Interface ChildProfileCredentialsProviderFactory

  • Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface ChildProfileCredentialsProviderFactory
    A factory for AwsCredentialsProviders that are derived from another set of credentials in a profile file. Currently this is used to allow a Profile configured with a role that should be assumed to create a credentials provider via the '', assuming STS is on the classpath.
    • Method Detail

      • create

        AwsCredentialsProvider create​(AwsCredentialsProvider sourceCredentialsProvider,
                                      Profile profile)
        Create a credentials provider for the provided profile, using the provided source credentials provider to authenticate with AWS. In the case of STS, the returned credentials provider is for a role that has been assumed, and the provided source credentials provider is the credentials that should be used to authenticate that the user is allowed to assume that role.
        sourceCredentialsProvider - The credentials provider that should be used to authenticate the child credentials provider. This credentials provider should be closed when it is no longer used.
        profile - The profile that should be used to load the configuration necessary to create the child credentials provider.
        The credentials provider with permissions derived from the source credentials provider and profile.