL Patch: Used to inject our patched mllib implementation.

    @Since( "1.5.0" ) @Experimental()
  47. class JacksonParam[T] extends Param[T] with Logging


    ml.odkl is an extension to Spark ML package with intention to 1.

    ml.odkl is an extension to Spark ML package with intention to 1. Provide a modular structure with shared and tested common code 2. Add ability to create train-only transformation (for better prediction performance) 3. Unify extra information generation by the model fitters 4. Support combined models with option for parallel training.

    This particular file contains utility for serializing complex parameters using jackson (handles few types automatically which can not be handled by json4s)

  48. class LinearCombinationModel[N <: ModelWithSummary[N]] extends MultiClassCombinationModelBase[N, LinearCombinationModel[N]]


    Combination model which evaluates ALL nested model and combines results based on linear weights.

  49. class LinearDSVRGD extends DeVectorizedDSVRGD[LinearRegressionModel]


    Single-label linear regresion with DSVRGD

  50. abstract class LinearEstimator[M <: LinearModel[M], T <: LinearEstimator[M, T]] extends Predictor[Vector, T, M] with SummarizableEstimator[M] with LinearModelParams with HasWeights

  51. class LinearMatrixDSVRGD extends DSVRGD[LinearCombinationModel[LinearRegressionModel]]


    Multi-label linear regresion with DSVRGD

  52. abstract class LinearModel[M <: LinearModel[M]] extends PredictionModel[Vector, M] with DirectPredictionModel[Vector, M] with ModelWithSummary[M] with LinearModelParams with HasWeights

  53. trait LinearModelParams extends PredictorParams

  54. class LinearModelSignificantFeatureSelector[ResultModel <: LinearModel[ResultModel]] extends SignificantFeatureSelector[LinearModelUnwrappedFeatureSelector[ResultModel]]

  55. class LinearModelUnwrappedFeatureSelector[M <: LinearModel[M]] extends GenericFeatureSelector[LinearModelUnwrappedFeatureSelector[M]] with ModelTransformer[M, LinearModelUnwrappedFeatureSelector[M]]

  56. class LinearRegressionModel extends LinearModel[LinearRegressionModel]

  57. class LinearRegressionSGD extends LinearRegressor[LinearRegressionModel, GradientDescent, LinearRegressionSGD] with HasRegParam with HasTol with HasMaxIter with HasStepSize

  58. abstract class LinearRegressor[M <: LinearModel[M], O <: Optimizer, T <: LinearRegressor[M, O, T]] extends LinearEstimator[M, T] with DefaultParamsWritable with HasCacheTrainData

  59. class LinearScaleEstimator[M <: LinearModel[M]] extends ScalerEstimator[M]

  60. class LogisticDSVRGD extends DeVectorizedDSVRGD[LogisticRegressionModel]


    Multi-label logistic regresion with DSVRGD

  61. class LogisticMatrixDSVRGD extends DSVRGD[LinearCombinationModel[LogisticRegressionModel]]


    Multi-label logistic regresion with DSVRGD

  62. class LogisticRegressionLBFSG extends LinearRegressor[LogisticRegressionModel, LogisticRegressionLBFSG, LogisticRegressionLBFSG] with HasRegParam with HasTol with HasMaxIter with Optimizer with HasElasticNetParam with HasRegularizeLast with HasBatchSize

  63. class LogisticRegressionModel extends LinearModel[LogisticRegressionModel]

  64. class MLWrapper[M <: Model[M]] extends Estimator[MLWrapperModel[M]] with SummarizableEstimator[MLWrapperModel[M]]


    Utility used to bridge default spark ML models into our advanced pipelines.

    Utility used to bridge default spark ML models into our advanced pipelines. TODO: Provide summary extractors

  65. class MLWrapperModel[M <: Model[M]] extends Model[MLWrapperModel[M]] with ModelWithSummary[MLWrapperModel[M]]

  66. class MatrixLBFGS extends Estimator[LinearCombinationModel[LogisticRegressionModel]] with SummarizableEstimator[LinearCombinationModel[LogisticRegressionModel]] with PredictorParams with HasTol with HasMaxIter with HasRegParam with HasRegularizeLast with HasBatchSize with HasNetlibBlas


    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 24.03.16.

    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 24.03.16.

    Implementation for multi-class logistic regression training. In contrast to traditional notion of multi-class logistic regression this trainer produces one regression per each class. Internally treats all classes simultaneously using matrix-matrix multplication. Allows for L1-regularization (switches LBFGS to OWL-QN for that). Regularization strength is defined in terms of fraction of maximal feasible regularization (deduced using

  67. class MetadataParam extends Param[Metadata]


    Created by alexander.lutsenko on 20.09.16.

  68. class ModelSummary extends Serializable


    One of main extensions to the base concept of model - each model might return a summary represented by a named collection of dataframes.

  69. trait ModelTransformer[M <: ModelWithSummary[M], T <: ModelTransformer[M, T]] extends Model[T]


    In case if we can avoid certain stages used during training while predicting we need to propagate some changes to the model (eg.

    In case if we can avoid certain stages used during training while predicting we need to propagate some changes to the model (eg. unscale weights or remove intercept). Also useful for extending summary blocks (eg. during evaluation/cross-validation).

    This interface defines the logic of model transformation.

  70. trait ModelWithSummary[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]] extends Model[M] with MLWritable


    Model which has a summary.

    Model which has a summary. Includes support for reading and wirting summary blocks.

  71. class MultiClassCombinationModel[N <: ModelWithSummary[N]] extends MultiClassCombinationModelBase[N, MultiClassCombinationModel[N]]


    Combination model which evaluates ALL nested model and returns vector.

  72. abstract class MultiClassCombinationModelBase[N <: ModelWithSummary[N], M <: MultiClassCombinationModelBase[N, M]] extends CombinedModel[N, M] with HasClassesCol with HasPredictionCol with HasFeaturesCol


    Base class for models, evaluated per each class.

  73. class MultinominalExtractor extends Estimator[MultinominalExtractorModel] with MultinominalExtractorParams with DefaultParamsWritable


    Utility for converting columns with string or a set of stings into a vector of 0/1 with the cardinality equal to the number of unique string values used.

  74. class MultinominalExtractorModel extends Model[MultinominalExtractorModel] with MultinominalExtractorParams with DefaultParamsWritable


    Model produced by the multinominal extractor.

    Model produced by the multinominal extractor. Knows the predefined set of values and maps strings/set of strings to vectors of 0/1 with cardinality equal to amount of known values.

  75. trait MultinominalExtractorParams extends HasInputCol with HasOutputCol


    Parameters for multinominal feature extractor.

  76. class NaNToMeanReplacerEstimator extends Estimator[NaNToMeanReplacerModel] with NaNToMeanReplacerParams


    Estimates mean values ignoring NaN's

  77. class NaNToMeanReplacerModel extends Model[NaNToMeanReplacerModel] with NaNToMeanReplacerParams with DefaultParamsWritable


    Model used to replace values with pre-computed defaults before training/predicting.

  78. trait NaNToMeanReplacerParams extends HasInputCol with HasOutputCol


    Set of parameters for the replacer

  79. class NameAssigner extends Transformer with HasInputCols


    Assuming there is a metadata attached to a integer field can be used to replace ints with corresponding attribute names.

    Assuming there is a metadata attached to a integer field can be used to replace ints with corresponding attribute names. Used, for example in the validation pipeline to avoid attaching large strings to the validation results (eg. score/label descriptions) before the very end.

  80. class NullToDefaultReplacer extends Transformer with HasColumnsSets with DefaultParamsWritable


    Utility used to replace null values with defaults (zero or false).

  81. class NullToNaNVectorAssembler extends Transformer with HasInputCols with HasOutputCol with HasColumnAttributeMap with DefaultParamsWritable


    :: Experimental :: A feature transformer that merges multiple columns into a vector column.

    :: Experimental :: A feature transformer that merges multiple columns into a vector column.

    This class is a copy of VectorAssembler with two enhancements: support for nulls (replaced to NaNs) and pattern matching extracted from the inner loop.

  82. class PartitionedRankingEvaluator extends Evaluator[PartitionedRankingEvaluator] with HasOutputCol with HasGroupByColumns


    Evaluator used to compute metrics for predictions grouped by a certain criteria (typically by a user id).

    Evaluator used to compute metrics for predictions grouped by a certain criteria (typically by a user id). Materializes all the predictions for a criteria in memory and calculates multiple metrics. Can be used only for fine-grained grouping criteria. Supports mutli-label and multi-score cross evaluation (computes metrics for each label-score combinations if provided with vectors instead of scalars).

  83. trait PartitioningParams extends Params with HasSortByColumns


    Settings for partitioning, except the number of partitions.

    Settings for partitioning, except the number of partitions. Is extended by static and dynamic partitioners.

  84. class PipelinedFeatureSelector extends GenericFeatureSelector[PipelinedFeatureSelector]

  85. class PipelinedSignificantFeatureSelector extends SignificantFeatureSelector[PipelinedFeatureSelector]

  86. final class QuantileDiscretizer extends Estimator[Bucketizer] with QuantileDiscretizerBase with DefaultParamsWritable with HasInputCols with HasOutputCols


    QuantileDiscretizer takes a column with continuous features and outputs a column with binned categorical features.

    QuantileDiscretizer takes a column with continuous features and outputs a column with binned categorical features. The number of bins can be set using the numBuckets parameter. It is possible that the number of buckets used will be smaller than this value, for example, if there are too few distinct values of the input to create enough distinct quantiles. Since 2.3.0, QuantileDiscretizer can map multiple columns at once by setting the inputCols parameter. If both of the inputCol and inputCols parameters are set, an Exception will be thrown. To specify the number of buckets for each column, the numBucketsArray parameter can be set, or if the number of buckets should be the same across columns, numBuckets can be set as a convenience.

    NaN handling: null and NaN values will be ignored from the column during QuantileDiscretizer fitting. This will produce a Bucketizer model for making predictions. During the transformation, Bucketizer will raise an error when it finds NaN values in the dataset, but the user can also choose to either keep or remove NaN values within the dataset by setting handleInvalid. If the user chooses to keep NaN values, they will be handled specially and placed into their own bucket, for example, if 4 buckets are used, then non-NaN data will be put into buckets[0-3], but NaNs will be counted in a special bucket[4].

    Algorithm: The bin ranges are chosen using an approximate algorithm (see the documentation for org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameStatFunctions.approxQuantile for a detailed description). The precision of the approximation can be controlled with the relativeError parameter. The lower and upper bin bounds will be -Infinity and +Infinity, covering all real values.

    @Since( "1.6.0" )
  87. trait QuantileDiscretizerBase extends Params with HasHandleInvalid with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol


    Params for QuantileDiscretizer.

  88. class RegressionEvaluator extends Evaluator[RegressionEvaluator]


    Simple evaluator based on the mllib.RegressionMetrics.

    Simple evaluator based on the mllib.RegressionMetrics.

    TODO: Add unit tests

  89. abstract class ScalerEstimator[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]] extends Estimator[Unscaler[M]] with ScalerParams with DefaultParamsWritable


    This is a specific implementation of the scaler for linear models.

    This is a specific implementation of the scaler for linear models. Uses the ability to propagate scaling to the weights to avoid overhead when predicting.

  90. trait ScalerParams extends Params with HasFeaturesCol


    Scaler parameters.

  91. class SelectingModel[N <: ModelWithSummary[N]] extends CombinedModel[N, SelectingModel[N]] with HasTypeCol with HasFeaturesCol


    Selecting model applies exactly one model based on instance type and return its result.

  92. class SeriallizableAvlTreeDigest extends Serializer[SeriallizableAvlTreeDigest] with Serializable


    Serializable wrapper over the TDigest

    Serializable wrapper over the TDigest

  93. abstract class SignificantFeatureSelector[Filter <: GenericFeatureSelector[Filter]] extends Estimator[Filter] with SummarizableEstimator[Filter] with HasWeights with HasFeaturesCol with HasFeaturesSignificance

  94. class SqlFilter extends Transformer with DefaultParamsWritable


    Simple utility used to apply SQL WHERE filter

  95. trait SummarizableEstimator[M <: ModelWithSummary[M]] extends Estimator[M]


    Estimator with produces model with summary.

    Estimator with produces model with summary. Used to simplify chaining.

  96. class TopKTransformer[B] extends Transformer with DefaultParamsWritable with HasGroupByColumns


    Created by eugeny.malyutin on 20.07.17.

    Created by eugeny.malyutin on 20.07.17.

    Performs TopK-UDAF logic without annoying schema pack-unpack


    - raw type (Long for LongTyped-columns) for columnToOrderBy Ordering for this type should be defined

  97. class TopKUDAF[B] extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction with Logging


    Created by eugeny.malyutin on 24.06.16.

    Created by eugeny.malyutin on 24.06.16.

    UDAF designed to extract top-numRows rows by columnValue Used to replace Hive Window-functions which are to slow in case of all-df in one aggregation cell Result of aggFun is packed in a column "arrData" and need to be org.apache.spark.sql.functions.explode-d


    - type of columnToSortBy with implicit ordering for type B

  98. class UnwrappedStage[M <: ModelWithSummary[M], T <: ModelTransformer[M, T]] extends Estimator[M] with SummarizableEstimator[M]


    In case if we can avoid certain stages used during training while predicting we need to propagate some changes to the model (eg.

    In case if we can avoid certain stages used during training while predicting we need to propagate some changes to the model (eg. unscale weights or remove intercept). Also useful for extending summary blocks (eg. during evaluation/cross-validation).

    This class is used as a typical pipeline stage while training (fits and applies transformer, then calls the nested estimator), but it automatically eliminates itself from the resulting model by applying model transformer.

  99. class VectorExplode extends Transformer with DefaultParamsWritable


    Utility used to extract nested values from vectors into dedicated columns.

    Utility used to extract nested values from vectors into dedicated columns. Requires vector metadata and extracts names from where. Typically used as a final stage before results visualization.

  100. class VectorStatCollector extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasGroupByColumns with DefaultParamsWritable


    Utility used to collect detailed stat for vectors grouped by a certain keys.

    Utility used to collect detailed stat for vectors grouped by a certain keys. In addition to common stuff (mean, variance, min/max, norms) calculates percentiles as configured. Resulting dataframe contains only columns from the key and stat columns.

  101. case class WeightedFeature(index: Int, name: String, weight: Double) extends Product with Serializable


    Utility used for reporting single indexed feature weight.

  102. case class WeightsStat(stats: Array[WeightsStatRecord]) extends Product with Serializable

  103. case class WeightsStatRecord(index: Int, name: String, descriminant: String, average: Double, stdDev: Double, count: Long, significance: Double, isRelevant: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  104. class XGBoostRegressor extends Estimator[XGRegressionModelWrapper] with SummarizableEstimator[XGRegressionModelWrapper] with OkXGBoostRegressorParams with HasLossHistory with HasFeaturesSignificance with DefaultParamsWritable


    Light weight wrapper for DMLC xgboost4j-spark.

    Light weight wrapper for DMLC xgboost4j-spark. Optimizes defaults and provides rich summary extraction.

  105. class XGRegressionModelWrapper extends Model[XGRegressionModelWrapper] with ModelWithSummary[XGRegressionModelWrapper] with PredictorParams with OkXGBoostRegressorParams


Value Members

  1. object AutoAssembler extends DefaultParamsReadable[AutoAssembler] with Serializable


    Adds read logic

  2. object ColumnsExtractor extends DefaultParamsReadable[ColumnsExtractor] with Serializable


    Adds read ability.

  3. object CombinedModel extends MLReadable[PipelineStage] with Serializable

  4. object CompositScaleEstimator extends DefaultParamsReadable[CompositScaleEstimator[_, _]] with Serializable

  5. object CrossValidator extends DefaultParamsReadable[CrossValidator[_]] with Serializable

  6. object DSVRGD extends Serializable with HasNetlibBlas with HasLossHistory

  7. object Evaluator extends Serializable

  8. object ForkedEstimator extends Serializable


    Helper used to inject common task support with thread count limit into all forked estimators.

  9. object ForkedSparkEstimator extends MLReadable[ForkedSparkEstimator[_, _]] with Serializable

  10. object ForkedSparkEstimatorApp extends App with Logging

  11. object HasNetlibBlas extends Serializable

  12. object Interceptor extends DefaultParamsReadable[Interceptor] with Serializable

  13. object IsotonicRegression extends DefaultParamsReadable[IsotonicRegression] with Serializable

    @Since( "1.6.0" )
  14. object JacksonParam extends Serializable

  15. object LinearDSVRGD extends DefaultParamsReadable[LinearDSVRGD] with Serializable

  16. object LinearMatrixDSVRGD extends DefaultParamsReadable[LinearMatrixDSVRGD] with Serializable

  17. object LinearRegressionModel extends MLReadable[LinearRegressionModel] with Serializable

  18. object LinearRegressionSGD extends DefaultParamsReadable[LinearRegressionSGD] with Serializable

  19. object LinearScaleEstimator extends DefaultParamsReadable[LinearScaleEstimator[_]] with Serializable

  20. object LogisticDSVRGD extends DefaultParamsReadable[LogisticDSVRGD] with Serializable

  21. object LogisticMatrixDSVRGD extends DefaultParamsReadable[LogisticMatrixDSVRGD] with Serializable

  22. object LogisticRegressionLBFSG extends DefaultParamsReadable[LogisticRegressionLBFSG] with Serializable

  23. object LogisticRegressionModel extends MLReadable[LogisticRegressionModel] with Serializable

  24. object MLWrapperModel extends MLReadable[PipelineStage] with Serializable

  25. object MatrixLBFGS extends Logging with HasNetlibBlas with Serializable

  26. object MatrixUtils


    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 19.11.16.

    Created by dmitriybugaichenko on 19.11.16.

    Utility alowing access of certain hidden methods of Spark's mllib linalg

  27. object ModelWithSummary extends MLReadable[PipelineStage] with Serializable


    Helper for reading and writing models in a typed way.

  28. object MultinominalExtractor extends DefaultParamsReadable[MultinominalExtractor] with Serializable


    Adds read logic

  29. object MultinominalExtractorModel extends DefaultParamsReadable[MultinominalExtractorModel] with Serializable


    Adds read ability

  30. object NaNToMeanReplacerModel extends DefaultParamsReadable[NaNToMeanReplacerModel] with Serializable


    Adds support for reading.

  31. object NullToDefaultReplacer extends DefaultParamsReadable[NullToDefaultReplacer] with Serializable


    Adds read ability.

  32. object NullToNaNVectorAssembler extends DefaultParamsReadable[NullToNaNVectorAssembler] with Serializable

    @Since( "1.6.0" )
  33. object PartitionedRankingEvaluator extends Serializable

  34. object QuantileDiscretizer extends DefaultParamsReadable[QuantileDiscretizer] with Logging with Serializable

    @Since( "1.6.0" )
  35. object Scaler extends Serializable

  36. object SignificantFeatureSelector extends Serializable with Logging

  37. object SqlFilter extends DefaultParamsReadable[SqlFilter] with Serializable

  38. object UnwrappedStage extends Serializable

  39. object XGBoostRegressor extends DefaultParamsReadable[XGBoostRegressor] with Serializable

  40. object XGRegressionModelWrapper extends MLReadable[XGRegressionModelWrapper] with Serializable

  41. package hyperopt

  42. package texts

